Education Specialist Program - Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District
Human Resources Division
Teacher Certification Unit
Shortcut to Confetti on-line:
Teacher Training Academy Pre-Intern Teaching Program District Intern Program Master Plan Teacher Training Program
Volume #8, Issue #55
A Message from Mary H. Lewis,
With this issue, we discuss the importance of key
elements associated with the human condition that,
when absent, or disregarded, cause conflict. Being
reminded of the connection between these key elements
and the ability to establish and maintain a classroom
that fosters dignity may be helpful during this timeframe
of the school year.
Behaviorists contend that conflict between people is
usually the result of specific needs not being met. They
agree that even if a need is being met, but there is a
concern that it will not continue to be so, or, if there has
been an interruption to its being met, conflict in
inevitable with the person who has denied them their
Sometimes, when we observe students engaged in
conflict on the playground, or in groups unknown to us,
we may or may not know the students involved. We
may, or may not have witnessed behavior that
contributed to the cause of the conflict, and may have
no idea as to its cause. Yet, if we understand the four
basic needs presented herein, this understanding can
lead us to the contributing reasons for the conflict as we
talk to students involved.
Identity. All people, including youngsters, have a strong
need to be in control of their individual identity. They
honor their group identity as well (“I’m a third grader
“…a football player,” “…a senior,”…) When anyone,
peer or adult, attempts to place another into a different
role, for any reason, than the one self-proclaimed, the
youngster is likely to respond negatively, and conflict is
likely to result. As you move to handle a conflict, listen
for cues as to whether the identity need is behind the
conflict and, if so, remove any threat to individual and
group identity in order to help to resolve it.
Fairness This is a huge issue to young people. .
Students often have conflicting beliefs regarding what is
and is not fair. These conflicting options can boil over
into conflict. Questions regarding who did what, who
did what first, whose actions were worse, and who
received better treatment, all involve the issue of
fairness. There are fairness issues regarding grading
papers, the amount of playing time in a game, who
seems “always” to be selected for prize honors, and who
(“always”) is not.
Control. People need to have at least a measure of
control over what affects them or matters to them. That
is why listening, offering alternatives, or giving students
May 15, 2003
some say on settling an issue can be effective. One
thing is certain: if our response is to take control away
from students, we should not be surprised if they fight
us—or, try to get their parents to fight us. Students who
by-pass teachers and go directly to the principal when
problems arise, are dong so to gain more control. Be
aware of control issues. The conflict cannot be resolved
until the need is met.
Recognition. Achievement is a need, but recognition of
achievement often is an even greater need. When
someone takes credit for the work of others and
receives recognition, conflict is likely. When one student
affects the achievement and recognition of another,
conflict is predictable. Remember to consider that the
cause of a conflict may be is the lack of recognition, or
Principals Corner
This week, the first six-week session of District Intern
Orientation, (under the new California credentialing
legislation), began Monday morning as West Los
Angeles College. Staff of all units within the Teacher
Certification Unit planned collaboratively to prepare what
appears to be our most thoroughly developed
Orientation to date. It represents a culmination of
learned experiences throughout our existence as a unit,
and will well-prepare these candidates for highly
professional service in the classrooms of your schools.
Soon, principals with anticipated openings will have the
opportunity to interview these new teachers. We believe
you will be favorable impressed at their level of maturity
and ability to absorb and retain new information well.
They realize they have much to learn, and are respectful
of that. At the same time, they have acquired much
knowledge and many skills that render them prepared to
meet new career challenges. They want to do well, and
they want to “get it right.”
(323.241.5581) to arrange an appointment for
interviews. We believe you will be very pleased.
Cohort 1
Pre Intern Teacher Training Program
Beaudry Building Office
Harbor Building Office
This week begins the course, ED 218 Curriculum and
Methods of Teaching History/Social Science. You will be
delving into the exciting study of history in order for
students to understand themselves and others as they
study the past. You will be developing a unit of study
that integrates the Language Arts standards and the
History/Social Science standards. It would be helpful for
you to bring your Language Arts and History/Social
Science frameworks or the LAUSD Interim Course of
Study to the first few sessions.
