OGEECHEE TECHNICAL COLLEGE RAD 103 – Body, Trunk and Upper Extremities COURSE SYLLABUS CRN 20956 FALL 2009 OFFICE NUMBER: 322, JOE KENNEDY BLDG 912.871.1647 (O) 1.800.694.0096 (P) jmartin@ogeecheetech.edu OR jmartotc@yahoo.com Office Hours: By Appointment (see door schedule) COURSE ROOM, DAY AND TIME: Room 325 and 317 – Monday, Wednesday, 9:00a – 4:00pm* Thursday, 9:00am – 4:00* EXTRA MANDATORY LABS: EXTRA RECOMMENDED LABS Tuesday Tuesday COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduces the knowledge required to perform radiographic procedures applicable to the human anatomy. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality radiographs, and laboratory experience will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts. Topics will include: procedures, anatomy, and topographical anatomy related to body cavities, bony thorax, upper extremities, and the shoulder girdle; and anatomy and routine projections of the bony thorax. Laboratory experience will be used to complement the didactic portion of the course. COMPETENCY AREAS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Procedures Anatomy Topographical Anatomy related to body cavities, bony thorax, upper extremities and the shoulder girdle Anatomy and routine projections of the bony thorax COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Describe the anatomy in terms of structures visualized, function demonstrated, and general positioning considerations. Given clinical simulations for routine and special views, explain the structures visualized, function demonstrated, and general positioning considerations. Evaluate radiographs in terms of positioning accuracy, image quality, and anatomical structures visualized. Describe the process for routine and special views for procedures listed below. In a lab setting, simulate the radiographic procedure on a person or full body phantom. Given radiographs, identify relevant anatomy. Explain the purpose of radiation protection as they relate to patients and personnel. Identify the basic responsibilities of student radiographers to the patient. 1 Application of considerations 4 - 8, positioning for the following studies: 1. Skeletal system a. Upper Extremity 1. Phalanges 2. Metacarpal 3. Carpals 4. Forearm (radius/ulna) 5. Elbow 6. Humerus c. Thoracic Cavity 1. Lungs 2. Chest 3. Bony Thorax b. Shoulder Girdle 1. Shoulder 2. Scapula 3. Clavicle 4. Acromioclavicular Articulations d. Abdominopelvic Cavity 1. KUB 2. Abdomen PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITES: AHS 101, RAD 101 CONTACT HOURS: 5 CREDIT HOURS: 3 REQUIRED TEXT: Kenneth L. Bontrager, Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy; 7th Edition, Mosby (ISBN: 0-323-05410-2) Bontrager & Lampignano, Workbook and Laboratory Manual; 7th Edition, Vols. 1 and 2 Mosby (ISBN: 0-323-05411-0) MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Required: Scantrons, 3-ring binder, paper, pens and pencils. Positive Attitude, Smiles, NO WHINING! Valid email address Suggested: Index cards, crayons, color markers, color pencils, jump drive 2 CLASSROOM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: This course requires class hours and lab hours. The class and lab portions of the course will meet 3 days per week. Extra lab hours are Monday-Thursday afternoons. It is important that each student is successful in this program; therefore you are expected to be prompt and attentive in class and lab. All assigned readings are to be completed prior to class time. All other assignments or learning activities are to be completed according to the class calendar. Every student is expected to be present on test days. Any make up test will be given after the final is taken. Homework assignments are to be turned in as instructed. Assignments not turned in will result in a grade of “0”. All assigned text readings are to be completed prior to class. All other assignments or learning activities are to be completed according to the class calendar. Students are required to have valid and proper email addresses. There may be assignment information that will be emailed to the class participants. Each student is expected to be present on test days. Only one make-up test will be allowed following the final. If you miss two or more tests during the quarter, the grade for the tests missed will be zero (“0”)! No exceptions! Tests will be scheduled throughout the quarter. The grading scale will be followed according to school policy. A grade of 70% and above is passing. Pop quizzes and announced quizzes will be given throughout the quarter. Quizzes cannot be made up; however, students absent on dates of quizzes will receive a grade of “0” for that quiz. Students will also complete online quizzes. Failure to take the online quiz during the assigned dates will result in a