Education Specialist Program - Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District
Human Resources Division
Teacher Certification Unit
Shortcut to Confetti on-line:
Teacher Training Academy Pre-Intern Teaching Program District Intern Program Master Plan Teacher Training Program
Volume #8, Issue #53
A Message from Mary H. Lewis,
Special Note to Pre-Intern Conversions
Letters were mailed on April 17 to each of you with
directions to download your Conversion Packet. If you
did not receive this mailing, please be advised of the
following address for downloading:
Current Employee tab
This mailing contained two important documents: the
Conversion Packet and an Orientation Registration
The Conversion Packet is to be completed and returned
to Carla Smotherman, 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 15th
floor, Los Angeles, 90017.
The Orientation Registration, once completed, is
returned to Mary H. Lewis, Harbor Building, Suite 303;
4201 Wilshire Blvd.; Los Angeles, CA 90010-3805.
We congratulate and welcome those of you who have
completed this aspect of your professional preparation.
Special Note to All
This was information that I shared in the Confetti two
years ago. It seems timely to share again.
1. Connect to the mission
“If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any
wind is the right wind.”- Seneca.
 Once, developed, one’s mission statement is the
first step toward improved time management. It
responds to one’s priorities in life as a whole, what
you want to do with your life, and from thinking about
what is deeply important to you. As such, a mission
statement is the first step toward improved time
2. Review Roles.
“ The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what
they get for it, but what they become by it.” - John
Life’s roles represent our key relationships and
areas of responsibility. Clarifying our roles within
our work, our family, other relationships, other
organizations, help us to break out our mission into
specific parts of life that require attention.
May 1, 2003
3. Identify Goals.
“Every man has only enough strength to complete
those assignments that he is fully convinced are
important.”– Goethe
 Once your roles are listed, select goals each week
that will help you achieve those things that are truly
important to you.
To help clarify the difference
between these goals and the more typical “to do”
lists and daily actions, ask yourself, “What is the
most important thing I could do in each role this
week to have the greatest positive impact?”
4. Plan weekly, organize daily.
“A major part of successful living lies in the
ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most
major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time
doing second things first.” –Robert McKain
 Block out time in your weekly schedule for goals
you identified. By including the goals as you
organize and review your other appointments and
to-dos for the week, you give priority to activities
that further your mission, as well as respond to preset agendas.
5. Exercise integrity in the moment of choice.
“We do not suddenly become what we do not
cooperate in becoming.” – William J. Bennet
 As you move through the week, have the courage
to say, “No,” to activities that do not lead toward
accomplishment of your goal. This may mean
sticking to your plan, or changing it to accomplish a
more important goal.
6. Reflect.
“We must wait until the evening to see how
splendid the day has been.” - Sophocies
 Unless we learn from our experiences, it will be
difficult to avoid making the same mistakes,
struggling with the same problems week after week.
At the end of the week, as you plan your up-coming
week, look back on what worked weekly and what
should be changed to meet your goals, ask, “Am I
working in alignment with my priorities?”
Regular format resumes next week. Thanks.
District Intern Program
Pre Intern Teacher Training Program
Beaudry Building Office
Harbor Building Office
Tel: 213.241.4140
Tel: 323.932.4660
Fax: 323.932.2214
Did you pass part of the exams? You still have a
chance to pass all exams before the end of this school
year. The next exam is May 17. Late registration ends
May 6 and “emergency” registration end May 13.
Additional fees are required.
your situation, then the new Individualized Intern
Certificate may be for you. In order to obtain this
document, you must already be matriculated in a
credential program that agrees to provide the support
required by the certificate, have met subject matter, and
have met the U.S. Constitution requirement by
coursework or by passing an exam. Elaine Serrano is
the advisor who can answer your questions. Please
contact her at (323) 932-2093.
OR MSAT? –The final administration of the “old”
exams will take place in June. You may take this last
exam only if you have partial passing scores. This
means a 156 in Content Knowledge or a 155 in the
Content Exercises for the MSAT.
For secondary
Multiple Subjects CSET
Beverly Garland Hotel
4222 Vineland Ave,
North Hollywood, 91602
(Bring MSAT Cliff Notes
Health SSAT Prep
LACOE/Clark Building,
12830 Clark Ave.,
Downey, CA 90242
Room 606A
Business SSAT Prep
LACOE/Clark Building,
12830 Clark Ave.,
Downey, CA 90242
Room 601 & 606A
Multiple Subjects CSET
Program E
Beverly Garland Hotel
4222 Vineland Ave,
North Hollywood, 91602
(Bring MSAT Cliff Notes
April 26, 27 (Saturday/Sunday)
May 3, 7 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
March 31, April 7, April 28, May
1, May 5 (Mondays, except May
1 –Thursday)
(All registrants must be preapproved by the PTP if prep
fees are paid by PTP.)
