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Pre-AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1, Pd2 ~ Test, Project & Daily Assignments
MP2.6 &2.9 wks
Deirdre Guerrero
Page 1 of 5
Turquoise = Tests/Major Project grades; All others = Daily grades
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
1. For a Test (Oral, Colección 2) grade, you will narrate a picture sequence of six
images of La Guerra de los Yacarés.
(See Oral Rubric on main page)
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Reflection) grade: You may do this project alone, or as part of a group. On
RFXN4 handout, circle your choices. On back, list your choice of 20 verbs.
For PRMP2, using at least 20 verbs of your choice, do the following:
A. Choose at least one of the following:
1. Design a crossword puzzle or a word search with clues in English and a key
2. Use each of the vocab words in a sentence not found in the textbook (must be
3. Write a postcard.
4. Make an audiocassette in which you read the vocab word, pronouncing it correctly,
followed by the English equivalent.
B. And any two of the following:
1. Make flash cards with a colored picture (may be original or cut out) on one side,
and the vocab word on the other.
2. Make a poster, a collage, or hanging mobile with vocabulary words illustrated and
3. Draw a cartoon using vocab words as either dialogue or picture labels.
4. Write a story and read it on tape.
5. Make a board game using vocabulary.
6. Write a song or rap and perform it.
7. Make a scrapbook or booklet of pictures illustrating vocabulary, labeled correctly.
8. Make a video in which vocab is shown and the words are also spoken.
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Test (Major Project, Colección 2) grade: Presentation of your Project for
MP2, your choice of options provided on assignment RFXN2 above.
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Pre-AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1, Pd2 ~ Test, Project & Daily Assignments
MP2.6 &2.9 wks
Deirdre Guerrero
Page 2 of 5
Turquoise = Tests/Major Project grades; All others = Daily grades
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Voice Mail) grade: Call Sra. Guerrero’s voice mail @ 830 357 2652.
Leave this info:
1. A greeting, to include your name & Pd #
And a message in Spanish about a competition (real or imaginary)
2. In which you or someone else participated, to include:
3. Who participated
4. When
5. Where
6. The outcome
7. Your reaction
8. A farewell
Due date
For a Daily (Video Novela)
1 y 2 Discuss and answer
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
grade: Watch DVD Video Novela El Relicario, Episodios
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Reflection) grade: rough draft of written paragraph on topic choice
below (to prepare for WT1&2).
o To be peer edited on 12/2
o Read all topic choices below, and choose one
o Your paragraph should contain minimum of 5 sentences & 40 words
o Submit a triple spaced, word processed in Verdana or Arial 14, or
legibly handwritten rough draft paragraph on your topic choice
1. Use the preterite to write a diary entry telling what you did and the places you
visited last weekend in your town. The entry should start with the greeting:
Querido diario:
2. You are visiting a Spanish-speaking city of your choice. Use the preterite to
write an e-mail to a friend describing a shopping trip. Describe where you went
and who took you there. Name three different types of food stores that you
visited, and one tourist attraction that you saw.
3. Write a travel brochure for visitors to your town or city. It should mention three
stores or places to visit, and tell what can be done or purchased there. They
should also give directions from a central point in town to each of the locations
described in the brochure.
Pre-AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1, Pd2 ~ Test, Project & Daily Assignments
MP2.6 &2.9 wks
Deirdre Guerrero
Page 3 of 5
Turquoise = Tests/Major Project grades; All others = Daily grades
4. Imagine that you write a sports column for your school paper. Report on three
games. Tell if the teams won or lost and say how the fans felt.
5. You were playing sports with a friend and got hurt. You go home for first aid.
Write a brief conversation that includes your mom asking you what happened,
your response, and then her advice for treatment. In your response to your
mom, be sure to include where you hurt yourself and how it happened.
6. Write a letter to your grandparents about a competition or athletic event you
participated in. Tell them how you did and mention if your team won or lost.
Tell them about the injuries that two team members suffered. Then tell them
how you felt about it.
7. Write an e-mail to a friend from a different school describing a recent school
event. You should talk about how it turned out and their reaction.
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Participation) grade, Fiesta de la Clase. Participate by performing,
bringing or making something from many options TBA; sign up starts 11/17.
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Reflection) grade: submit a rewritten triple spaced, word processed
or legibly handwritten 2nd rough draft of topic choice from WD1&2 (to prepare
for WT1&2.)
o To be edited by Sra. G on 12/6
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Test (Written) grade, Final draft of 2D1.2 written in class, with no
resources; also part of Semester grade
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Pre-AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1, Pd2 ~ Test, Project & Daily Assignments
MP2.6 &2.9 wks
Deirdre Guerrero
Page 4 of 5
Turquoise = Tests/Major Project grades; All others = Daily grades
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Extra Credit) grade: On an index card, list a valid, feasible,
appropriate stretch or active activity. You can earn 100% for an idea that Sra. G
will use in class.
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
For a Daily (Video Novela) grade: Watch DVD Video Novela El Relicario, Episodios
3 y 4. Discuss and answer handout.
Due date
Assigned date
For a Test (Oral) grade; also part of Semester grade
Assignment Abbreviation
o Read over speaking test choices below
o Choose a topic, and prepare your oral version
o Due to be presented Fri Dec 10
Speaking Test choices.
1. Imagine that you have just returned from shopping. You were running
errands in town and are now saying what you did. Prepare an oral
presentation that includes at least five things you did or bought and the
locations you went to. Include something you did with a friend you ran into
along the way.
2. Individual student responds to Sra. Guerrero in Spanish:
1. ¿Practicaste algún deporte la semana pasada? ¿Cómo te fue?
2. ¿Jugaste o viste alguna competencia la semana pasada? ¿Qué tal
3. ¿Perdió o ganó su partido tu equipo favorito? ¿Cómo reaccionaste?
4. ¿Te lastimaste el año pasado? ¿Qué te pasó?
5. Tengo un dolor de cabeza que no se me quita. ¿Qué debo hacer?
3. With a partner, act out the following situation. Your grandfather just called
you to say that he will be coming to your school to see you in the new school
play. He is at your house right now and needs to know how to get to your
school by car. Give him directions from your house to your school.
Continued next page >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Pre-AP Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1, Pd2 ~ Test, Project & Daily Assignments
MP2.6 &2.9 wks
Deirdre Guerrero
Page 5 of 5
Turquoise = Tests/Major Project grades; All others = Daily grades
4. In pairs, act out a scene at school. Both students have recently participated
in competitions/sporting events at school. One of the students is upset
because his or her team lost the event and the other has just won a
competition. They should each describe the outcome of the event and how
they reacted.
5. Work in pairs to create a scene between a mother and her son or daughter.
The son or daughter is trying to stay home from school, and is mentioning
three things that are wrong with him or her. For each one, the mother gives
advice and tells her child to go to school.
6. With a partner, act out the following situation. You and your partner are
talking about a recent school competition in which you both participated.
Talk about the results of the competition and how you both reacted. Also,
ask and answer about how you both did individually in the competition.
Finally, one of you should say that you got hurt and the other can offer
7. In pairs or groups of three, prepare a conversation in which someone is lost
and needs directions. Be as creative as possible. For example, you may want
to make up a humorous situation in which the person giving the directions
does not know the way, but offers help anyway. Use formal or informal
commands, depending on the characters, and use the vocabulary studied in
this section of the chapter.
Due date
Semester exam review
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
Due date
Assigned date
Assignment Abbreviation
Semester Exam
Semester exam: Vocab & verbs, Scantron 100 items of multiple choice, matching,
true/false for Listening and Reading, plus grades from OT1&2 and WT1&2
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