CSR IN TESCO POLAND with a particular emphasis on employee volunteer program Report made by: Katie Armstrong Aleksandra Bobrow Karolina Falkowicz Christel McCombie Jacek Zatoński Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER I - Background Information ............................................................................... 4 1. Fact about Tesco ............................................................................................... 4 2. “The Steering Wheel” ........................................................................................ 5 3. Tesco Polska CSR Strategy ................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II - Employee Volunteer System – Theoretical Approach .......................... 7 1. Definition and Principles of Volunteering ........................................................ 7 2. Benefits of Employee Volunteering Program ................................................... 8 3. Models of Volunteering ..................................................................................... 9 4. Establishing and Implementing Employee Volunteering Program ................ 11 Chapter III - Implementing the Employee Volunteering System at Tesco Poland ...... 15 1. General assumptions and ground rules ........................................................... 15 Spatial and time boundaries ........................................................................................ 15 Participatory rules ......................................................................................................... 15 Budget and resources .................................................................................................... 16 Program Management .................................................................................................. 16 Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 16 2. Communicating ................................................................................................16 3. Encouraging Employee Voluntarism ............................................................... 17 4. Measurement tools and Program Evaluation ..................................................19 5. SWOT Analysis of Employee Volunteer Program at Tesco Poland ............... 20 6. Recommendation and Other Remarks ........................................................... 22 Summary ............................................................................................................ 24 2 Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a critical element for any organizational structure and their future plans, especially in relation to expansion and globalization processes and the growing relevance of sustainability since 1990s. The predominately western phenomenon has now become adopted throughout middle and Eastern Europe, including Poland, often modelling themselves on the advanced frameworks of existing corporations such as Tesco. Despite the well founded theories of these conglomerates, there are still flaws and potential improvements which can made in relation to CSR strategies and their implementation. The main aim of the report is to propose an efficient voluntary scheme which will improve the participation of employees in relation to voluntary work and ultimately increase awareness surrounding their role in the community, wider society and how their contribution to voluntary actions can improve not only their personal wellbeing but also the local community as a whole. In following chapters we introduce Tesco PLC and Tesco Poland, and the company’s current CSR strategy. However the main focus of this report will be our proposal of an employee volunteer scheme, with the aim of fostering a new mentality amongst employee’s of Tesco Poland to be more willing to be involved in the company’s CSR schemes. 3 CHAPTER I Background Information 1. Fact about Tesco Tesco is a leading UK retailer, which is present in 14 markets around the world. There are over 440, 000 employees in more than 4,000 stores. Entering Poland’s consumer retail market 15 years ago, Tesco now operates around 327 stores throughout the country and employees around 30,000 people. With over 1500 suppliers and an estimated 4 to 6 million customers weekly, the store is growing to rival some of the most dominant Polish hypermarkets such as the leading store Biedronka. Tesco’s retail products consist of the following ranges: Tesco Value – a cost-effective brand with over 1,500 products for the ‘price conscious’ consumer. Tesco ‘own brand’- over 7000 products delivering high quality for reasonable prices, up to 30% lower than other leading brands. Tesco Finest – Premium quality for the more affluent consumer. The headquarters are situated in Krakow, and Tesco looks to continue to expand with an ambitious scheme to build and develop its presence of smaller ‘compact’ stores, to coincide with its hypermarket format. As such Tesco aids local businesses and provides support and jobs for local communities. Its recruitment scheme has seen employee promotions to section managers increase by 90%, which is a testament to its values and its claim of being “... a great place for career development.” 4 “Treat people how we like to be treated,” is the fundamental employee ethos, which is employed throughout the organization and is the basis for many of the company’s external and internal operations. Furthermore Tesco prides itself in good customer relations and thus “No one tries harder for customers.” “By supporting our customers and our staff, and by remaining focused on tackling the key issues that matter to our communities and society at large, we have sought to use Tesco’s size as a force for good.” Terry Leahy, Chief executive 2. “The Steering Wheel” Tesco presents its strategy in an internationally adopted model named ‘The Steering Wheel.” There are 5 sections of the wheel which are; Community, Operations, People, Customer and Finance. This report will concentrate on the fundamental section of Community, which represents the company’s CSR strategy and many related activities in this area. Figure: The Steering Weel 5 3. Tesco Polska CSR