Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Silabus Manajemen Strategik Semester II 2003/2004 Dosen: Kantor: Telepon: e-mail: Amin Wibowo, SE, MBA Gedung Magister Sains Lt. 2 580726 pascaeko@indosat.net.id DESKRIPSI DAN OBYEKTIF: Tidak seperti matakuliah bisnis lain yang berkonsentrasi secara terbatas pada fungsi tertentu atau bagian tertentu dari bisnis-akuntasi, keuangan, pemasaran, produksi, sumberdaya manusia, atau sistim informasi- manajemen strategik merupakan matakuliah “big picture”. Matakuliah ini meliputi “the whole spectrum of business and management”. Pusat perhatian manajemen strategik ada pada “total enterprise”lingkungan perusahaan beroperasi, kondisi internal dan prospek kesuksesannya. Selama perkuliahan berlangsung, mahasiswa belajar “the foremost issue in running a business enterprise”: Apa dan apa yang dengan bagus dilakukan manajer, untuk menjadikan perusahaan pada posisi pemenang dalam permainan business? Jawaban yang muncul dan menjadi thema matakuliah ini adalah “good strategy-making and good strategy-execution are always the most reliable signs of good management”. Tugas dari matakuliah ini adalah untuk mengeskplorasi mengapa “good strategic management leads to good business performance” dan untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa dalam mempelajari metode “crafting a well-conceived strategy and executing it competently”. Mahasiswa diminta untuk membuktikan, menanyakan dan mengevaluasi semua aspek internal dan eksternal perusahaan, mengevaluasi kemampuan perusahaan untuk berhadapan dengan rivalnya, dan mengasah keterampilan dalam memformulasikan serta mengeksekusi strategi perusahaan. Lebih dari itu, mahasiswa juga belajar untuk mengembangkan “power of managerial judgment” pada level manajemen puncak. Tujuan lain dari matakuliah manajemen strategik adalah membantu mahasiswa mensinthesis matakuliah-matakuliah sebelumnya, dan sekaligus mengintegrasikan dalam satu matakuliah yang menarik dan menantang. Diyakini inilah pertama kali mahasiswa merangkai “business puzzle” dan mengelolanya dalam “strategic harmony” untuk memenangkan persaingan. PERSYARATAN KELAS: Kehadiran di kelas dan partisipasi. Kehadiran pada semua sesi diharapkan, khususnya pada saat diskusi kasus. Ketidakhadiran adalah masalah serius dan mahasiswa seharusnya tidak berusaha untuk tidak memenuhi aturan fakultas. Karena partisipasi dalam diskusi kasus mencakup 25% nilai mahasiswa, maka mahasiswa disyaratkan untuk menjadi peserta aktif dan menyumbang pendapat yang bermakna atas kasus yang sedang didiskusikan. Nilai partisipasi dalam diskusi kasus akan mahasiswa peroleh melalui kontribusi yang konsisten pada diskusi. Tanggung jawab untuk membuat proses belajar sukses ada pada mahasiswa. Halaman 1 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Presentasi Lisan dan Penulisan Laporan Kasus. Kelompok-kelompok akan dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kasus. Setiap kelompok (4-5 orang) akan mempunyai kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan analisis kasus, dan wajib menyerahkan executive summary (kurang lebih 4-5 halaman) dan lampirannya (jumlah halaman bebas) untuk setiap kasus. Laporan ini dikumpulkan pada hari kasus didiskusikan dan harus di tangan dosen pada awal sesi. Kelompok yang gagal mengumpulkan laporan tepat waktu akan memperoleh nilai maksimum C. Ujian. Ujian Mid-term dan Final akan diadakan untuk menguji kemampuan mahasiswa dalam hal pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan materi kuliah dalam masalah manajerial. PENILAIAN: Ujian mid-term Ujian final Kasus Partisipasi 25% 25% 25% 25% BUKU TEKS: Hill, C.W.L., & Jones, G.R.. 2001. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. 5th edition, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company (HJ). KASUS: Analisis kasus merupakan hal yang pokok dalam manajemen strategik ini. Manajer diyakini tidak dapat menuntaskan permasalahan organisasi dengan mengandalkan buku teks semata. Tidak ada buku teks yang mampu memberikan jawaban atas keperluan mereka dalam menangangi problema bisnis. Sebagai gantinya, pandangan luas dan pengalaman adalah kunci keberhasilan manajer. Analisis kasus dijadikan sarana untuk membangun pandangan dan pengalaman praktikal. Kurang lengkapnya data dalam analisis kasus memang direncanakan, sebagai cerminan bahwa dalam pengambilan keputusan manajer menghadapi kendala tidak sempurnanya informasi. Kenyataannya, memang manajer membuat keputusan dengan hanya menyandarkan informasi yang tersedia (bukan informasi yang tersempurna). Mahasiswa biasanya mengajukan complaint atas ketidaklengkapan informasi ini. Selama perkuliahan ini berjalan, mahasiswa dihadapkan pada beberapa kasus yang didisain untuk mengilustrasikan terori yang dikembangkan oleh para ahli manajemen strategik. Mahasiswa diharapkan memberikan kontribusi positif dan melakukan persiapan yang serius dalam studi kasus dan diskusinya. Halaman 2 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta SKEDUL PERKULIAHAN Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topik