13.1 The Psychoanalytic Perspective 13.1.1 1. Name 5

13.1 The Psychoanalytic Perspective
1. Name 5 characteristics that you would ideal in your future college roommate’s personality?
2. What percentage of you grade has read or watched the Lord of the Rings? Why do you think
Myers uses this example?
3. Explain clearly the two historically significant perspectives
in personality?
1. Define: personality; Free association, Psychoanalysis, and Unconscious
2. Copy and fill in: Some of these thoughts we store temporarily in a ________ area, from which
we can ______ them into conscious awareness.
Copy and fill in: Freud was the mass of unacceptable passions and thoughts that he believed
we ______, or forcibly block from our ________ because they would be too unsettling to
Draw and understand figure 13.1 (iceberg)
Discuss Manifest and Latent Content of a dream and describe a dream that you have had that
can help personalize the material?
Define: id’s, ego, and superego
7. Describe the cartoon with the ATM example
8. Draw Table 13.1 including all stages and focus into your notes and make up an acronym to help
you memorize the stages9. Define erogenous zones; phallic stage, electra complex
10. Define: Psychosexual stages, Oedipus complex, identification, gender identity and fixate
11. Understand: erogenous zones, phallic stage, electra complex, and gender identity
12. Define- defense mechanism
13. Define and understand all 7 defense mechanisms with examples from the text (Be thorough)
1. Who are neo-Freudians? In what two ways did they disagree with Freud? Do you agree with
Freud or the neo- Freudians on their critiques?
2. What did Alfred Adler and Karen Horney believe about childhood compared to Freud?
3. What did they agree with Freud and what did they disagree Freud and why?
4. Explain “penis envy”
5. What did Carl Jung believe? (Hint Discuss Collective unconscious)
6. Explain Westin’s findings on Freud’s contribution to Psychodynamic Theory?
1. Copy and fill in: Personality assessment ___ are useful to those who study personality or
provide _____.
Define and understand: Projective tests, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
What is the Rorschach inkblot test and what is it used for?
What do you see in figure 10.3?
1. Name 4 recent research discoveries that contradict many of Freud’s specific ideas?
Give 2 studies on both sides of the argument that repression is a myth (BE COMPLETE)
What does Anthony Greenwald believe we should about Freud’s view?
Name 5 pieces of evidence that clearly show the power of the unconscious?
What is the false consensus effect and what did Freud call it?
Define Terror-management theory and give 3 pieces of evidence that show it is not pro-social?
Name 3 pieces of evidence that show when faced with death we tend to be pro- social?
Explain the disconnect regarding Freud’s view inside the field of psychoanalysis compared to
Hollywood’s portrayal according to Seligman?
13.2 The humanistic perspective
1. What are humanistic Psychologists doing in contrast to Freud’s Study of the base motives of
“sick” people?
2. Who offered the Third-force Perspective, and what did it emphasized?
1. Define Self-Actualization and self-transcendence
2. Who did Maslow study to develop his ideas compared to trouble clinical cases?
3. What were the similar qualities that Maslow discovered about Abraham Lincoln, Thomas
Jefferson, and Eleanor Roosevelt?
4. What are peak experiences?
5. What are the characteristics of people who have mature adult qualities?
6. Copy and fill in: “Maslow’s work with _____ ______ led him to speculate that those likely to
become _____-_______ adults were likable and caring.”
1. What did Rogers agree with Maslow’s work? Do you agree?
2. Copy and fill in: Rogers believed that a growth-promoting ______ required three conditions—
_______, _________, and ______.
3. What did Rogers think about how to nurture someone’s growth? What must be done?
4. Define: unconditional positive regard
5. What type of attitude is “unconditional positive regard”
6. What is “being empathetic” and what must you do to be empathic?
7. How often Do we actually listen with real understanding and true empathy?
8. What is the most potent force of change according to Rogers?
9. What are the Water sun and Nutrients that enable people to grow into trees? Why is this?
10. What occurs if a person is empathically heard?
11. According to the story Alice told, What is the ”secret of life”? What do you think of this?
12. Define self-concept
13. What happens if our self-concept is positive?
14. What happens if our self –concept is negative?
1. Copy and fill in: Rogers, asked people to describe themselves both as they would ______ like to
be and as they _____ are.