Strategy CSR is a vital component of the company’s strategy, with specific actions such as fair salaries and working closely with charities. The main component of Tesco’s CSR strategy is the community plan, related to social, ecological and charitable projects all circulated around the mantra of responsible actions on behalf of the organisation. The community plan is based on customer research, including information that has been gathered from suppliers and trade unions, which competition often neglects to include, and as such Tesco provides a comprehensive outlook of the main needs of local communities. Supporting local communities is at the heart of Tesco’s Community Plan, as well as their flagship programme Tesco for Schools. Tesco takes their sourcing of products extremely seriously, developing and supporting Polish suppliers and products. The exporting of these products has helped raise international awareness of Poland’s position within the Tesco framework. For example, Tesco UK houses dedicated isles to Polish produce. These actions collectively contribute to fair trade amongst local suppliers and overall economic growth. Leading the way in environmental issues, Tesco Poland has established 3 eco stores, the only company in Poland to have such an initiative. Staff customers and youth are all major components in their ecological plan. Communicating to customers and employees is the essence of the community plan, and as a result 97% of Tesco Polska staff support social engagements. However only 50% actively participate, this is a major point of concern and thus this essay centres on the notion of increasing participation in these social actions. There are also energy-saving TESCO stores in the following cities of Poland: in Garwolin, Zdzieszowice and Lubartów. 6 CHAPTER II Employee Volunteer System – Theoretical Approach The aim of following chapter is to provide a theoretical background for this report. It includes basic definition, principals and models of volunteering and establish some models of evaluation and implementation of employee volunteering program. The list of potential benefits of incorporating employee volunteering program into CSR strategy is an important part of this section as well. Following chapter was written on the basis of “A guide to Employee Volunteering” publicised by Government of Western Australia’s Office for Seniors Interest and Volunteering and “Corporation Volunteerism” by Boston College Center For Corporate Community Relations. 1. Definition and Principles of Volunteering Volunteerism has been part of human existing in society from long time, but in business world it is only a few decades old. Volunteering is defined as: “Those mechanisms used by companies that support and facilitate employee volunteer activities in community based non-profit organizations and groups, charitable groups and groups identified in need of services and assistance.”1 Business participation in the local community as a volunteers could bring lots of benefits. We have to keep balance between corporate and community needs, but 1 Heidrick, K.W. (1990, p157), cited in Corporate Volunteering: helping to build business and community sustainability: a handbook for corporations and business/ (authors Carl Holroyd and Anthony Silver). Publisher: Bunbury WA: Volunteer South West in conjunction with Edith. 7 focusing mainly on achieving highest gaining. Participation in the community over the long term can bring significant investment returns, when efforts are aligned with strategically goals. 2. Benefits of Employee Volunteering Program COMPANY 1. Improves relation with surrounding community public image employee morale and reduces absenteeism understanding of the community and the company’s customers BENEFIT S COMMUNITY 1. Provides new talent and energy increasing number of volunteers. EMPLOYEE 2. Increased employee performance and productivity. 1. Increased understanding of colleagues and respect for diversity. 3. Enhanced staff morale and team work. 2. Improved leadership, interpersonal skills, communication and teamwork. 2. Increases understanding between business and the non profit sector. 3. Gives capacity to provide community services that otherwise might be impossible. 4. Increased awareness and education about social issues and sustainable practices. 5. Potential for future partnerships, resourcing, funding and support. 3. Reduces isolation and increases interaction with employees in other segments and levels of the company. 4. Adds variety and fulfillment and increases sense of self worth. The value of volunteerism in company is very high, but benefits are difficult to measure. We can distinguish three type of benefits: for company, for employee and for local community. A corporation through volunteers acting can improves “human” face. Moreover it’s also can be part of promotion company in local level. Employees who participate in voluntary have chance to demonstrate leadership, learn new skills. They can also contribute to the local community. Table presents the main advantages out of voluntary work. 8 3. Models of Volunteering Volunteering can be implemented in many ways. There are different ways to support local communities. We will present 11 kinds of employee voluntary programs. Each sort of program is based on needs of local community and company capability. Each program model involves different levels of employee initiative, employer support, resource and time commitment. Programs are also different in time term eg activities can be undertaken as short-term projects, one-off events, on an ongoing basis or secondments. However every plan of action should be tailored to suit the needs of the organization and the employees also embedded into existing policies and strategies. There are main ways of implementation volunteering in company: Table: Models of Volunteering Programs 1 Explanation An agency can support employee participation in volunteering in the individual’s personal time through Flexible Working Conditions providing flexible working conditions. The balance of contributing to the community and managing individual workloads can be negotiated with line managers to enable employee participation in volunteering 2 This can take the form of employee donation Fundraising schemes, fundraising or money allocated towards specific causes, programs or projects. Employees can volunteer to coordinate the fundraising effort and may be involved in the fundraising activity. 