CHAPTER 38 (847-877
America in WWII - 1941 to 1945
1. ABC-1 Agreement
2. Issei/Nissei
3. Korematsu v. USA
4. War Production Board
5. four freedoms
6. Henry J. Kaiser
7. OPA
8. War Labor Board
9. Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act (1943)
10. WAACs
11. GI
12. Bracero Program
13. Rosie the Riveter
14. baby boomers
15. A. Philip Randolph
16. FEPC
17. Double V
18. code talkers
20. warfare welfare state
21. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
22. Bataan
23. Coral Sea
24. Midway
25. Guadalcanal
26. leapfrogging/island hopping
27. great Marianas turkey shoot
28. Philippine Sea
29. suicide cliff
30. wolf packs
31. Enigma
32. Atlantic
33. El Alamein
34. Stalingrad
35. second front
36. Ike
37. Casablanca
38. unconditional surrender
39. Monte Casino
40. Teheran
41. D-Day
42. Thomas Dewey
43. Harry Truman
44. Bulge
45. Amerikanskie tovarishchi
46. Holocaust
47. V-E Day
48. Leyte Gulf
49. Iwo Jima
50. Potsdam
51. Alamogordo
52. Hiroshima
53. Nagasaki
54. USS Missouri
55. V-J Day
1. What effects did WWII have on
the American economy? What
role did American industry and
agriculture play in the war?
2. Discuss the effects of WWII on
women and on racial and ethnic
minorities. Is it accurate to see
the war as a key turning point in
the movement toward equality
for some or all of these groups?
3. Ever since WWII, historians and
other scholars have commonly
spoken of “postwar American
society.” How was American
society different after the war
than before? Were these changes
all direct or indirect results of the
war, or would many have
occurred without it?
4. How did the United States and its
allies develop and carry out their
strategy for defeating Italy,
Germany, and Japan?
5. What were the costs of WWII,
and what were its effects on
America’s role in the world?