Introduction and Overview and The Strategic Management Process Stakeholders and the Corporate Mission External Analysis: The Identification of Industry Opportunities and Threats Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities, Competencies, and Competitive Advantage Case Discussion #1 Building Competitive Advantage Through Functional-Level Strategy Business-Level Strategy Case Discussion #2 Case Discussion #3 Competitive Strategy and the Industry Environment Strategy in Global Environment Case Discussion #4 Corporate Strategy: Vertical Integration, Diversification, and Strategic Alliances Corporate Development: Building and Restructuring the Corporation Case Discussion #5 Case Discussion #6 Designing Organizational Structure and Strategic Control System Matching Structure and Control to Strategy Implementing Strategic Change Halaman 3 Materials Sylabi Ch. 1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch. 4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 & 12 Ch. 13 & 14 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta INTERNET EXERCISE Mengingat data base perusahaan Indonesia sangat tidak mudah untuk diperoleh maka mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan resources fakultas yang berupa Pusat Pelayanan Komputer sebagai wahana peningkatan kemampuan olah kasus. Mahasiswa dapat memilih satu dari 10 internet exercise yang telah disiapkan. EXERCISE 1 What is Marriott’s Business-Level Strategy? This exercise looks at the activities of the Marriott hotel group. Go to Marriott http://www.marriott.com and look at the home page of this well-known company. Investigate the company, its activities and its mission statement but, in particular, click on Marriott at a Glance http://www.marriott.com/glance.asp, and examine its different activities. 1. What business-level strategy(ies) is Marriott pursuing? 2. Why is Marriott pursuing these strategies? 3. What functional-level strategies does Marriott need to develop to support its business-level strategies? 4. What stage of the industry life cycle is the hotel industry in? 5. What competitive strategies does Marriott need to pursue to achieve a competitive advantage? EXERCISE 2 Wireless Cable and the Cable Television Industry This exercise looks at attempts of "line of sight" wireless cable companies like Heartland and Wireless One, and their suppliers like Pacific monoliths to establish a niche in the television cable market. First, go the websites of Wireless One and (http://www.wirelessone.com/) and Heartland (http://www.heartland-wireless.com/) two of the largest wireless cable companies to learn about the wireless cable business. In particular look at Heartland’s analysis of its business and strategy (http://www.heartlandwireless.com/investors/strategic.html) and (http://www.heartlandwireless.com/products/index.html). 1. What are the main competitive forces in the television cable environment? 2. What niche or segment of the television cable market are Heartland and Wireless One competing in? What is their business-level strategy? 3. How successful do you think these wireless cable companies will be in establishing a significant presence in the cable television industry? Halaman 4 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta EXERCISE 3 Competition Between Nike and Reebok This exercise looks at the competitive battle that has been taking place between Nike and Reebok. Take a look at the website of Nike (http://www.nikebiz.com/) search the website, examine its products and mission and be sure to click on its history http://www.nikebiz.com/story/chrono.html) and its CEO Philip Knight’s message to shareholders (http://www.nikebiz.com/invest/letter_ar.html). Then, take a look at Reebok’s website (http://www.reebok.com/corp/), and in particular its section for students which discusses its organization and strategy (http://www.reebok.com/corp/student.html). Also, do some research on these companies such as by searching Fortune’s website at (http://www.pathfinder.com/fortune/) or BusinessWeek’s website at http://bwarchive.businessweek.com) and go to the library to find copies of relevant articles. 1. What are the similarities and differences between the companies generic businesslevel strategies? 2. What competitive strategies are both companies using to support their businesslevel strategies? 3. Why has Nike been more successful than Reebok? Do you expect this to continue into the future? EXERCISE 4 What is Sara Lee’s Strategy? This exercise requires you to take a close look at Sara Lee’s business and corporate-level strategies. Explore Sara Lee’s website (http://www.saralee.com/homepage.html). And in particular closely study Sara Lee’s history at (http://www.saralee.com/history) and its timeline. 1. How has Sara Lee’s corporate-level strategy evolved over time? 2. How does Sara Lee’s corporate-level strategy support its business-level strategy? 