Third Year German Summer Exam Revision 2011

Third Year German - Summer Exam 2011 Revision List
 Personal Details – name, age etc.
 Countries and where you live
 Family – brothers, sisters, other relatives
 Numbers to 100
 Dates, birthdays, months, years
 Classroom Objects
 Simple descriptions - adjectives
 Alphabet
 Time and Days of the Week
 Likes/Dislikes and use of gern
 Pets
 Hobbies, Sports, Music
 Where you live
 School, subjects, timetables, opinions
 Colours
 Daily Routine – how often and when
 Present Tense of verbs
 Irregular verbs – sein and haben
 Irregular verbs*
 Separable Verbs
 Position of Verbs
 Asking Questions
 Genders
 Ein/eine/einen etc.
 Compound nouns
 Use of gern
 Plurals
 Adverbs
Revision Worksheet
1. Write down in German:
a) the days of the week
b) six relatives
c) the months of the year
d) six items you would have in your pencil case
e) six items you would have in your school bag
f) eight school subjects
g) six pets
h) six adjectives to describe yourself
i) six phrases expressing likes or dislikes
2. Put the following phrases into German:
a) I get up at half past seven
b) I go to bed at quarter to eleven.
c) I like playing Tennis.
d) I find Maths boring.
e) My birthday is on the 4th of March.
f) I have a dog and my sister has a cat.
g) There are twenty-two chairs in the classroom.
h) On Tuesday I play football.
i) Now and again he goes to the cinema.
j) How often do you go to the church?
k) I was born in 1995.
3. Write out the verb tables for the following verbs:
a) haben b) sein c) spielen d) machen
4. Answer the following questions in sentences in German:
a) Wie alt bist du?
b) Woher kommst du?
c) Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?
d) Wie findest du Sport?
e) Wie oft spielst du Tischtennis?
f) Hast du Geschwister?
g) Hast du Haustiere?
h) Wohin gehst du am Montag?
i) Wann stehst du normalerweise auf?
j) Wo wohnst du?
k) Wie heißt dein Vater?