grade of “0” for that quiz. Students MUST keep up with online and in class assignments. The grading scale will be followed according to school policy, which is listed in your student catalog. A grade of 70% and above is passing. Students receiving a grade below 70% will NOT be allowed to progress to the next quarter. Presentation/demonstration is performed by each student at some time during the first five weeks. This assignment will be graded as a quiz. It is important that the student be prepared. The final exam will be scheduled according to the class calendar and will include a Lab portion. COMMUNICATION: Important communication about this course will be transmitted through the Ogeechee Tech student e-mail system. Students should check their student e-mail accounts before each class in order to receive the most up-to-the-minute information about classes and assignments. Ogeechee Tech sends vital information about financial aid, registration, and college news through the student e-mail system. Students should check their student e-mail accounts periodically for this information. Student e-mail accounts may be accessed through the college website, www.ogeecheetech.edu under the Current Students tab. 3 CLASSROOM POLICIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Classes/Labs begin at 8:00am, unless otherwise specified. Student should report to class, properly attired, this includes visibly worn current Student I.D. All tardies and absences will be reflected in your Work Ethic Grade. No quizzes are made up for any absence. If assignments are not turned in on their due date you will receive a grade of “0”. Announced quizzes will occur during the quarter. Any student absent on the date of a quiz will receive a grade of “0”. Any student missing/failing a lab test must make an appointment with the instructor for a make-up appointment. Students cannot progress to the next lab test until the previous test has been successfully completed. Absences over 10% will result in disciplinary action and /or possible dismissal from the program. Please refer to your course syllabus. OTC does not have an Attendance Appeal Policy! Any student reporting to class under the influence of alcoholic beverages or mood/mind altering drugs will be reported to the program director and OTC administration. The student must exhibit professional behavior at all times. Insubordination WILL NOT be tolerated and disciplinary measures will be immediately enacted. All routine appointments (doctors, lawyers, etc) must be scheduled before or after class hours. STUDENTS SHOULD NOT EAT OR DRINK IN THE CLASSROOM. ANY TRASH, ETC. LEFT ON THE COUNTER MAY RESULT IN POINTS BEING DEDUCTED FROM YOUR GRADE! THE LAB WILL BE CLEANED AFTER EACH USE!!!!! CELL PHONES & BEEPERS MUST BE TURNED OFF WHILE IN CLASS AND LAB! THIS MEANS NO TEXTING AS WELL! If a cell phone rings or vibrates in class, 10 points will be deducted from your final course grade. Also, I get to answer the phone. 12. NO WHINING! 13. Remember TEAMWORK! DRESS CODE POLICY: You are part of the Allied Health Professional team. As a member of this team it is important that your actions and dress emulate that of a professional. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clean, unwrinkled, properly fitted navy scrub suits. Proper Student I.D. Your I.D. MUST be displayed on your scrub top. Failure to report to class/lab without your I.D. will be given a grade of “0” for that class/lab time! Chest, abdomen, and back are to be covered at all times. This goes for males and females. Tennis shoes or crocs with socks. NO flip flops. NO TONGUE RINGS, NOSE RINGS, EYEBROW STUDS, ETC! NO acrylic tips or nails. Fingernails must be short. Clear, non chipped fingernail polish. 4 ATTENDANCE: To receive credit for this course a student must attend 90% of the scheduled instructional time. Any student attending less than 90% of the scheduled instructional time will receive a "W" for the course if removed from the course before the quarter midterm. After the quarter midterm, any student who has maintained a passing grade within a course will receive a 'WP' for the course when attending less than 90% of the scheduled instructional time. If, however, the student has not maintained a passing grade, he or she will receive a 'WF' for the course. Attendance is counted from the first scheduled class meeting of each quarter. Tardy means arriving after the scheduled time for instruction to begin. Early departure means leaving before the end of the scheduled time. Three (3) tardies or early departures equal one (1) absence for the course involved. THERE IS NO ATTENDANCE APPEAL. CODE OF CONDUCT: CHEATING: The program’s policy for cheating specifies that one (1) incident of cheating will result in a grade of zero (0) for that examination and DISMISSAL