2. Copy and fill in: Some ______ psychologists believed that any standardized assessment of
personality, even a questionnaire, is __________.
3. What do humanistic psychologists presume are better ways of knowing a person better than
just having them respond in narrow categories?
1. ______’s and ______’s ideas have influenced counseling, education, child-rearing, and
2. Have Humanistic Psychologist’s message been heard by today’s world? Why?
3. What is the first criticism that people say of the humanistic perspective?
4. What would the theorist who began with heroes such as Napoleon, Rockefeller SR, and Dick
Cheney think about self-actualizing people?
5. How is individualism encouraged by humanistic psychology? What can individualism lead to?
6. What is the first step towards loving other according to Humanistic Psychologists?
7. The final accusation, why do people think Humanistic Psych is NAÏVE? What do you think?
13.3 The Trait Perspective
1. Define Traits (in intro)
2. What did Allport do that Freud did not do?
3. How did Allport define Personality? Do agree with his thoughts, why?
4. What is the MBTI? How many people take it a year?
5. What is the criticism of the MBTI? Is it still being used?
1. What is factor analysis?
2. Copy the footnote of the Jon Stewart picture.
1. How can we reduce many of our normal individual variation to 2 or 3 dimensions according the
Eysenck pair?
2. Discuss Extraversion-introversion.
3. Discuss Emotional stability and instability
4. What do the Eysencks believe about these factors? Do you agree?
5. Sketch Understand figure 13.4
6. Why do extraverts seek stimulation? How do the studies show this?
7. Discuss how differences in children’s shyness and inhibition have been attributed to their
autonomic nervous system reactivity.
8. Copy and fill in: “In lean years, bold birds are more likely to find food; in abundant years, shy
birds feed with less risk”
9. How is this bird example related to humans?
1. Copy and fill in: “Some profile a person’s _______ patterns—often providing quick _________ of
a single ____, such as _______, _______, or ____-______.”
2. Define Personality Inventories
3. What is the MMPI. What does this assessment illustrate?
4. What are the scales assessing In the MMPI-2?
5. Define Empirically Derived
6. What is a flaw of the MMPI when given to a worker to assess their position?
7. What scale is supposed to assess this and show that they may have been lying?
1. What do todays trait researchers believe of simple trait factors?
2. How is this different that the Eysenchk’s?
3. What is the slightly expanded set of factors dubbed?
Copy and understand figure 13.2
Do you believe in Horoscope’s?
What is the common error that graphologist make?
What are the three techniques used to trick people into believing you (mind readers, palm
readers, astrologers) Explained throughout section
What is the Barnum Effect?
What is the quote that describes this? Do you believe in horoscopes now?
Why do people not recognize that the reading is not ONLY for them but for everyone?
“Do the Big Five traits predict other personal attributes?”
1. Michel de Montaigne, “There is as much difference between us and ourselves, as between us
and others.” What is this quote trying to explain?
2. What is your view of Personality traits after seeing those of J.R.R Tolkien and Pirandello?
3. Discuss person situation controversy
4. What must we do if we are to consider friendliness a trait?
5. Can a person’s personality change over time? What might happen to show this?
6. Sketch figure 13.5
7. Copy and fill in: “Although our personality _____ may be both stable and potent, the consistency
of our specific ______ from one situation to the next is another matter.”
8. What did Walter Mischel Point out?
9. Is the situation influence what your personality is or how you act?
10. Copy and fill in: “people’s _____ outgoingness, happiness, or carelessness over _____ situations
is _________.”
11. What are the four things we look at when rating someone’s shyness or agreeableness, why do
you think we look at these four things.
12. How do people act in unfamiliar, formal situations? Are the inconsistent?
13. Some people are naturally expressive while others are naturally less expressive. What are you?
14. Copy and fill in: “__________ people, even when feigning __________, were _____ expressive
than __________ people acting _______.”
