FIRE 1350 PUBLIC SECTOR COMMUNITY RELATIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICE FALL SEMESTER 2009 SYLLABUS John Kloski PTF Office: 440/525-7193 Alt. phone: 440/251-8188 Mondays 6:00 - 7:50PM Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:50AM Classroom A-2021 CRN (Section): 13641 CRN (Section): 13640 TEXT: The text for this course is Fire and Life Safety Educator, 2nd edition, published by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA), and is available in the bookstore. Portions of some topics will be lecture, discussion, handouts, guest speaker, tour(s), and/or videotape, and not in the text. COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The general course goals are: To relate an understanding of the public fire education process and the importance of effective community relations. To evaluate the presentation methods and tools available to the public fire educator To provide students with knowledge to prepare a community relations program . Upon completion of this course you should be able to: Recognize the importance of honest and effective fire department community relations. Discuss the history and evolving functions of public relations. Present arguments for a fire service community relations program. List the research methods available for determining educational needs of a community. Explain the need for open and effective communication with the public. Describe appropriate techniques for determining public opinion of the services provided. Give examples of libel, slander, and other legal concepts affecting the public sector. Demonstrate the many written, spoken, and audiovisual tactics that might be utilized. Apply public relations principles and ethics to facilitate effective media relations. Prepare a complete fire education plan for implementation in the community. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: This course will be taught using lectures supplemented by audiovisuals and group discussions. Other methods may be added as needed to meet the course requirements. GRADING: Your final grade will be based on the following: Assignment 1: 5% Assignment 2: 10% Presentation: 5% Test 1 20% Test 2 20% Final Exam: 40% Total: 100% TESTS AND FINAL EXAMINATION: The assignments, tests, final exam, and final course grade will be based upon the standard percentage brackets, whereas 90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D, & less than 60% = F. A grade of “FNA” may be assigned as per college policy. Please review this policy. Test 1 questions will be comprised of questions from the first class through week #5. Test 2 questions will be comprised mostly of questions from week #6 thru week #10. The final examination is cumulative. Exam questions will be comprised mostly of objective style questions such as multiple-choice, true/false, and/or matching. Some short answer questions and definitions could also be included. Test and exam questions may be derived from the text, all lectures, guest speakers, audio-visual materials, class tour(s), supplementary materials, and/or handouts. In most cases the tests are reviewed in class the week after the test is administered. If you miss class the day the graded tests are reviewed you need to contact your lead instructor by phone or email for your grade, as we will not carry tests back and forth to class for weeks at a time. Assignments will be graded on the basis of (1) content, (2) context, (3) clarity of expression, (4) professional appearance, and (4) timeliness. Homework does not have to be typewritten, but if we cannot read your writing it will affect your grade. Assignments not received in class or postmarked by the due date will be recorded, as a reduction of one letter grade for each day the assignment is late. If a student fails to submit an assignment he/she will be given a failing grade for that assignment. "Extra credit" assignments are not available and will not be granted to any student. Further information on the assignments will be provided. The college policy on dropping, adding, or withdrawing from a course will be followed. If you decide this course is not for you and you fail to properly withdraw from the course you will be assigned a failing grade as per college policy. "Incomplete" grades generally are not granted, unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a major illness documented by a physician. The college has a formal policy of academic honesty and said policy is enforced in the fire science program. Cooperative work on individual assignments is not permitted and considered cheating. CLASS ATTENDANCE: The student should make every effort to attend as many classes as possible. You may attend either the Monday night or Wednesday morning class session each week. Because you are allowed to attend either class you must sign in on the class attendance sheet. Failure to sign in presumes you were absent. If you are absent it is your responsibility to contact the instructor for any information such as handouts or assignments. While attendance at every class meeting is not mandatory, your attendance at and/or participation in class may be taken into consideration in cases of borderline final course grades. A test or exam may be made up for any just cause APPROVED IN ADVANCE. A request for a makeup must be made prior to the test or exam by calling your lead instructor. You may also email your lead instructor. Failure to make a request for a makeup test or exam will be grounds for denial of a makeup, and a failing grade will be assigned for that test or exam. Conversely, do not walk into the classroom a few minutes before the start of class on a test or exam date and request to take the test or exam early because you have to be elsewhere during class time. Such requests are a disruption of the class schedule and will not be honored. As a courtesy to your fellow students, PAGERS and CELL PHONES (or similar electronic devices) shall be placed in the silent or vibrate mode during class times. SCHEDULED OFFICE HOURS: Your class instructors will be available before or after class and As Arranged. TENTATIVE READING ASSIGNMENTS AND CLASS SCHEDULE: The information listed under assignment and/or topic is that which you are responsible for having read prior to class on the date specified. SEE THE CLASS SCHEDULE IN EXCEL FORMAT FOR CLASS ASSIGNMENTS AND TOPICS.