April 5, 12, May 3, 10,
(Saturdays) – 9a.m. -- 1p.m.
(All registrants must be preapproved by the PTP if prep
fees are paid by PTP)
May 31, June 1, June 7, and
June 8 (Saturdays/Sundays)
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Call PTP
Offices at 323.932.4660 for an
Elementary District Interns
Winter 03
Make-Up Opportunity: Saturday, May 3rd, a nature
hike in George F Canyon, Rolling Hills Estates, it is an
opportunity for four hours of make-up time. This is a
regularly scheduled hike on the first Saturday of each
month. Please complete the make-up forms, and ask
the docent who leads the hike to sign the form. The
time is 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Winter ’03 Multiple Subject (Elementary and Middle
School Core)
Ed 200.19a Portfolio Development: Construction,
Reflection and Assessment
REMINDER: The Teaching Performance Assessment
1 (TPA 1) is due to your Site Coordinator on Thursday,
May 8, 2003. Please contact Denise Busby by email at or at 323 932-2046
immediately if you are not able to submit the task by
this date.
Please bring the following items to the May 8
Portfolio class:
1. TPA 2 which may be downloaded from
2. “Developmentally Appropriate and Culturally
Responsive Education: Theory in Practice” article
downloaded from
Site change:
To facilitate the introduction of the Ed 220 Foundations
of Education course, the May 8 Portfolio class will be
held in technology labs.
Please report to the
technology that corresponds with your regular DI
training site.
DI Training Site
Technology Lab
Alta Loma and
Daniel Webster M S
11330 W. Graham Pl.
L. A., CA 90064
No. Valley Occupation Ctr.
11450 Sharp Ave
Mission Hills, CA 91345
Thomas Starr King M S
4201 Fountain Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
135th St. School
135th St. School
Teaching Reading and Language Arts is a very
valuable class. It is a chance to prepare for better
classroom instruction and assessment, the RICA exam,
the TPA task 1 and acquire an outstanding reading
resource book.
Your next class will be Portfolio
Development on May 8, 2003. Your next course will be
Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
2 beginning May 12, 2003. Have a great session.
a dull presentation experience. Presentations have
been varied in the past. Some people developed
Power Point presentations, others had transparencies,
and others had posters. Some people only had their
portfolios and an oral presentation. The presentations
were as varied as peoples’ personalities in the past.
Please time your presentation because the twenty (20)
minute timeframe will be strictly adhered to.
Cohort 1
Congratulations to those who completed all TPA tasks
on schedule! Everyone must successfully complete
these tasks in order to be recommended for the
preliminary credential. If you need additional support,
please call Barbara Spahr, 323-934-2055 or email at,
We are so happy that you have made it to the end of
your District Intern professional development plan. It is
time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!
CHANGE IN LOCATION !! On May 8th, Portfolio
Class, time will be spent registering for Ed 220
Foundations of Education (on-line). Please meet at
the following sites on this evening:
Middle School Core
Secondary Programs
Burroughs goes to Webster MS
Alta Loma goes to Webster MS
Euclid goes to King MS
Mulholland goes to North Valley Occupational Center
135th stays at 135th
Winter 03
(Please see page 2, Winter 03 column for site locations.)
For the May 8, 2003 Portfolio Session, please bring the
 TPA Task 2
 All handouts form previous portfolio sessions
Ed 220 will run from May 8th to September 5th, 2 salary
Completion is necessary for credential
requirements. Please bring your laptop computer.
Networking One-on-One 301b will be given to you
on May 8th.
Winter 02
Year 1
For the May 8, 2003 Portfolio Session, please bring the
following items:
 TPA Task 4, or material to work in class
 My Life as a Teacher
 Networking One-on-One
 Community Connection (first 16 hrs)
 Make-up tasks that need to be assessed
 TPA Tasks to be evaluated
For your portfolio class on May 8, you will need to bring
some of your portfolio tasks to be checked off or used in
class. Please bring the following items to class: 1) first
snapshot for the Year 2 Snapshots of a Teaching
Episode, 2) Philosophy of Teaching Year 2 and 3) A
Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Year 1. If you have
any missing portfolio class hours, please contact Pat
email on make-up options.
Your next session will be the Educational Foundations
Course. You will receive further information at the
portfolio session on May 8, 2003.
The fun you have been having while doing your
physical education skill presentations will surely inspire
you to share this learning with your students. The
expertise of your instructor(s) has helped to make this a
very enjoyable and enlightening course.
For the May 8, 2003 Portfolio Session, please bring the
following items:
 TPA Task 4, or material to work in class
 My Life as a Teacher
 Networking One-on-One
 Community Connection (first 16 hrs)
 Make-up tasks that need to be assessed
 TPA Tasks to be evaluated
Year 2
This is the last class of Physical Education. We hope
that the content of this course will allow you to include
more experiences that provide physical growth and
development for the learners in your care.
