Professional Development

E P Suresh Menon, 44/A Kamgar Nagar, Kurla East, Mumbai- 400 024, India.
Cel- 9820669777/ 9821089662 Res.91-22-25224591 Off (D) 91-22-40751000
Senior manager with key strengths in General Management, Strategy, Marketing, Sales
and Brand Retailing. Extensive experience in the Indian subcontinent, Europe, Middle
East, Africa and Asian markets in the Consumer goods and FMCG domain. Considerable
exposure to manufacturing, quality assurance and finance.
Current Position
CEO of TARZ Distribution India Pvt Ltd.( from May 2010). TARZ is the subsidiary of the
Chalhoub group of Middle East and engaged in the distribution and retail of Luxury
Brands. Currently we are representing, Dior, Givenchy, Davidoff, Calvin Klein and Make Up
Forever in India.
Immediate previous positions
President International Business- VIP Industries Ltd & CEO Carlton Travel Goods Ltd., UK.
Carlton Travel Good Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of VIP Industries Ltd, engaged in the
Travel Goods business world wide. (June 2006- March 2010)
Responsible for worldwide business of Carlton Travel Goods Ltd. Report to the board with
P&L responsibility.
Operate from Mumbai. Operations spread between Carlton corporate office in London and
regional offices in Dubai, Mumbai & Hong Kong.
Executive Director & Vice President (Sales & Marketing) - Samsonite South Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Responsible for top and bottom line in the areas of India, SAARC, Middle East, East coast
of Africa & CIS (May 1999- June 2006)
Member of Executive Management committee, Samsonite South Asia Pvt Ltd
Member Marketing Committee, Samsonite Corp.
38 % CAGR over last 3 years. Highest EBITDA and lowest working capital ratio of all
Samsonite Corporation regions
Core Strengths
General Management, Strategy, Sales & Marketing, Conflict resolution & management,
ability to think different and take path breaking initiatives.
Core Values
Emotional ownership, Integrity, Consumer focus
What I can bring to the Position
Leadership, Strategic thinking, Innovation, ownership for the task
Professional Development
ISB-Kellogg Global Advanced Management Program- 2003. Executive Education program
Jointly conducted by Indian School of Business (for 2 weeks at Hyderabad) & Kellogg
School of Management (for 2 weeks at Chicago)
Sales & Marketing Management course- UniLever, Latin America & Central Asia region
Program- 1995.
Managers Course- Hindustan Lever Ltd- 1994 (Unilever subsidiary)
Finance for non Finance Managers- Brooke Bond Lipton India Ltd.- 1994
Previous Experience
National Sales & Marketing Manager, A W Faber Castell India Ltd. (2/98 – 5/99)
(Subsidiary of A W Faber Castell, Germany)
Products handled- stationary and coloring instruments
General Manager- Sales, D C W Home Products Ltd. (12/95 – 2/98)
Products handled- branded wheat flour and refined salt
Regional Manager (Foods)- Western India, Brooke Bond Lipton India Ltd.(Unilever
subsidiary) (8/92– 12/95)
Products handled- processed food, noodles, milk products, vegetable oil, frozen foods
Regional Manager- Western India, Balsara Hygiene Products Ltd. (1/90 – 8/92)
Products handled- personal hygiene products
Regional Executive- Bombay & Maharashtra, Shaw Wallace & Co Ltd. (4/86 – 1/90)
Products handled- detergents and soaps
Sales Officer- Hindustan Lever Ltd (Unilever subsidiary) (12/81 – 10/85)
Products handled- personal hygiene products
Dr. Ramesh Tainwala
President- Samsonite Asia Ltd.,
13/F, AXA Centre, 151,Gloucester Road,
Wan Chai- Hong Kong
Phone- (852)91969710
Mobile- (91)9892477772
Mr Sudhir Jatia
Managing Director,
VIP Industries Ltd;
88C Old Prabhadevi Road,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 4000025
Ph- (22)66539002, Cel- (91)9820288870
(Detailed resume in following pages)
4th Floor, Akruti Star,
Central Road, MIDC,
Andheri (E), Mumbai -400 093
Mobile- 9892477772
Carlton Travel Goods Ltd & VIP Industries Ltd
President International Buisness (VIP) and CEO- Carlton (June 2006- March 2010)
Report to the board. Responsible for achieving planned growth and P&L
The international business was a completely new business for VIP. Carlton brand, a 30
year old UK brand, was bought over by VIP in 2004 to act as a vehicle for establishing a
world wide business.
