AP Language & Comp- Schedule for the week of Oct. 5th, 2015

AP Language & Comp- Schedule for the week of Oct. 5th, 2015
Monday- Oct. 5
-Quiz on set 2 of Rhetorical Devices
-Work on worksheet for set 3 of Rhetorical Devices
HWK- Choose an essay or speech for your rhetorical analysis paper
Tuesday- Oct. 6
-Review worksheet for set 3 of Rhetorical devices
-Go over set 2 quiz
HWK- Choose an essay or speech for your rhetorical analysis paper
Wednesday- Oct. 7
-Discussion of rhetorical analysis paper assignment and rubric
-Begin annotation of speech/essay
HWK- Study for final quiz Friday
-Annotate your speech or essay for Friday, submit a SOAPS overview, and have a
working thesis ready to submit to me at the beginning of class on Friday.
Thursday- Oct. 8
-Discuss Obama’s “Osama bin Laden” speech and submitted paragraphs
-Discuss Chavez responses and come up with a list of “Dos” for writing a successful
timed rhetorical analysis essay
HWK- Study for final quiz Friday
-Annotate your speech or essay for Friday, submit a SOAPS overview, and have a
working thesis ready to submit to me at the beginning of class on Friday.
Friday- Oct. 9
-Quiz on set 3 of rhetorical devices
-Finish discussion from yesterday if time allows
-HWK-Work on rhetorical analysis essay (Due Thursday, Oct. 15)
Tuesday- Oct. 13
-Timed rhetorical analysis AP exam question (Final test of unit 1)
Wednesday- Oct. 14-Begin Unit 2