The Next 100 Years George Friedman Reading Questions Chapter 1 V2 & V1

The Next 100 Years
George Friedman
Reading Questions Chapter 1
V2 & V1
Name ____________________________________________________ Date____________ Period___________
Chapter 1: The Dawn of the American Age
1. Although many believe that the US is approaching the eve of its destruction,
the author believed American is stunningly powerful. Site at least three
examples that support his statement.
2. Explain and discuss why the U.S. dominates the continent?
3. Explain and discuss the power of the U.S. navy in the world.
4. How does our navy help to improve our economy?
5. Europe was not the most advanced, they were technically and intellectually
backwater compared to China and the Islamic world. What made Europe
the center of the world?
6. How did American power increase during WWI and WWII? (be specific
when discussing the Lend-Lease program)
7. What were the costs of WWII to the Europeans?
8. What advantages did the U.S. have during the U.S.- Soviet Cold War?
9. What are the advantages of America’s control of the seas?