3 In this model of employee volunteering organizational Release Time policy allows for a specific amount of paid work time for volunteering. The time allowance can be taken as a one-off block of time or spread out over a set period. 4 Model sees the organization contribute funding to match employee fundraising for an agreed charity Matched Giving or organization. Similarly, some organizations have a policy of paid leave for volunteering matched to individual volunteering time contributed out of work hours. 9 Employees are allocated a set amount of time on a 5 one-off basis during work hours to volunteer with a community organization. While by definition, this One-off Events activity usually only occurs once, it can be undertaken as a regular ‘one-off’ event on an annual basis. The most common form of this program model is a whole day team project whereby a group of employees volunteer for a specific task or project. 7 In this model, organizations and their employees identify a specific social issue to which they wish to contribute. The employee volunteering program then focuses on contributing staff skills, time and expertise Mentoring to this issue. This type of program may involve a partnership with one or a number of community organizations working to address the identified issue. The community organizations will identify how the employee volunteers can best support their work. Employees can contribute their skills and expertise 8 to not-for-profit community organizations by Board Membership becoming a member of their board or committee. This arrangement contributes a valuable set of skills, knowledge and experience to the strategic management of not-for-profit groups. Employers can volunteer the professional skills, 9 knowledge and experience of their staff freely or at a significantly discounted cost to meet an identified need in a community organization. The pro bono model provides benefits to the employees in fostering leadership, breadth of experience and management capacity. It may also benefit Pro Bono Services the organization in strategically fostering and supporting the community organizations. Employees with management expertise can assist with strategic planning, legal advice, business planning, financial management, human resources, marketing and communications, and information technology. Common pro bono services include provision of free legal, tax and accounting advice. 10 Project Secondments Linked to pro bono programs but involving a medium to long term time commitment, project 10 secondments involve staff placement in a community organization to undertake specific projects or work for the benefit of the community. This model provides the organization with resourcing for a key project, enables knowledge and skill sharing, and provides a new experience and challenge to the employee. For example, an accountant may be seconded to a community organization during tax time to undertake an accounting audit and streamline finances. Other projects include marketing plans, business strategies, and feasibility studies. Fellowship programs are similar to secondments but 11 relate more to research type volunteering placements. Fellowships Employees participate in research projects contributing their expertise, energy and knowledge and also drawing on the experience to increase their own understanding and skills. Source: A Guide to Explore Volunteering, Office for Seniors Interest and Volunteering. 4. Establishing and Implementing Employee Volunteering Program A successful Employee Volunteering Program (EVP) should be established in a strategic and logical way. Government of Western Australia’s Office for Seniors Interest and Volunteering publishes some key steps to a successful EVP: 1. Harness high level management support and commitment for an EVP. Integrate this commitment into business objectives and strategic policies. 2. Establish a working group involving employees, managers and the community to coordinate the development, implementation and evaluation of the program. 3. Explore existing volunteering involvement of employees through information and data collection, e.g. staff surveys, consultative committees. 4. Identify a model of employee volunteering suited to the organization’s commitment, employee interests, EVP purpose and aligned with business objectives. 11 5. Develop an internal policy and guidelines on employee volunteering. 6. Determine budget and resource commitment to the program. 7. Set clear objectives and identify the outcomes to be achieved. 8. Identify and develop relationships with potential community partners. 9. Identify ‘champions’ to promote the program and encourage involvement. 10. Promote the EVP internally to recruit employee participants. 11. Conduct the employee volunteering program. 12. Recognize and promote the contribution of employee volunteers. 13. Monitor and evaluate the impact of the program on employees, the community project assisted, the organization as a whole and the broader community. The basic thing to do in developing EVP is to choose a model of volunteering which will be implemented. To do that, it is essential to set a purpose, goal and expectations connected with EVP. Other issues that will inform choice of EVP are the type of volunteering activity employees are interested in, whether one specific social issue is important to employees and/or the organization. Assessment of time, resources and funding commitment available is crucial as well. Employees should play an integral role in program development and implementation. It is recommended that a working group be established - comprised of employees, managers, and the community partner – to develop the program and oversee its implementation. An important step before implementation of EVP is to choose some community organizations with whom the company intends to