File - International School of Sosua

Chinese Philosophy
Chapter 6 Lesson 1
Page 110-113 in the textbook.
• Between 500 BC and 200 BC, three major
schools of thought about the nature of human
beings and the universe emerged in China –
Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism,
• Although Hindus and Buddhists focused on
freeing the human soul from the cycle of
rebirth, Chinese philosophers were more
concerned about the material world, and
creating a stable society.
China 500 B.C.E.
Founded by Confucius (Kong Fu Tse)
Spread to Japan, Korea, S.E. Asia
Political-social philosophy, not religion
It was compatible with other religions, could
practice Buddhism and Confucianism
The Analects
• the Analects: the collection of sayings and
ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher
• Traditionally believed to have been written by
Confucius' followers.
• Main argument: the welfare of a country
depended on the morals of its people,
beginning from the nation's leadership.
• He taught that a ruler's sense of virtue was his
primary requirement for leadership. NOT birth.
“If there is righteousness in the
heart, there will be beauty in
the character. If there is beauty
in the character, there will be
harmony in the home. If there is
harmony in the home, there will
be order in the nation. If there
is order in the nation, there will
be peace in the world.”
“The superior man is modest in his
speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
“What you do not want done to
yourself, do not do to others.”
“If a man takes no thought about
what is distant, he will find sorrow
near at hand.”
Importance of Relationships
• Five Right relationships = right society
• All relationships unequal except for the final
1. Parent to Child (Filial Piety),
2. Ruler to Subject,
3. Older to Younger,
4. Husband to Wife,
5. Friend to Friend.
Importance of Education
• Education is valuable and everyone should be
able to get one. Become a gentleman.
• Put aside personal ambition for good of state
• His teachings emphasized self-improvement,
following good example, and the development
of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of
China 500 B.C.E.
Founded by Lao-tzu, philosopher
Dao = “The Way” (of nature)
Wu wei- non-doing, harmony with nature
Eternal principles, passive, yielding. Like water,
yet strong, shaping.
• Yin-Yang – symbol of balance in nature
• Believed everything in the universe had a life
force- a yin and yang-opposites
• Yin-dark side - moon, things that are still &
• Yang-light side - sun, things that move & birth
• Must keep the yin and the yang balanced
Tao Te Ching
• The Tao Te Ching is widely regarded to be the
most influential Taoist text.
• “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous
changes. Don't resist them - that only creates
sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow
naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Self-sufficient communities
Counter to Confucian activism
Emphasis on harmony w/ nature
Co-existed w/Confucianism, Buddhism,
Principle Teachings of the Dao
• Compassion- awareness of another person’s
pain and wanting to relieve it
• Moderation- avoid extremes
• Humility- modest, don’t brag
• Founded by Han Feizi
• The Qin Dynasty- Shi Huangdi
• Peace & order through centralized, tightly
controlled state
• Mistrust of human nature; humans naturally
• Reliance on tough laws
• Punish those who break laws, reward those
who follow
• 2 most worthy jobs: farmer, soldier
Han Feizi quotes
“It is dangerous for a ruler to trust others. He
who trusts others can be manipulated by
“ The wise ruler institutes posts, offices, ranks,
and bounties in order to offer a guarantee to
promote the worthy and encourage the
Significance of Legalism
• Accomplished swift reunification of China.
• Completion of projects like the Great Wall.
• Caused widespread resentment among
common people, led to wider acceptance of
• How would the Confucianist, Daoist, and
Legalist handle the following problems?
Scenario #1
• A student knows that they are failing a class.
They know they will be in trouble when their
parents find out. How do they handle this
Scenario #2
• A student sees an opportunity to take
something they have really wanted, without
being caught. How should that student act?
Scenario #3
• A business owner has an opportunity to open
a golf course in a beautiful plot of land.
Problem is, this plot of land is located on an
ancient burial site. What should the business
owner do?