American Revolution Project Information Sheet

Revolutionary War Presentation
With a partner or by yourself, you will be teaching a lesson about the American Revolution.
The lesson will be about a person, battle, or other key element of the war. The focus of the
lesson is a presentation with oral and visual components. You will need to clearly explain your
topic and its importance to the American Revolution. You will have some choice in how you
present your information. Ideas include but are not limited to PowerPoint, Prezi, or a video. If
you wish to pursue another form of presentation, it must first be approved by the teacher.
Your presentation will be graded primarily on the following aspects:
1. Content – the topic is covered thoroughly including all required aspects of the topic as
directed by the teacher
2. Quality and Creativity – The presentation is well thought out and executed, with all
members participating and contributing
3. Works Cited – Minimum of 5 sources in proper format, one of which must be a book
(excluding the textbook.) This should be included in the presentation and on a sheet of
paper to turn in on the day of your presentation.
4. Visual appeal (font size, color, graphics, etc.)
5. Google Docs Slide – You will contribute a slide on the essential information related to your
topic within the context of the American Revolution to a class presentation. The slide should
be a brief but thorough summary of your topic and include at least one visual element.
Storyboard – A storyboard shows a detailed plan for your presentation must be turned in
after research is completed and before the creation of the presentation. (50 pts)
Work Cited worksheet – completed as rough draft for presentation in MLA format (25 pts)
Project Presentation (100 pts) see rubric
Oral Presentation (50 pts) see rubric
Library Days _________________________________
Computer Lab Days _________________________________
Due Date ________________________________