5 - Westbrooks-Wiki

5.02 Internet Scavenger Hunt
I. Find the Institutional Advertising that the following organizations support:
1. NFL-NFL players association
2. NBA-NBA cares
3. MLB-_ MLB’s Drug Policy, Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program
4. NHL-___________________________________
5. Nascar-___________________________________
6. PGA Golf-___________________________________
7. 3 singers or bands
Band or Signer
a. _________________
b. _________________
c. _________________
8. 3 Companies (Walmart, IBM, ETC…)
a. Pepsi Co - Pepsi Refresh Project
b. _ MTV
-_ Hope for Haiti Telethon
c. _ Bud Light -_ Please Drink Responsibly
9. 5 types of Advertising that we have not mentioned.
a. Viral Marketing
b. print advertising
c. outdoor advertising
d. public service advertising
e. surrogate advertising
10. Define Contest- a struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
11. Find 3 contests that are running on the internet.
a. coca cola
c. NIT
12. Define Sweepstakes- A lottery in which the participants' contributions form a fund that is awarded as a prize
to one or several winners
13. Find 3 sweepstakes on the interneta. lifetime
b. marie claire
c. adjack. tv
14. Define Coupon- A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due
15. Define Traffic Builder- a marketing promotion that is designed to generate an increase in customers.
16. Define Sampling- The act, process, or technique of selecting an appropriate sample