develop a partnership during the volunteering program. It is required to involve these organization as much into the implementation process as possible. It would impact positively on the effectiveness of the program Implementation phase can be divided as well into some parts that would help to successfully get through it (according The Boston College Center for Corporate Community Relations): 12 Step 1. Conduct internal and external environmental scanning. Utilize focus groups, surveys and meetings with management and community leaders to get insight on just what is needed and what the current level of support is for such a program. This type of information sets the stage in defining just what the corporate role should be. Step 2. Define the scope of the volunteer program. Ensure that the program is in line with the corporate mission. Readdress the corporate mission if there is no integration between its business vision and community vision. Develop a mechanism to ensure that the volunteer program fits in and is consistent with the corporation’s other philanthropic efforts. Incorporate guidelines for the volunteer coordinator to follow. Establish company policy on employee volunteer time during work or after work hours and criteria for additional corporate support regarding compensation; donation of funds, equipment or company facilities; and matching donations. Target community service efforts to meet community needs, business strategies and employee interest. Develop a system (via a volunteer coordinator, employee volunteer committee or other) for choosing which efforts or organizations the company will support. Outline specific guidelines. Consider forming partnerships with other companies or organizations to meet the needs of projects larger than that which your company could support alone. Step 3. Establish program requirements and structure. Assess how long it will take to establish and maintain a program. Estimate the size of the program. Structure the coordination functions to meet the anticipated program needs. Does it make more sense to coordinate volunteer functions internally through a part-time staff person, or to contract externally with a nonprofit to fill these services? Determine the financial and staff resources and commitment needed to implement and run the program. 13 Step 4. Obtain internal buy-in and resources. Obtain top management support for the program; encourage participation from all levels of the company. Ensure that funds are available for the program. Acquire adequate staff or services to oversee and coordinate volunteer program functions. Step 5. Make it easy and rewarding to volunteer. Establish an appropriate and consistent system for publicizing volunteer opportunities and recruiting volunteers. This may include postings in the employee break area, writing articles or listings in the company newsletter or utilizing the power of phone calls and e-mail. Provide all relevant details when asking for volunteers. Find out exactly what type of assistance is needed, location and directions, timeframes for when help is needed, and a contact person for more information. Recognize volunteers for their efforts and dedication—be creative and have fun. Publicize volunteers in the company newsletter; consider giving perks like theater or sports tickets if available; host an annual recognition banquet. Highlight both internally and externally thank you letters from organizations, success stories of individuals or communities helped, and testimonials. Encourage family participation in volunteer opportunities. Step 6. Measure and share program success. Develop systems to periodically evaluate the cost and benefits of the program and its impact on the community, the company and employees. Keep track of staff hours contributed, the monetary value of employees’ time, the number of organizations served, the number of people assisted, etc. Design a report to communicate the volunteer program’s results. Regularly update and share this report with upper management and employees. 14 Chapter III Implementing the Employee Volunteering System at Tesco Poland This chapter aims to present a scheme of Employee Volunteering System at Tesco Poland which could be developed and implemented at Tesco Poland. Its structure is the follow-up of the implementation steps described in the previous chapter. The scheme includes a prediction of some obstacles which might appear while launching the system. 1. General assumptions and ground rules Spatial and time boundaries This will be a nationwide scheme which will be localized for individual regions and stores, taking into account the specific needs and wants of these communities. We suggest setting a 3-year boundary of this program, after which 5 % of each store staff member will participate in voluntary actions. Participatory rules As it is more likely that employee’s will prefer to participate in such schemes during working hours, due to other commitments and the inconvenience that volunteer work can incur for employees during social and leisure hours, Tesco will implement its scheme in an efficient way during the working day. However it will be created in such away to not be too costly for the company’s production. In order to foster volunteerism as a part of Tesco Poland organizational culture, and to dissolve the separation of high level employees and shop workers, the scheme will integrate all levels of staff from ground floor workers up to management, working together on the same projects. Our aim is to develop a program which would be of interest to all types of workers, which will hopefully have the effect of developing and strengthening relationships between staff floor workers and more senior members of 15 Tesco staff. Floor shop workers will feel that they have more responsibility and that their ‘voice’ is being heard and more importantly they are valued members of staff, equal to that of senior managers. Budget and resources Financial resources and support for the scheme will be allocated as the project progresses and will be the responsibility of the operations and finance department within the company which provide the budget