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Ohio Graduation Test for Mathematics – March 2005
Annotated Item 9
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Standard: Number, Number Sense and Operations
Benchmark: H. Find the square root of perfect squares, and approximate the square root of
non-perfect squares.
Multiple Choice Question:
Jane has determ ined that 16 9 < x < 196. W hat must be true about
x < 14
13 <
84.5 <
x < 98.0
338 <
x < 392
28,561 <
x < 38,416
This multiple-choice question asks students to take the square root of a number to estimate its
value. The response indicates the value of a number when the number is between 169 and 196
by taking the square root of these numbers.
The square root of 169 is 13 and the square root of 196 is 14. Therefore, the value of the square
root of x must be between 13 and 14, answer choice A.. In answer choice B 169 and 196 were
divided by 2, in choice C 169 and 196 were multiplied by 2 and in choice D 169 and 196 were
squared, each leading to incorrect responses.
This question is classified as Moderate Complexity as the task requires the student to compare
statements and determine their validity in relationship to the requirements in the question.
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students selecting answer choice A for question 9 on the March
2005 Ohio Graduation Test was 64%.
Keywords: square root, square number
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 05