The objective was to become a significant brand world wide by 2012.
In the last two years we have
Built an effective multifunctional, multinational team spread across Europe, Middle
East & Asia Pacific
Established offices in Dubai & Hong Kong
Completely revamped the supply chain. Established logistics centre in London,
Antwerp, Dubai (Jebal Ali), Hong Kong. Sourcing and quality labs in Hong Kong &
Enhanced design capabilities
Launched completely new product lines in October ’08 & October ‘09
Built distribution in major markets of Europe, Eastern Europe and Middle East
Started brand retail stores in UK, Middle East, South Africa and Asia
Achieved 45% growth in FY07-08, 17 % growth in 08-09
Improved gross margins to 38% from 30% in FY 07-08 with a targeted GM of 40% in 0809
Functional responsibilities
Business development, P&L and financial reporting
Marketing & Sales
Responsible for Nashik factory (export oriented unit) profitability and production
Sourcing, supply chain & logistics
Design & product development
Commercial operations & negotiations
Fund management & Forex management
HR for Carlton Travel Goods Ltd
Additional achievements
Headed the multifunctional team on quality improvement for the entire company. Set
new quality standards & processes at own factories in India and third party factories in
China. Set up quality labs in China for quality assurance at third party factories in China
Headed cost optimization team for manufacturing and substantially reduced costs at
both Nashik and Haridwar plants. By redesigning the work flow and removal of
redundant equipments at the shop floor, space utilization at Nashik factory was reduced
by 30% and redeployed.
Both these projects were initiated by me to respond to international business
requirements but made substantial contribution to the whole business.
Worked with HR to kick start a new program for the company (VIP) named ‘Brand Red’.
This is a total ‘branded consumer experience’ program. This was started mainly to
energize the domestic retail business. TMI, India was the external partner. The program
started in November 08 and is ongoing. Results are already visible.
Started a new innovation process in company in July 09. Multi functional teams (5) are
formed and the process kicked off. Results yet to come.
Direct reportees-10
Team strength- 52
Samsonite South Asia Pvt Ltd (1999 – 2006)
Executive Director & VP- Sales & Marketing – Sep 04 (Samsonite South Asia)
Executive Director – Sales & Marketing – June 00 (Samsonite India)
Director- Sales & Marketing – May 99 (Samsonite India)
Report to Managing Director. Head of Sales & Marketing- India, SAARC, Middle East, East
African Countries, CIS, Iraq
COO for the marketing company
Direct reportees- 8
Team strength- 160
Functional Responsibilities
Marketing & Sales
Product development & sourcing
Supply chain & logistics
Commercial operations & negotiations
HRD for the marketing& sales division
CAGR of 38 % in last 3 years as against industry growth of 8%.
Luggage industry in India was monopolized by a single brand and a small circle of dealers.
Implemented strategic shift to break this monopoly. Exclusive brand stores were the key
in this strategic initiative. Set up 105 brand stores within 18 months, which has increased
to 148 by December ’05, with over 70 % sales contribution. This was done at a time (2000)
when brand retailing as a concept was non existent in India.
This was achieved through a franchisee model, thereby eliminating the need for capital
expenditure. This retail model & strategy, creating synergy between distribution channel
and brand positioning, is now being pursued internationally by Samsonite.
Brand recall increased from 13% in 1999 to above 65% currently. (A C Neilson brand track)
This was achieved through very focused and segmented advertising, PR activities and
brand building.
Achieved 18 % increase in gross margin by market segmentation, product repositioning,
pricing and SKU rationalization.
Launched new product ranges and lifestyle products to upgrade the brand and expand
market. A second brand, ‘American Tourister’ launched successfully as part of dual brand
Pro-active working with emerging channels- Hypers, Distribution centers, department
stores- resulting in gaining the position of category leader in these channels.
As a result of these achievements, markets of Middle East, Iraq, East cost of Africa and
CIS added to responsibilities in 2005. Middle East doubled the sales in 2006.
Established Dubai logistics center at Jebal Ali, to service outside markets as above.
