China Jeopardy Questions

China Jeopardy Questions
100 – Who is the founder of Confucianism? Confucius
200 – What does Confucianism stress the importance of in order to have a well-ordered society? 5 basic
400 – What is the style of teaching in the Confucian school of thought? Students ask the teacher
600 – What did Confucianism lay a basis or foundation for? Government and social order
800 – Give the two contributions of Confucianism to Chinese Social Order
1. Belief that all humans are good
2. Respect for elders
3. Code of politeness
4. Emphasis on education
1000 – Name all five basic relationships
1. Ruler Subject
2. Father Son
3. Husband Wife
4. O. Brother Y. Brother
5. Friend Friend
100 – What does Daoism emphasize or try to understand?
200 – What does the “Dao” mean?
400 – How does the quote “Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your hear be at peace.” Exemplify Daoism?
600 – Give two things that Daoism gave to Chinese culture and values
800 – What is the symbol of Daoism?
1000 – Who was the founder of Daoism?
100 – What does emphasized in legalism?
200 – In order to have efficient social order, Legalists believed they needed to have a powerful what?
400 – If you were found outside of your district past curfew, what might happen to you?
600 – In order to make sure that people only listened to the law, what action did legalists take?
800 – If you were bad you were punished, if you were good what did the government do?
1000 – Name one of the founders of Legalism
Silk Roads
100 – What was the most traded material along this road?
200 – Where was the furthest that the Silk Roads traveled?
400 – Where did the Silk Road split into two paths?
600 – What started in India and split into two doctrines once it reached China?
800 – Name 3 other things traded on the Silk Road
1000 – What is the definition of Cultural Diffusion?
100 – Why was Chinese silk so in demand?
200 – During which dynasty was silk production at its peak?
400 – The Chinese mastered a certain type material for pottery, what is this called?
600 – Who is eligible to take the Civil Service Exam in China?
800 – What was the Civil Service Exam used for?
1000 – China is credited for the invention of paper. Explain how it was made?