
Name: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Number: _____
Ohio Geography
Review Sheet
Thinking About Vocabulary
Write the word or phrase from the list next to the best match for the description.
raw materials
river basin
natural resource
1. ______________________
Land that is drained by a river and the river’s tributaries
2. ______________________
Something found in nature that people can use
3. ______________________
The place where a river begins
4. ______________________
Something found in nature that can be changed into something
useful or valuable
5. ______________________
Hills, plains, plateaus, and other land shapes
Thinking About Facts
TTQA and answer each question in a complete sentence.
1. Name three states that share a border with Ohio.
2. What is pollution?
3. Name the two main landform regions in Ohio.
4. Why is water an important natural resource?
5. What is the Ohio Divide?
Think and Write
Describe the Ohio River. Try to include the location, size, source, mouth, and origin of its name.