Study Guide Final Exam Freshman Writing _Fall'12

Freshman Writing
Fall ‘12
To Kill A Mockingbird Portion (60pts):
These 30 Multiple Choice questions are 2 pts each and will assess the following ideas:
1. 8 Characters (from Part I of test)
2. 5 Plot Points (from Part III of test)
3. 9 Storylines (from Part V of test)
4. 3 Points about Harper lee (from Part VI of test)
5. 2 Quotations (from Part VII of test)
6. 3 Thematic Questions (from Part VIII of test)
Mythology Portion (40ts):
These 20 Multiple Choice questions are 2 pts each and will assess the following ideas:
1. The definition of a myth
2. Characteristics of a myth
3. The names and symbols for each of the gods and goddesses:
a. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, Hestia, Hermes,
Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus, Iris, Eros
4. Cupid and Psyche: General plot line and experience of the three main characters
5. The Quest for the Golden Fleece: The relationship between Jason and Medea
6. Theseus: His task and personality
7. Perseus: His task and personality
8. Hercules: (do not need to know the details of each of the 12 tasks) His personality and
Writing Portion I (20pts)
These 10 Multiple Choice questions are 2 pts each and will assess the following ideas:
1. The characteristics of expository, descriptive, narrative, and persuasive writing
2. The differentiations between each of the four basic types of writing.
Wiring Portion II: Short Answer Portion (40pts):
These 4 Short Answers are 10 points each and will require demonstration of each of the
following pieces of writing:
1. Expository: Students will be required to explain a theme from one of the summer reading
2. Descriptive: Students will be asked to describe a holiday experience (4 th of July,
Christmas, Birthday, Halloween, etc.).
3. Narrative: Students will need to choose a memory from middle school to narrate in 5-10
4. Persuasive: There will be 5 theses arguing a point about school policies at St. Mary’s.
Students will need to choose ONE and write a paragraph (no less than 5
sentences) arguing the thesis.
Vocabulary Portion (30pts):
This portion of the test will be in the same format as the vocabulary quizzes and will
assess the following:
1. Choosing the Right Word: From Chapters 5
and 6
2. Antonyms: From Chapters 3 and 4
3. Synonyms: From Chapters 1 and 2
4. Pronunciation: From Chapters 8 and 9
5. Part of Speech: From Chapters 10 and 11
6. Completing the Sentence: From Chapter 7
7. Spelling: From Chapter 12