Chapter Fifteen – Personality Feb 25th (A) and Feb 26th (B) Feb 27th (A)and Feb 28th (B) Mar. 1st (A) and March 4th (B) March 5th – ACT Day No class Mar. 6th (B) and March 7th (A) March 14th (B) and March 15th (A) Freud, The Psychoanalytic Perspective and Personality The Unconscious Id, Ego, and Superego Freud’s psychosexual Stages o Examine personality and behaviors if one is fixated in a stage Defense Mechanisms and how they are used to protect the ego from anxiety and threatening thoughts Measuring and Detecting the Unconscious Free Association, Dream Interpretation Projective Tests Neo-Freudian Theorists Alfred Adler Karen Horney Carl Jung Criticisms of Freud Discussion on the lack of empirical evidence for Freud – how does this affect the validity and reliability of his theory The Humanistic Perspective and Personality Maslow’s Self-Actualization Carl Roger’s Person Centered Theory o Importance of developing a self-concept Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy, Genuine People Criticism of the humanistic perspective Behaviorist Perspective and Personality How does the environment affect our behavior? Biological Perspective and Personality William Sheldon’s Somatotype Theory Criticism of the biological perspective Trait Perspective Nomothetic Approaches o Eyesenck o Cattell’s 16 PF o The Big 5 Personality Traits (OCEAN) o Myers – Brigg o MMPI Idiographic Approach o Gordon Allport and Cardinal Dispositions Criticisms of the Trait Perspective Social Cognitive Perspective Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism Self-efficacy Internal vs. External Locus of Control Chapter 15 Assessment (Multiple Choice) Introduction to Ch. 16 Identifying a psychological disorder Criterion for psychological disorders Using the DSM Paper Assignment watch movie of your choosing– apply each perspective to two characters in the movie. Write a detailed essay that describes the character’s personality and development from the viewpoints of the following theorists and their perspectives – Skinner, Freud, Bandura, Pgs. 595 – 599 Learning Objectives 3 and 4 Pgs. 599 – 609 AND Learning Objective 6 Pgs. 609 – 619 AND learning Objective 7 AND complete MyersBriggs Personality Test online. Search these exact words to find test. Bring in a printed copy of your results. ACT class…A Day students need to work on notecards that are due for Notecards due` Paper Assignment due: March 14th (B) and March 15th (A) Maslow/Rogers, Eyesenck/Myers-Brigg, Sheldon, Piaget, and Erikson