OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MOUNTAIN HOME BOARD OF EDUCATION July 6, 2010 The following members of the Board were present for the meeting: Robert Nelson, Ben Strider, Bill Wehmeyer, Neal Pendergrass, Doug VanDolah, Jason Schmeski and Lisa House. Administrators and other guests were also present. Mr. Nelson stated the meeting had been duly called and appropriate notice given. He called the special meeting to order at 12:00 noon. Approval of Agenda Ms. House made the motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. VanDolah. The motion carried unanimously. Consideration of Contract Cleaning Service Contract – Mike Walker Mr. Walker stated at the last regular meeting the Board talked about issues they would like to have covered in a contract proposal by GCA. The Board had been given a copy of a proposed contract agreement and Mr. Walker addressed items that had been requested in the contract. Specifically those items were 1) contract price limited to the amount of increase given as raises within the school district; 2) background checks; 3) thirty day cure period and 4) employ locally. Mr. Walker introduced Steve Sferazo, Senior Regional Manager of GCA. Mr. Sfarazo’s office is out of Memphis, Tennessee and our support would come from his office. Mr. Walker asked Mr. Sferazo to address any questions that the Board might have with his company. Mr. Sferazo introduced Chris Golden, District Manager, who would be our contact should the District decide to contract with GCA. Lengthy discussion followed with Mr. Sferazo and the Board. Mr. Sferazo explained the company’s procedures and management of cleaning, as well as what supplies they use and how many school districts and colleges currently use their services. Mr. Sferazo also explained how his company could supply the cleaning service at the price they were proposing. Motion to Approve Contract with GCA Mr. Strider made the motion, seconded by Mr. Schmeski to approve the contract with GCA. After some discussion, Mr. Pendergrass made an amendment to the motion that a statement be included in the contract stating that this would not affect any current employee. Mr. Schmeski seconded the amended motion. The original motion as amended carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Strider made a motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m. _____________________________ Robert Nelson, President _________________________________ Jason Schmeski, Secretary