3. Look at Sara Lee’s recent annual reports, search for recent articles on Sara Lee, and decide how successful Sara Lee’s strategies are today. EXERCISE 5 Avon’s Global Strategy This exercise takes a close look at the way Avon has been developing its strategies to take advantage of the opportunities provided by technological developments like the internet and a huge global marketplace. Explore Avon’s website http://www.avon.com/, and in particular click on Halaman 5 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta http://www.avon.com/about/financial/company/background.html, and look at each of the content areas here. 1. Chart the development of Avon’s functional- and business- level strategies over time. What are the main elements of its strategies? 2. What are Avon’s current domestic competitive strategies? 3. What are Avon’s current global competitive strategies? EXERCISE 6 VIACOM: What is its Corporate Level Strategy? This exercise asks you to study the underlying rationale behind Viacom’s choice of businesses. Go to Viacom’s web site (http://www.viacom.com), and in particular study the different businesses that Viacom is in (http://www.viacom.com/online.tin) Study these different businesses, and then go to (http://www.viacom.com/business.tin)to see how Viacom organizes these businesses into divisions, click on each of these businesses and analyze their activities. Next, explore Viacom’s website, look at facts and figures, management, recent press releases, and in particular, read CEO Sumner Redstone’s speech about Viacom’s global activities (http://www.viacom.com/forbes.tin). 1. What are Viacom’s corporate-level strategies? 2. Why is Viacom pursuing these strategies? 3. Search the web for recent news about Viacom to find out how successful Viacom has been in creating value from these strategies. 4. Would you buy stock in Viacom at this time? EXERCISE 7 Mergers and Acquisitions at WorldCom This exercise examines the merger and acquisitions activities of telecommunications giant WorldCom which just took over MCI. Take a look at WorldCom’s website (http://www.wcom.com/home.shtml). Be sure to look at WorldCom’s CEO Bernard Ebbers, letter to shareholders, (http://www.wcom.com/investor_relations/annual_reports/1996/ar19962-6.shtml) its timeline, and read some of its recent press releases (http://www.wcom.com/home.shtml/about_the_company/press_releases/current_release). 1. What is WorldCom’s business-level strategy(ies)? 2. What is WorldCom’s corporate-level strategy(ies)? 3. How does WorldCom’s merger and acquisition activities support its business- and corporate-level strategies? Halaman 6 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 4. How do you think WorldCom’s strategies will develop over the next decade? EXERCISE 8 Xerox’s Strategic Alliances This exercise looks at the linkages that Xerox has formed with other high tech companies. Go to Xerox, the document company’s website (http://www.xerox.com), click on About Xerox, click on facts, and read about this companies products, and the way it is organized. Then, make your way to the page that discusses Xerox’s strategic alliances (http://www.xerox.com/factbook/1997/alliance.htm). Study, the nature of the alliances, click on the links to Xerox’s partners to see what products they provide that have value to Xerox and answer following questions. 1. How does Xerox’s choice of strategic alliances support its functional-level strategies? 2. How does Xerox’s choice of strategic alliances support its business-level strategies? 3. How does Xerox’s choice of strategic alliances support its corporate-level strategies? 4. What kinds of risks does Xerox face in establishing and managing its alliances? EXERCISE 9 Bertelsmann’s Strategy and Structure This exercise asks you to take a look at the global media operations of the German company, Bertelsmann. Explore Bertelsmann’s website (http://www.bertelsmann.de/english, look at its annual report, and in particular, click on Bertelsmann "At a Glance" (http://www.bertelsmann.de/english/portrait/blick.html), and then click on its activities and corporate concept. (http://www.bertelsmann.de/english/portrait/unternehmenskonzeption.html) 1. What is Bertelsmann’s corporate–level strategy? 2. What kind of organizational structure does Bertelsmann’s use? 3. What advantages and disadvantages does this structure have for managing its strategy? EXERCISE 10 Control and Culture at Hewlett-Packard This exercise takes a look at the culture of one of the most successful high tech companies in the U.S., Hewlett-Packard. (http://www.hp.com/) Explore HewlettPackard’s website. In particular, click on the sections contained in "About HewlettPackard" (http://www.hp.com/abouthp), and especially on the section about the "HewlettPackard Way" (http://www.hp.com/abouthp/hpway.html) Halaman 7 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 1. What are the main elements of the Hewlett-Packard Way? 2. How does the Hewlett-Packard Way help create an organizational culture that can help it to achieve its objectives? In what ways does the Hewlett-Packard Way create a competitive advantage for the company? Halaman 8