It is time to plan for your Exit Interview. Please plan a
twenty (20) minute presentation detailing how you have
grown as a professional educator.
Use the Exit
Interview questions to guide the type of information you
may want to include in your presentation. The best
presentations I’ve seen have been natural and
expressed the true development of the Intern. It has
been my experience as an Exit Interviewer that rote
answering of the Exit Interview questions has provided
Interns who have not checked off on all portfolio tasks
must continue to attend classes to receive
individualized instruction until tasks are complete.
Continue to work on the on-line Foundations course.
The access code is CALAUSDF.
Year 2
completion of Tasks 1-4. Plan to show off and
check-off your completed portfolio work.
For the May 8, 2003 Portfolio Session, please bring the
following Items:
 My Life as a Teacher
 My Credo
 Community connection (second 16 hrs)
 Picture is Worth 1000 Words
 Reaching Beyond the Textbook
 Make-up tasks that need to be assessed
 Materials and artifacts to organize your portfolio
Middle School Core:
 Reminder, you will not need to complete a Year 1
check-out at your next portfolio session at
Burroughs. Plan to attend your regular site and be
checked out on your “Community Connection.” If
you are not sure what to have ready, please ask
your advisor, Sherry Rubalcava (323.932.2041).
 Reminder, it is critical that you have all course work
completed prior to transferring your green folder to
your new special education site coordinator.
Interns who have not been received a score of
proficient on all tasks must continue to attend classes to
receive individualized instruction until they are
Level I, Year 2
 ESEd 407 continues through May 19th. We know
you will find this an informative course.
 Reminder, if you have any incomplete course work,
please turn in your assignments to Leah or Joan
Education Specialist Program
Level I, Winter 03
Elementary and Secondary:
 The course ESEd 402a Assessment, Curriculum
and Instruction for Mild/Moderate Disabilities holds
it’s last session.
Ed 303a and Ed 303b Curriculum and Methods of
Teaching Reading/Language Arts will begin soon.
We are fortunate to have Taliba Ali, Reading
Advisor, to instruct these courses. You will need the
text, Teaching Reading in the 21st Century, by
Graves, Juel and Graves. You should begin prereading Chapters 1, 2, and 3. These courses are
designed to provide interns with foundation
knowledge of the theories, principles and standards
in California which guide and direct the reading
curriculum. This foundation knowledge is aligned to
instructional and curricular materials appropriate to
meet the individual needs of all students found in a
general, diverse educational setting, which includes
students who have special needs.
Level II, Year 3
 Level II reviews are scheduled for May 17, by
appointment only.
 Portfolio Exit reviews are May 22, also by
 Please remember to make copies of all
documents turned in! 
Deborah D.Hirsh, Chief Human Resources Officer
Roger Buschmann, Deputy Human Resources Officer
Mary H. Lewis, Administrator
Telephone: 323.932.2055 FAX: 323. 932.2040
Janet Peaks, Coordinator, Teacher Training Academy
Yvette Seydoux, Specialist, Teacher Training Academy
Lillian Utsumi, Coordinator, Pre-Intern Program -323.932.4660
Barbara Huff, Specialist, Pre-Intern Program
Mary H. Lewis, Administrator, District Intern Program
Kandice McLurkin, Elementary Specialist, District Intern Program
Koh Ikeda, Secondary Specialist, District Intern Program
Joan Swartzlander, Level I Education Specialist, District Interns
Lynne Parkhurst, Level II Education Specialist, Chandra Smith, DIs
Bob Oguro, Specialist, Master Plan Teacher Training Program
U.S. Mail
School Mail
Teacher Certification Unit
Teacher Certification Unit
Harbor Building, Suite 303
Harbor Building
4201 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Certificated Employment Operations Branch –
Carla Smotherman, Coordinator, telephone: 213.241.5581
Virginia Yee, Specialist, telephone: 213.241.5581
District Intern Website:
RICA Online Registration:
RICA Practice Website: http//
Search – RICA, Link to Graduate School of Education and Psychology:
Reading Instruction
Confetti!!! is published weekly by the Teacher Certification Unit
Barbara A. Smith, Editor
Level I,Year 1
Elementary and Middle School Core:
RICA Reminder- it is important that you take the
RICA exam in your first year. Registration deadline
is May 9th for the June 14th administration.
Reminder, Education Specialists will begin their
Year 2 on July 21, 2003 with the course ESEd 400:
Foundations for Special Education Students. If you
on track at this time, you will need to discuss this
requirement with your administrator to explore
options. If they have questions, please feel free to
have them call Joan Swartzlander at 323-932-2052.
 ESEd 304b Curriculum and Methods of Teaching
Science ends May 1.
 Portfolio session six will be held at Burroughs on
May 8th. This is a pre-evaluation to see that you are
almost finished with everything. We will check your
portfolio tasks, My Life As a Teacher, and