Social Studies Ancient Religion Name _____________________________ In the library and on the computer research information about these doctrines: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism. You should also look for information on Legalism. You will need to identify the beliefs and/or way they believe followers should behave. For the activity you will imagine yourself to be, in turn, a follower of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. You will write down how you feel an individual would answer these questions if they were, in turn, a Buddhist, a Taoist, a follower of Confucianism, or a loyal citizen governed by Legalism. (This project is not due until after the break; we will turn this into a game.) You will need to be able to answer reasonably the following questions for each group: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Three Doctrines & Legalism A student knows that they are failing a class. Students from each of these doctrines know they will be in trouble when their parents find out. How do they handle this situation? A student's friends smoke and are trying to get them to start. How do they handle this situation? A student has just found $20 in the hall. What should they do? A student's parents have just spent a lot of money on a new outfit. The student has been playing around and has gotten ink all over it. What should they tell their parents, or should they? A student really likes a new student in school, but all the other students are making fun of the new student's clothes. How should the first student act? A student knows that an older brother or sister is cheating on tests. How should the student act? A student sees an opportunity to take something they have really wanted, without being caught. How should that student act? HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Take these questions home. Ask a member of your family how and why they would respond to your choice of two of these questions. Write down your responses in complete sentences. Thank your family for their help. Privately, try to determine if their response and their reason for that response would best fit the expected behavior of a Buddhist, a Taoist, a Confucianist, or a Legalist.