details. Program Management We will utilize the knowledge and skills of the current staff in the corporate responsibility office and appoint a member of staff as a Volunteer Project Manager (“Community Champion”) who will oversee the operations of this scheme. The responsibility of this manager will be to ensure that operations are running smoothly and running in accordance with the needs and wants of the employees. Annually a meeting will be held where a representative Community Champion from each region will attend and meet with a panel of Level 5 Tesco Poland employees, where a progress and a review of the implementation of the current strategy will be discussed in detail. Guidelines Guidelines must be coherently written by management, that will be understood by all level workers. Although there will be a general framework of guidelines, procedures and rules that must be maintained to ensure the schemes are not misused, there will be some flexibility to allow regions to localize issues and adapt them to their specific needs. Furthermore the guidelines will provide guidance to all Tesco stores which charities would be deemed acceptable and suit Tesco’s image. 2. Communicating It is important to establish a consistent and effective system for employee volunteerism that will be easy for members of staff to utilize. The aim is to use the current Intranet as a communication tool for the volunteer scheme, which will provide more specific details for employees on the projects and to perhaps create a survey online where employees can vote which charity they would most like to work 16 with regards to the project. There will also be information available in this section of the company intranet which will educate employees and provide evidence of benefits of volunteerism for the wellbeing of the community and wider society. Through the intranet system we can collect data and information of the current charities and volunteer schemes that employees are already involved with and the cause that is deemed most worthy and will be chosen based on its potential to educate employees and its suitability with the current CSR sustainability and ecological strategies. All materials will be provided for by Tesco Polska, under the direction of employees store Community Champion. For example if the project location is out with the store, transportation will provided free of charge to project members. 3. Encouraging Employee Voluntarism Possible suggestions for motivating employees to volunteer: A national competition where different project teams will compete to win recognition of having developed the most successful and engaging project. Each Tesco region will be present at a national gala (location will be decided by senior management), where rewards and celebrations will be held and the winning team will be presented and awarded for their efforts with a trophy. Employees and projects will also be described and included in internal Tesco magazines so continue to spark awareness and interest in volunteerism and to reinforce its presence within the company. These articles will also feature on the homepage of the company’s website so that customers and business partners can read about the volunteer work. We could implement individual store competitions based upon a point system, which is measured on volunteering hours and efforts, whereby employees have the opportunity to win a small reward (e.g. a basket of fruit) Although we do not wish to foster a culture of volunteerism based upon physical or financial rewards, we believe that this may be necessary at the introductory stages of such a scheme in order to gain initial interest. However this will be slowly phased out as the culture of volunteerism becomes more established. In order to make volunteerism normal practice and to break the cultural barrier towards volunteerism being widely accepted. 17 It is essential to ensure that Tesco manages and maintains its relationships with charities professionally. For example it must send thanks to the charities that have been involved in such projects. Furthermore to strengthen relations within the company, project members should be thanked (an ecological way to do so would be through the company email system). Aware that communities may be cynical about the motivations of such volunteer schemes, and belief that such schemes may be only feasible and appreciated by the larger Tesco hypermarkets. The scheme will be initially implemented in smaller compact stores, in more rural regions to demonstrate that these schemes can be implemented by any Tesco outlet and the work of the volunteers of these smaller regions will also be appreciated and recognized by senior managers at larger hypermarkets, such as the headquarters at Krakow. Gala events: After each project has been successful completed and implemented, Tesco will express its appreciation to volunteers and the charities that are involved by hosting a celebratory Gala which will unite all those who participated, integrating Tesco employees with the local community. In order to ensure that future generations are raised with this mentality of volunteerism, children from the local community will be involved in such celebratory events to educate children and adopt positive correlations of volunteerism and charity work. A possible initiative for the future would be for children to be participate in actual volunteer work. However such work will only be implemented once Tesco has an established volunteer scheme. Film: a low budget film will be created and produced around volunteer actions to raise awareness and encourage participation. Tesco could launch this on its company intranet for easy accessibility; it could be sent to employees mobiles, and shown in company meetings. Hopefully the intranet, by the time the scheme is launched, will be developed and advanced enough so that employees have access to the website at home so that it can be watched in employee’s free time and shown to their friends and family. 