
Unit 3 Review – Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Monroe: The Greatest Generation
As always, review your reading notes!
George Washington
The Man (character, honor,
A Virginian
Married life
Private life (wealthy)
The General (loyalty of troops,
his approach to war)
- The President
Alexander Hamilton
As Officer
As Treasury Secretary
“Citizen” Genet
How he caused trouble, for US
What happened to him
John Adams
- Bio
- Service during Am. Rev
- Diplomatic Service
- As VP
- President Adams
Thomas Jefferson
- Renaissance Man
- Author, Declaration of Ind.
- Hypocrite vs. Man of times
- Beliefs in governance
- Beliefs, for America
President: how governed?
Chief Justice John Marshall
Places & Policies
Challenges facing Washington
Hamilton’s Tax Policy
Revenue tariff
Protective tariff
Excise tax
Washington’s Foreign Policy (what
was his goal of FA?)
France: impact of Fr. Rev
Great Britain: Remaining
issues from Amer. Rev
- Spain: issues between US,
Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
Jay’s Treaty (resolution of Am. Rev.
Pinckney’s Treaty (effects)
Adam’s Foreign Policy (goal?)
- France (why angered by Jay’s
Treaty? Result?)
Adam’s Domestic Affairs
- Alien-Sedition Laws
State nullification of Federal Law
under Compact Theory
TJ’s Foreign Policy
- Barbary Pirates
- Louisiana Purchase
TJ’s Domestic Policy
- Midnight judges challenged
- Result: Marbury vs. Madison
TJ’s 2nd Term Foreign Policy
- Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
- British Orders in Council
French Berlin & Milan
TJ’s response: Embargo Act
Presidential Election of 1789
Newburgh Conspiracy
Washington’s Cabinet (members)
Assumption Controversy
Bank of the United States (BUS)
Whiskey Rebellion (cause; effects;
precedent set)
Washington’s Farewell Address
Evolution of American Political
Election of 1796 (significance?
XYZ Affair
- Scandal itself (what happened)
Distrust of Jefferson towards
negotiators: why?
- Impact of releasing story?
Quasi War between France, US
What happened?
How resolved?
Effects of Quasi-War?
Alien-Sedition Laws
- Know each of the 4 laws
- Public reaction to A-S laws
- Response of D-Rs / Jefferson?
- A-S laws in action
- Consequences of A-S laws
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Compact Theory
1800 Election (why so nasty? Effect?
Result of election? What outcome?
12th Amendment (how it worked)
“Midnight Appointments
James Madison
- Bio
- Nickname
Private life & Dolly Madison
- Switched parties; why?
- President Madison
“War Hawks”
Commodore Oliver Perry
- Famous saying
Francis Scott Key & the Star Spangled
Andrew Jackson
President Madison & the BUS
- Why did he bring it back?
1815 as a turning point in American
Louisiana Purchase
- Reasons for French sale
- Jefferson’s dilemma
Lewis & Clark Expedition (1805-06)
Election of 1804
Burr Conspiracy
- Who was Aaron Burr
- Hatred of Hamilton
- The Duel
- Aftermath for Burr
Embargo Act
Non-Intercourse Act
War of 1812 (nick name)
- Why was US not ready?
- Causes of War
Election of 1812
Hartford Convention (what was it;
Treaty of Ghent (terms)
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Treaty Line of 1818
Battle of New Orleans