Tel: 213.241.4140
Tel: 323.932.4660
Fax: 323.932.2214
Multiple Subjects CSET
Beverly Garland Hotel
4222 Vineland Ave,
North Hollywood, 91602
May 31, June 1, June 6, and
June 7
(Saturdays and Sundays)
If you missed last week’s portfolio class, there will be a
make-up opportunity on Mon., May 19 in suite 335 at the
Harbor Building from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Harbor
Building is located at 4201 Wilshire Blvd., LA 90010.
There is free parking lot located on the corner of
Wilshire and Lorraine. The code to get in the lot is 0005.
Also, if you have not already registered on-line for the
Educational Foundations course, you must do so as
soon as possible. Please see your site coordinator for
the directions on how to do this.
(Bring MSAT Cliff Notes book.)
District Intern Program
Elementary District Interns
Winter 03
Winter ’03 Multiple Subject (Elementary and Middle
School Core)
Ed 200.19a Portfolio Development: Construction,
Reflection and Assessment
REMINDER: The Teaching Performance Assessment 1
(TPA 1) is due to your Site Coordinator. If you have not
submitted your TPA 1, please contact Denise Busby by
email at or at 323 932-2046
Winter 02
Tonight you will discuss the five principles related to
culturally responsive teaching. Be prepared to examine
your own life experiences in relationship to culture and
racial identity. This is a fun course that talks about the
importance of being sensitive to one another’s cultures
without forgetting one’s own culture.
Keep up with your portfolio tasks. A copy of the task, A
Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, can be obtained
from your site coordinator. If there are any of you with
missing portfolio hours, please contact Pat Utsumi at
323.932.2047 or via email at
Ed 220 Foundations of Education
Registration for this course was successful last week. If
you have not registered or are having problems
registering, please contact Denise Busby as soon as
possible. Plan now to outline a pacing schedule so that
the course is completed in a timely manner.
Year 2
Exit Interviews are in progress. Many Interns have
completed the process. Congratulations!!!
Tonight begins an exciting night of Curriculum and
Methods of Teaching Math. You will be receiving a lot of
materials. You may want to purchase a 3” binder for all
the materials. The two books, Posing Open-ended
Questions and About Teaching Mathematics are on loan
to you for this class. These books must be returned on
the last night of class along with required assignments
and class attendance to receive credit for this course.
Your instructors are bringing you a wealth of experience
and resources. Please bring your Math Framework to
class. You will also need a 3-ring binder to hold all your
session materials. Enjoy! You will also receive
assistance on TPA Task 2 through this course.
You will be able to apply for your Clear Credential and
sign your new contract at your training site on May 15, if
you have completed all requirements and exit
interviews. You will need to bring a $55.00 postal
money order to apply for your clear credential. If you
have taken and passed the CLAD exams with proof of
passing you may apply for a CLAD credential as well;
you will need an addition $55.00 postal money order to
apply for the CLAD credential.
If you need assistance completing your requirements
and getting an exit interview scheduled please call you
advisor for assistance.
 Clearance Form from your site coordinator
 Official copy of the RICA results
 U.S. Postal Money Order for $55 payable to
 Additional money order for $55 if applying for a
CLAD credential
Middle School Core
Secondary Programs
Winter 03
Exit Interviews:
Yr 2 interns who need to clear portfolio tasks should
attend the Yr 1 intervention held at your regular site.
Intervention will be held until May 29, 2003.
District Contract:
Personnel from the Credential Contract Processing Unit
will come to each training site to sign contracts and
apply for credentials. All secondary and MS Core
interns will sign contracts at their training sites on May
22. Interns at Stevenson, Millikan and Webster, who
complete the exit presentation on May 29, must go to
the Beaudry Office on May 30 to sign their contract.
Please bring the following to the contract signing:
 Clearance Form from your site coordinator
 Official copy of the RICA results
 U.S. Postal Money Order for $55 payable to
 Additional money order for $55 if applying for a
CLAD credential
Year 1
Intervention will be available at your regular site until
May 29, 2003. If you are making up hours and do not
have an assignment to work on, be sure to bring all
course materials that were distributed in the class you
are making up.