18 4. Measurement tools and Program Evaluation Once a program is in place, periodically evaluating its effectiveness, costs and benefits is a way to demonstrate its value to top management. In addition to gaining information about added value and worth, the data gathered through evaluation can provide useful insights for improving the program and planning future activities. A KPI model should be utilized as an effective method of assessing the success of such schemes. We recommend to set a new KPI which will precise a percentage of Tesco employees involved in company’s voluntary program. This KPI will be able to demonstrate in a quantitative way, to senior management (nationally and internationally) how the efforts of volunteers is providing measurable results. Another tool to evaluate the program will be a annual report on employee volunteer program describing achievements and appreciation to volunteers both from Tesco company and from external organizations, communities and individuals who took part in program. This report as well as being issued internally to all members throughout the company by uploading it at mojetescp.pl. It will also be disrupted externally through Tesco website to provide some PR related publications to support the volunteer work. Employees will actively participate in the collection of the data for this report, as a survey will be issued to all staff members to assess their views of the volunteer schemes and will be used to indicate whether cultural attitudes towards volunteerism are evolving and changing. 19 5. SWOT Analysis of Employee Volunteer Program at Tesco Poland SWOT Analysis is a common tool to point strengths, weaknesses of this program and to estimate its opportunities and threats. The results are presented in the following table: Weaknesses Strengths Amount of employees small budget on CSR actions Amount of stores insufficient motivation program Experience in the field of CSR low level of awareness of corporate volunteering among employees CSR Officer at Tesco Significant amount of employees who has already taken part in the previous access to the Intranet provided only for office staff anonymity among employees volunteer actions Opportunities participation in the Threats Volunteer Business Program in volunteering among floor staff a high number of NGO actions changing expectations of society and employees towards corporations growing number low level of motivation to participate of companies implementing corporate volunteering good press in the local community non-effective access to the intranet for floor staff to high expectations from local communities and NGOs regional disproportion of volunteering actions decreasing CSR budget 20 21 6. Recommendation and 0ther remarks The recent plight of the flood damage which occurred in early 2010, is a project that strikes a chord with many Polish citizens particularly in Southern Poland. As such a volunteer program which revolves around the flood damage and helping repair communities is likely to be very successful as it is a common plight and is likely to gain a lot of support in local communities. Thus this is likely to be the cause that will central to our early volunteering schemes. We recommend to join Wolontariat Biznesu Program, an initiative that supports volunteering within corporations and organizations. Becoming a partner for this initiative and taking part in such actions as International Volunteer Day or Volunteer Gala Tesco might gain some benefits. First of all, this would be another way to promote volunteering among employees, and what is more ensure some additional effective and costless rewarding for them. Another important advantage of joining this program would be a possibility to externally promote Tesco involvement into volunteering what would contribute to its PR policy. Case Studies of other polish companies and their volunteering program show that implementation of such program might be successful and enhances company’s prestige and impacts positively on its image. An example of Telekomunikacja Polska SA. is described below. 22 TP.SA as an example of company with a successful employee volunteering program According Report of Responsibility Business in 2008 Telekomunikacja Polska S.A started action ‘Education with Internet TP’, which was focused on ensuring safety in the Internet. The program involved employees from TP SA Group and Orange company . Volunteers visited schools in their home towns and run classes with about 4 thousands pupils. As a result 135 lectures were held by 47 volunteers. Employees had one day or half day off to stand their voluntary work. Furthermore company refunded money spent on transportation. Insurance during volunteering hours was provided. Employer benefited on developing better relationship with local community and improving public image. Employees could directly contribute to the community and improve communication and interpersonal skills. Local community, especially young people had an opportunity to discover safety way to use the Internet. Decision to repeat “Education with Internet TP” the following year indicates a big success of this Program. For sure it helped TP SA to achieve their long term goal. 23 Summary Tesco Poland – second biggest retail company after Biedronka in Poland, a part of UK based Tesco PLC corporation in few past years evaluated an advanced CSR policy being aware of its importance in corporate strategy. High performance in CSR field is supported by many prestigious awards, however some elements require improvement. One of such improvements could consider employees volunteering. Tesco Poland doesn’t have strongly developed volunteering system, while numerous examples of other corporation show that implementing such system contribute strongly to the society, company’s performance, employees well-being or environment protection. This report gives some basic ideas on how to implement employees volunteering program in Tesco Poland, with particular emphasis on motivating employees and raising culture of volunteering within company. Although rules established in this report are rather superficial and should be reviewed and adapted more deeply to company’s condition, some of its ideas and outcomes could serve as a starting point to implement volunteering system in Tesco Poland. 24