HELP OUR CLASSROOM SUCCEED! PARENT VOLUNTEER INFO Your Name:______________________ Phone #_______________ Email Address_________________________________________ Your Child’s Name: _____________________________________ With your help we will do amazing things. I cannot express the importance of having parents present in the classroom. The pride the children feel when their parents volunteer in the room is an irreplaceable feeling. Please fill out the following survey and return to school in your child’s folder as soon as possible. I will contact you if you have been selected to help in any of the areas. Thank you! PARTIES We have several classroom celebrations throughout the year. Please circle any parties you would like to help with. Signing up does not guarantee you will be selected, depending on the number of people who sign up to help. I will contact you before each party if you were selected. Halloween Christmas Valentine’s Day CLASSROOM HELPER Into the year, I may ask for some assistance in the classroom. For example-centers, small groups, or a special activity day. I will let you know what days and times with advance notice. _____Yes, I am interested in being a classroom helper. SPECIAL DAYS We will have special days that go with our units of study and holidays such as Pumpkin Math and Pasta Party. You can help out by donating items or volunteering in our room. I will send a note before these days to ask for volunteers but if you think it is something you would want to do check here. ____ Yes, I am interested in helping with special days.