Semester II

Semester II
Unit 7
Pullman strike 1892
Grangers **
Panic of 1893
Crime of '73
Bland Allison Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
McKinley Tariff
Lochner v. New York & Mueller v. Oregon
Eugene V. Debs
John Dewey
Chautauqua Movement
Joseph Pulitzer
Richard Ely
"Frontier Thesis"
Pendleton Act
Grover Cleveland
James G. Blaine
Roscoe Conkling
Southern Alliance
Populist Party
Ignatius Donnelly
Coxey's Army
"Cross of Gold" speech
William Jennings Bryan
Election 1896
Mark Hanna
New Manifest Destiny
Josiah Strong
Pan-American Congress
de Lome letter
Teller Amendment
Treaty of Paris (1898)
Platt Amendment
Roosevelt Corollary and "dollar diplomacy"
Treaty of Portsmouth
USS Maine
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Foraker Act
Emilio Aguinaldo
"spheres of influence"
Boxer Rebellion
Yellow Press
Hay - Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Venezuela boundary dispute
"Gentlemen's Agreement"
John Hay
First and Second Open Door notes
Seward's Folly
Alfred Thayer Mahan
McKinley Tariff
Queen Liliuokalani and King Kalakaua
Valeriano Weyler
"reconcentration" camps
William Randolph Hearst-Joseph Pulitzer
Commodore George Dewey
Rough Riders
Downes v. Bidwell and the Insular Cases
United Mine Workers Strike
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Pinchot-Ballinger controversy
New Nationalism
"Bull Moose" party
New Freedom
Election of 1912
settlement houses
Lincoln Steffens
city-manager plan
initiative, referendum, and recall
direct primary
Eugene Debs
I.W.W. - Wobblies
Herbert Croly
17th, 18th, 19th Amendments
Northern Securities Case
Square Deal
Hepburn Rail Road Regulation Act
Panic of 1907
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Clayton Antitrust Act
Keating-Owen Act
Robert La Follette
Ashcan painters
Federal Reserve Act
Election of 1912
Unit 8
Victoriano Huerta
Venustiano Carranza--Pancho Villa
John Pershing
Sussex Pledge
"unrestricted submarine warfare"
Zimmermann Telegram
War Industries Board headed by Bernard Baruch
George Creel and his Committee of Public Information
Wilson's Fourteen Points
Treaty of Versailles
"strong reservationists"
Henry Cabot Lodge
Charles E. Hughes
Election of 1916
National War Labor Board
Herbert Hoover
Espionage Act
Louis B. Brandeis
Missionary diplomacy--dollar diplomacy
Palmer Raids
Red Scare
Sacco and Vanzetti
Marcus Garvey
Immigration quotas
Monkey trial--John T. Scopes
Teapot Dome
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Dawes Plan-Young Plan
"welfare capitalism"
McNary-Haugen Bill
Margaret Sanger
The "Lost Generation"
Andrew Mellon
Good Neighbor Policy
Stimson Doctrine
Charles Lindbergh
Farm Block
Albert B. Fall
Harlem Renaissance
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Bonus Army
Washington Armament Conference
Good Neighbor Policy
Unit 9
Fireside chats
National Recovery Act (N.R.A.)
John Maynard Keynes
"Brain Trust"
Harry Hopkins
Agricultural Adjustment Act (A.A.A.)
Francis E. Townsend
Father Charles Coughlin
Huey P. Long
"Share Our Wealth"
Rural Electrification Administration
Alfred M. Landon
Hugo Black
Schechter v. N.R.A.--"sick chicken case"
Fair Labor Standards Act
Holding Company Act
"soak the rich"
Wagner Act
Social Security Act
Works Progress Administration
Court-packing plan
Frances Perkins
Union Party
John L. Lewis
Harold Ickes
Election of 1932
Election of 1936
Congressional election of 1938
Henry Wallace
Roosevelt Recession
First and Second 100 days
National Industrial Recovery Act
Tennessee Valley Authority
Civilian Conservation Corp
Raymond Moley
Rexford Tugwell
Neutrality Act
Nye Committee
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939
Munich Conference**
"destroyers for bases" deal
Executive Order 9066
Hirabayashi v. United States
Korematsu v. United States
Japanese-American relocation
War Production Board
Manhattan Project
war bonds
Thomas E. Dewey
Election of 1940
Wendell Willkie
USS Greer
Uncle Joe Stalin
Casablanca Conference
Yalta Conference
Mao Tse-tung
Chiang Kai-shek
George F. Kennan
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Berlin blockade
Fair Deal
Taft-Hartley Act
Election of 1948
38th Parallel
Truman-MacArthur controversy
Joseph McCarthy
House Un-American Activities Committee
Alger Hiss
Eisenhower Doctrine
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Brown v. Board of Education
‘Kitchen Debate’
‘Checker¹s Speech’
New Frontier
Martin Luther King
Bay of Pigs invasion
Cuban missile crisis
Lee Harvey Oswald
Unit 10
Great Society
1964 Civil Rights Act
Economic Opportunity Act
Black Power
Cesar Chavez
Betty Friedan
Alfred C. Kinsey
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
‘hawks’ & ‘doves’
Domino theory
Eugene McCarthy
Robert Kennedy
George Wallace
Spiro Agnew
"price and wage control"
Kent State
Henry Kissinger
George McGovern
Ervin Committee
Oil embargo
Watergate tapes
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Roe v Wade
SALT II Treaty
Camp David Agreement
Iranian hostage crisis
Supply-side economics
Iran-Contra Scandal
Walter Mondale
Geraldine Ferraro
Moral Majority
Election of 1980
Election of 1988