Other Schools of Thought: Daoism, Legalism, Yin


World History

Ch. 3: China’s Classical Age

Other Schools of Thought: Daoism, Legalism, Yin and Yang

Answer the following questions using the below sources as noted.

*: p. 67-71 of the text

1: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/lao.html

2: http://www.his.com/~merkin/daoBrief.html

3: http://www.goldenelixir.com/taoism.html

4: http://www.toxicpop.co.uk/library/taoism.htm

5: http://sasasianhistory.wetpaint.com/page/Legalism+-+Qin%27s+Legacy

6: http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/chinese_legalism.html

7: http://www.applet-magic.com/legalism.htm

8: http://blogthings.com/areyoumoreyinoryangquiz/

9: http://www.funquizcards.com/quiz/astrology/the-yin-or-yang-quiz.php

1. Why did Daoists oppose Confucianism? [*]

2. What are the basic principles of Daoism? [*]

3. Give a complete definition of the word dao . [*, 1, 3]

4. According to the Laozi , what is the best way for a ruler to govern his people? [*, 2]

5. What is the Laozi

’s position on warfare and battle?


6. Why did Daoism never influence politics or government? [*, 1, 4]

7. Why did the Legalists oppose Confucianism? How did the Legalists view humanity? [6, 7]

8. What are the basic principles of Legalism?

[*, 6, 7]

9. How did the state of Qin use Legalism? Did it have a positive or negative impact? [*, 5]

10. According to Han Feizi, how should a ruler feel about and interact with his subordinates? Why? [*]

World History

Ch. 3: China’s Classical Age

11. Give complete definitions for the concepts of yin and yang. [*]

12. How did early Chinese thinkers use and understand yin and yang? [*]

13. Take one or both of the Yin/Yang quizzes. What were your results? How do you feel about this? [8, 9]