FROM THE PROGRAM. Cheating includes but is not limited to: Copying from the test of another student allowing another student to copy from your test. Possessing materials or objects not authorized by the instructor during the test, including “crib notes”, programmable calculators, open textbooks, notebooks or notes, even if unused. Copying, recording, buying, stealing, transporting or soliciting tests (pre or post testing), test keys, questions written assignments or computer programs. Seeking aid from or collaborating with another student for aid without permission from the instructor during a test. Discussing the test with a student who has not already taken the test. Substituting for another person, or permitting another to substitute for you. Alteration of scantron or any other grade sheets through changing answers or filling in of blank spaces after being graded A student dismissed for cheating or plagiarism will not be eligible for re-entry. Plagiarism is defined as copying someone else’s work and presenting it as one’s own, without the knowledge of the original author. All research due must give credit when quotes are used. SAFETY: See Lab Management Policy in the Radiologic Technology Academic and Clinical Manual and the OTC website http://www.ogeecheetech.edu/student_services/campus_safety.html Any violation of safety in the classroom/lab will result in administrative action and possible suspension/probation from the program. 5 DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES: LAB TESTS LAB FINAL 15% 10% LECTURE TESTS FINAL 35% 30% HOMEWORK/QUIZ 10% A grade of 85 % or better is required for all RAD 103 simulated lab tests! Lab tests will be a demonstration in which the student will be required to perform select tasks as defined by the objectives while the instructor observes and evaluates the performance. Students will be graded using the RAD 103 Grading Rubric. A student who fails to master the procedures lab tests will be subject to disciplinary action. A lab test grade of 85 % or better is required to proceed to the next quarter (RAD 106). Lab tests are progressive in nature; therefore the student cannot attempt the next lab test until the prior exam is successfully completed. You will have 2 attempts to pass the simulated lab tests with a grade of at least 85. After the second unsuccessful attempt, the student will be remediated in the lab. If the third attempt is less than 85%, you can not sit for the final and will receive a WP or WF depending on the grade you have received in class up to this point. Refer to the OTC Catalog and Radiologic Technology Program Academic and Clinical Manual for the policy on readmission to the Radiologic Technology program. Students must score at least 75% on the final in order to progress to the next quarter. NOTE: Although 70% is given as the minimum passing achievement, any score less than 90% indicates that you really have not mastered this material. GRADING SCALE: A – 100-90% C – 79 – 70% B -- 89 – 80% D – 69 - 60% F – 0 - 59% 6 DISABILITY STATEMENT: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class based on the impact of the disability are encouraged to contact Penny Hendrix in the Special Services Office, Room 332C, Kennedy Bldg., 912-486-7211, to coordinate reasonable accommodations. WORK ETHICS: Students will receive a work ethics grade each quarter for each fundamental and specific course in which they enroll. The work ethics grade of 3, 2, 1, or 0 will not affect the student’s academic grade point average (GPA). Work ethics grades will appear on the student’s quarterly Student Grade Reports and Transcripts. Performance factors and indicators include, but are not limited to, quality of work, ability to follow instructions, productivity, dependability, honesty, reliability, attendance and punctuality, attitude, integrity, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, and initiative. The work ethics grade descriptions are Exceeds expectations: 3 Meets expectations: 2 Needs improvement: 1 Unacceptable: 0 Students that receive a grade of “1” or “0” in Work Ethics will NOT be eligible for the National Technical Honor Society. WARRANTY STATEMENT: The Technical College System of Georgia guarantees employers that graduates of State Technical Colleges shall possess skills and knowledge as prescribed by State Curriculum Standards. Should any graduate employee within two years of graduation be deemed lacking in said skills, that student shall be retrained in any State Technical College at no charge for instructional costs to either the student or the employer. DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to amend or correct this course syllabus as necessary. If the instructor amends or corrects this syllabus, students will be given a revised syllabus or corrections. 7