TPA Tasks:
We will continue to assess your TPA tasks and return
them to you as soon as we possible. Please be aware
that it may take more than a week to return your task to
you, as we have had more tasks submitted this week
than we have assessors.
Year 2
Exit Interviews:
Yr 2 interns who need to clear portfolio tasks should
attend the Yr 1 intervention held at your regular site.
Intervention will be held until May 29, 2003.
Education Specialist Program
Level I, Winter 03
Elementary and Secondary:
Ed 303a and Ed 303b Curriculum and Methods of
Teaching Reading/Language Arts has begun. It is
important that you read the text Teaching Reading in
the 21st Century, by Graves, Juels and Graves. This
text and the course information will prepare you for
taking the RICA.
Level I,Year 1
Elementary and Middle School Core and Education
Specialists in General Education
Elementary and Middle School Core:
 Reminder Education Specialists will begin their Year
2 on July 21, 2003 with the course ESEd 400:
Foundations for Special Education Students. If you
are on track at this time you will need to discuss this
requirement with your administrator to explore
options. If they have questions please feel free to
have them call Joan Swartzlander at 323.932.2052.
 You have just completed a pre-portfolio check out. It
is important that you bring any incomplete items for
the final check out on June 19.
Middle School Core:
 Reminder, it is critical that you have all course work
completed prior to transferring your green folder to
your new special education site coordinator.
 At your last portfolio session we will check the
following: 1) portfolio tasks, bring our completion
rubrics, 2) My Life as a Teacher, bring your journals,
and 3) comple3tion of Tasks 1-4. Plan to bring,
show off and check-off your completed portfolio
Level I, Year 2
District Contract:
Personnel from the Credential Contract Processing Unit
will come to each training site to sign contracts and
apply for credentials. All secondary and MS Core
interns will sign contracts at their training sites on May
22. Interns at Stevenson, Millikan and Webster, who
complete the exit presentation on May 29, must go to
the Beaudry Office on May 30 to sign their contract.
Please bring the following to the contract signing:
 ESEd 407 continues through May 19th.
 Reminder, if you have any incomplete course work,
please turn in your assignments to Leah or Joan
Level II, Year 3
 Level II exit reviews are scheduled for May 17, at
Webster by appointment only.
 Portfolio Exit reviews are May 22, also at Webster
and by appointment.
 Please remember to make copies of all
documents turned in! 
Deborah D.Hirsh, Chief Human Resources Officer
Roger Buschmann, Deputy Human Resources Officer
Mary H. Lewis, Administrator
Telephone: 323.932.2055 FAX: 323. 932.2040
Janet Peaks, Coordinator, Teacher Training Academy 323.932.4650
Yvette Seydoux, Specialist, Teacher Training Academy
Lillian Utsumi, Coordinator, Pre-Intern Program -323.932.4660
Barbara Huff, Specialist, Pre-Intern Program
Mary H. Lewis, Administrator, District Intern Program
Kandice McLurkin, Elementary Specialist, District Intern Program
Koh Ikeda, Secondary Specialist, District Intern Program
Joan Swartzlander, Level I Education Specialist, District Interns
Lynne Parkhurst, Level II Education Specialist, Chandra Smith, DIs
Bob Oguro, Specialist, Master Plan Teacher Training Program 323.932.2261
U.S. Mail
School Mail
Teacher Certification Unit
Teacher Certification Unit
Harbor Building, Suite 303
Harbor Building
4201 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Certificated Employment Operations Branch –
Carla Smotherman, Coordinator, telephone: 213.241.5581
Virginia Yee, Specialist, telephone: 213.241.5581
District Intern Website:
RICA Online Registration:
RICA Practice Website: http//
Search – RICA, Link to Graduate School of Education and Psychology: Reading Instruction
Confetti!!! is published weekly by the Teacher Certification Unit
Barbara A. Smith, Editor