15. How can a quick change of the situation influence a person’s behavior?
16. “Traits exist. We differ. And our differences matter.” What do you think about this quote?
13.4 The social cognitive Perspective
Define social cognitive perspective (in intro).
Who proposed Social cognitive perspective on personality?
What do Social cognitive theorist emphasize?
Define reciprocal determinism
Copy and understand figure 13.6
What are the three specific ways individuals interact?
How are these related to your life?
Copy and fill in: “At every _____, our ______ is influenced by our _____, our social and
cultural ______, and our _______ and dispositions
Copy figure 13,7
10. Copy the under script of figure 13.7
Define personal control
What are the two basic ways to study the effect of personal control?
Define External and internal locus of control
According to studies by Julian Rotter, who is happier with their life? Internals of Externals?
What is self-control?
What can you do as a student that lowers your risk for depression?
How does the simple act such as eating a cookie increase a person’s performance?
Copy and fill in: “In the ___ run, ____-____ requires ____ and _____”
What often happens when we perceive someone who is oppressed as external?
10. Define Learned helplessness (from 1st semester final)
11. Copy figure 13.8
12. What occurred in the famous study of nursing home patients?
13. How important is having control of your own life to your happiness level? Why?
14. Copy and fill in” Under conditions of personal _____ and __________, people ______.”
15. What does tyranny of choice do?
16. What is attribution style?
17. How is this correlated to Students and their grades? Where do most of Deerfield’s students
fit in this?
18. What is positive psychology?
19. Discuss the three pillars, and explain each pillar
20. How is optimism and Health related?
21. What can excessive optimism to do us? And why is a little realism benefit for us?
22. What is this quote an example of? “I didn’t think it could happen to me.”
23. Earvin “Magic” Johnson, My Life, 1993 (after contracting HIV
24. What is the “ignorance of one’s own incompetence” phenomenon?
25. Why do low scoring students think they did better than they actually did on an exam?
26. What is the best way to improve yourself? (hint besides asking yourself)
Copy and fill in “_______-______ psychologists explore how people _____ with
Understand the caption of donald’s picture.
How do colleges asses potential faculty members? Why is this way effective?
How important are one’s past behavior patternes in similar situations when assessing
them on something?
Copy and fill in: “The _____-______ perspective on personality sensitizes researchers to
how situations ____, and are _______ by, individuals.”
What do critics say about the social-cognitive perspective? Do you agree with them?13.5 Exploring
the Self
13.5 Exploring the Self
1.how far back does psychology’s concern with peoples sense go back? How was the psychologies
who studied it?
Define self and Spotlight effect
What did Hazel Markus and her colleagues put for in the study about self?
What did the University of Michigan example prove about what dreams can do?
4. “The first step to better times is to imagine them.” Do YOU think that this would be helpful?
2. Understand Possible selves figure
Copy and fill in: “Our self-focused _________ may ______ us, but it can also lead us to
presume _____ readily that others are ______ and ______ us.”
Define Self esteem
What do people who feel good enough benefit from this?
Copy and fill in “_____ self-esteem sometimes _____ tomorrow’s achievements.”
What is figure trying to explain.
What are the down sides of having a low self esteem? (examples)
Define Self-Serving Bias
What did Carl Rogers object to about one’s self?
Explain why People accept more responsibility for good deeds than for bad, and for successes
than for failures.
Explain why Most people see themselves as better than average.
Do these events ever occur in your life?
What is this quotes explaining “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.
What did John Powell write about self serving bias?
What two things do people with large egos do?
How does this affect Wars in today’s world?
What is the Dark side of high self esteem? THINK have you ever witnessed it?
Are people with high self-esteem more aggressive or less aggressive than those with low?
What happens when we compare ourselves to others, and they seem superior?
Does this happen to everyone?
What are the two types of self esteem? What do researchers do to prevent bias in studies to
decipher the effects of the two?