Restructured the Middle East markets with focus on brand retail stores, channel
sanitization and dual brand strategy. In addition launch accessories of Lacoste &
Timberland (licensed brands)
I.T. initiatives to exponentially improve communications, commercial control, logistics &
inventory management. Inventory reduced to 35 days from 66 days, while improving line
fills & order execution by backward planning with key accounts & retail.
Company achieved net profit from 2002 and has the highest EBITDA and lowest working
capital ratio of all Samsonite regions.
A W Faber Castell India Ltd. - National Sales & Marketing Manager
(Feb 1998 to May 1999)
Head of Sales & Marketing, reporting to Managing Director. Faber Castell India is the fully
owned subsidiary of A W Faber Castell, Germany, world leaders in writing and coloring
Launched the products in India and achieved a turnover of Rupees 140 million in the first year
of operation. Established the entire sales & distribution infrastructure.
Direct reportees- 6
Team strength- 60
Functional responsibilities
Marketing & Sales
Supply chain & logistics
Production planning & inventory management
Trouble shooting as in a startup company
DCW Home Products Ltd. - General Manager- Sales
(Dec’95 to Feb ‘98)
Head of Sales reporting to CEO. DCW Home Products manufactured & marketed ‘Captain
Cook’ brand of refined salt and wheat flour and were market leaders in the segments they
Branded wheat flour was a new concept in the market and required considerable consumer
education for the product to succeed. Further it required innovations in distribution and close
coordination with manufacturing due to the low shelf life. We successfully accomplished
Re-engineered the entire sales, distribution & logistics systems resulting in major savings.
Extended the product to all India markets & Nepal. Doubled the salt tonnage from 8,000 tons
to 20,000 tons p.m.
Obtained market leadership from the 15 year old market leader ‘Tata Salt’. Recorded landmark
turnover of 1000 million Rupees in financial year of 96-97.
Direct reportees- 8
Team strength- 220
Brooke Bond Lipton (I) Ltd - Regional Sales Manger- Foods
(August 1992 to Dec 1995)
Head of Western India, reporting to General Manager – Sales & Marketing. Brooke Bond Lipton
(I) Ltd., is the subsidiary of Uni Lever, UK, and is engaged in the business of Beverages,
Dairy & Culinary products. Products handled- Culinary, Dairy & Vegetable fats, Noodles,
frozen foods.
Significant achievement
One of the key products in the company was “Kissan” tomato sauce. Competitive brand‘Maggi’, had market leadership when I took over. Maggi was heavily advertised and Kissan
had no advertising support. Within 9 months Kissan took leading market share in the western
region which I was handling. This was achieved solely by inventory planning and distribution
improvement thereby ensuring ‘fresh’ stock is always available in the retailer shelf.
Another significant achievement was re launch of Top Ramen Noodles in the Indian market.
Against entrenched market leader Nestle (Maggi) we achieved 30% market share in two years.
Balsara Hygiene Products Ltd. - Regional Sales Manager- West
(Jan ‘90 to Aug ‘92)
Reporting to General Sales Manager. Balsara Hygiene Products is engaged in the business of
Personal products.
Shaw Wallace & Co Ltd. - Regional Executive
(April 86 to Jan ‘90)
Reporting to Regional Manager.
Products handled Soaps, Detergents and Toiletries.
Significant achievement
Our products were low priced detergent soaps, where by the freight cost from the factory (which
was 2000 kms away) was a major part of the cost. With encouragement from the business head
and minimal technical support from the factory, started successfully manufacturing the product in
the territory through third party manufacturing.
Hindustan Lever Ltd. – Sales Officer
(Dec ’81 to Oct’ 85)
Reporting to Area Manager. Hindustan Lever is the wholly owned subsidiary of Uni Lever, UK
Products handled- Personal Products.
M/s Chowgule & Co.Ltd. / M/s Uni-San Pharmaceuticals. - Medical Representative
(Sep ’77 to Oct’81)
Educational qualifications
B A Economics- Kerala University
Diploma in Business Management- Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay.
Married. Wife working as teacher. One daughter, aged 27 years, married and settled in USA
Professional Development
Various courses in Professional selling, General Management, Marketing & Financial
Management. Courses conducted by Hindustan Lever, Rank Xerox, UK, and Uni LeverLatin America & Central Asia Region.