Span 3 Honors Syllabus

Español III Honores Course Information
Señorita Bezick
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!
The purpose of this course is to provide each student with the opportunity to begin to develop
communicative skills (e.g. listening, speaking, reading, &writing) in Spanish. This is a participatory
course. In order to learn a foreign language, one must use a foreign language. Students who participate
fully by completing assignments and interacting in class in the target language should find the course
more enjoyable, learn from their mistakes, and see their work improve. Above all, I hope that you will
enjoy Spanish and will learn skills necessary for life after high school!
Class Rules
1. Speak as much Spanish as you can during class (even if this means
Spanglish is used!!)
2. Respect yourself, your teacher, and others and their possessions at all times.
Class Responsibilities
1. Students are expected to be in their seats and prepared to work when the bell rings to
signal the beginning of the class period. Only Spanish work should be completed during
class time.
2. Lateness to class is unacceptable. Students arriving late to class without a pass will be
assigned a detention. Students arriving late without a pass will not be excused to go
elsewhere in order to obtain a pass.
3. Early dismissal from school due to medical or dental appointments and/or athletic events
does not excuse a student from covered material. It is a student’s responsibility to contact
a classmate or to see me prior to leaving the building.
4. Extra help is always available after school and is also highly encouraged. It may be
available during a study hall period if the time coincides with my planning period. If that
help is desired, a student should inform me a day or two before so that I may adjust my
schedule accordingly.
5. All quizzes and tests are to be made up within three days of your return to school. In the
event of an extended absence, all work is to be made up within one week of your return
to school. Failure to make up any work missed will result in a zero for that assignment.
6. Homework is a daily responsibility. It is considered an essential part of the learning
process and will checked and recorded. It will also count towards the marking period
7. Textbooks should be covered at all times and brought to class daily. Failure to report to
class without the required materials (your textbook, workbook, and notebook) will
result in a zero for class participation for that day. It is recommended to keep a Spanish
notebook in which they will record all grammatical concepts and structures.
8. All work must be completed by YOU. All students are expected to follow the CBSD
academic honesty policy. Translation programs (e.g. Google translate etc) are useful
tools; please use them appropriately.
Grading, Course Timeline/Requirements
1. We will complete 7 units in the Situaciones textbook. Each unit will be covered in
approximately 12 – 15 days including three to four quizzes per unit as well as the unit
test, a listening assessment, an oral assessment, and a composition.
**In addition to the readings in each chapter, we will read five additional readings from
the reader, Album, after each unit.
“Sala de Espera” Unit 1
“La Camisa de Margarita” Unit 2
“El nacimiento de la col” Unit 3
“No oyes ladrar los perros” Unit 5
“La vieja casona”Unit 7
Your grades will be based on the total points for the task assigned. Each task will then
be weighted according to either Summative (60%), Formative (30%), and SelfManagemente (10%). The following components will encompass your total grade.
1. Assessments- Summative
2. Projects and presentations – Formative
3. Positive daily participation- this includes being prepared for class, staying on task
during individual/ group work, listening, volunteering- Self Management
4. Homework - Self Management
5. Class work assignments – Formative/Self-Management
6. Your final course grade will be determined by averaging the 2 marking period
grades and the final assessment grades:
40% -first marking period grade
40% -second marking period grade
20% -final assessment grades (Includes 5 core assessments – writing, speaking,
culture, listening, reading; all totaling 140 points)
 These guidelines will help you succeed this semester in Spanish. If you work hard and
cooperate, you will not only be successful in this class, but you will have fun too! These
rules will allow for a positive learning environment for each and every student. I look
forward to exploring the Spanish language and culture with you this semester.
¡ Bienvenidos!
Señorita Bezick