MBA Board Meeting Minutes 03-12-04

Montana Bowhunters Association
Board meeting
March 12,2004
Billings, MT
The meeting was called to order by President Charlie Johnson and introductions were made
around the table. There being 22 members present, there was a quorum to conduct business.
MINUTES: The minutes of the December 2003 board meeting were reviewed by Secretary
Marian Stratton.
MOTION to accept the minutes as reviewed was made by Gary C. and seconded by Dwane
VOTE: show of hand was unanimous in favour.
E-mail votes for new board appointments:
1. On January 13, 2004, a MOTION was made by Charles Culver and seconded by Larry
Rattray to appoint Craig Hermance to the board as a Region 3 area representative. There were
15 E-mail Aye votes and no Nay votes. As we currently have 26 board members, 15 Aye votes
are a majority and sufficient for the motion to pass.
2. On February 7, 2004, a MOTION was made by George Withey and seconded by Gary
Carvajal to appoint Jim Gappa to the open odd year at-large director position. There were 18
Aye votes and no Nays. There were two more Aye votes after the announcement that the motion
had passed.
President Johnson viewed board activities from the last meeting. There are various board
positions still open and a Public Relations position is still vacant. It has been strongly suggested
that the appointee be a board member. He also reviewed our participation in sports shows this
last winter. Doug Thielman reviewed results from the Bozeman area sports show. They got a lot
of positive response from the recent State of Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
commission giving us the early antelope season. David Stratton reviewed the show in Great
Falls and Larry Rattray reviewed the Kalispell area’s show.
MOTION to reimburse Bob Howard for the cost of the backdrop made by George Withey and
seconded by Charles Culver.
VOTE: carried on voice vote.
President Johnson reviewed efforts to duplicate some of the photos from the MBA album to
make up four smaller albums to have for display at the sports shows. He has researched some
costs of scanning and printing to reproduce the photos. It was suggested Charlie and a couple
others to go through the photo album and select some photos to duplicate and they will put this
info out on E-mail for comments and a vote.
MOTION to remove the photo of a convicted poacher made by Steve Sukut and seconded by
Ron Hawkinson
VOTE: unanimous in favour.
The existing album was made by Jon Flehardy in Lewistown. Rosie will ask him about making
us another.
CONVENTION 2004: reported by Eric Landsrud. The trailer also needs to be transported to
Kalispell at the end of this convention. He also commented on the timing of the hunt raffle to
have tickets on hand sooner than we did this year. George asked about getting thank-yous out
and Eric stressed the importance of getting current addresses for donators. He also commented
about getting convention information on disks to be handed down so it doesn’t have to be reinvented every year. There was also comments about a business in Missoula asking about
sponsoring a shot and he was told about the Carp shoot.
CONVENTION 2005: reported b Bob Howard and Larry Rattray. M.R. James will be the
speaker. A few seminars have been temporarily penciled in.
There was some discussion about how to acknowledge the convention workers who put
these things together. Several ideas were tossed out and discussed.
Marian reviewed convention assignments for 2006 for Helena and 2007 for Bozeman.
TREASURER’S report was presented by Treasurer Leah Kailey. She reviewed the transition
period between the checking accounts and other accounts. By the next board meeting in June the
transition will be complete and the report will be up to date at that point. She answered
questions from the board and they discussed itemizing a couple of specific raffles for the
legislative and dense funds for their budgets.
FINANCIAL COMMITTEE: reported by Paul Hopkins.
MOTION made by Gary Carvajal and seconded by Bob Howard to appoint Leah as our official
VOTE: unanimous voice vote in favour.
Paul then went on to review various financial items. The first one was life memberships. We
currently have a total of 135 life members which is 18% of the total membership. How do we
deal with insuring they get their benefits but making monies available to service the cost of their
benefits. One item discussed was raising the price of a lifetime membership. Do we want to
raise the price and do we set up a separate fund for those monies. We also have quite a stockpile
of brochures currently on hand with the Great Falls address and current prices. One comment
was made to eliminate the life membership. Another suggestion was made to put a cap on the
number of life memberships and allow a new one only if there is an opening. Raising the price
would act as a cap in and of itself. Having it become a status symbol or creating a tiered
membership was not palatable to the board. It takes approximately interest income of 15-20
years to make it pay for itself.
MOTION made by Gary Carvajal that the price of an individual life membership go to $500
January 1, 2005 and there will be a notice in the next two newsletters. It was seconded by Eric
VOTE: unanimous voice vote in favour.
The family life membership price also needs to be updated. It does not cost anything extra to
maintain a family membership.
MOTION made by Greg Durward and seconded by Gary Carvajal to raise the family life
members dues to $500 and notice will be posted in the newsletter with the same date of
effectiveness as January 1, 2005.
VOTE: unanimous voice vote in favour.
We still need to establish an account to maintain the life membership funds. We may borrow
from it but it has to be paid back. It was suggested by Walt Francis, a previous board member,
that we fund it with $20,000 and name it to reflect its status as the life membership cash reserve
fund. One question that was raised was how does this affect our 501-C3 status. Once again the
idea of a budget was mentioned and how much it costs us per member to support that
membership. To transfer money
would take a vote of the board to “borrow” money from that fund. One point was made that a
person might vote differently if he/she knew the money was coming from a certain fund as
opposed to the general fund. At the June board meeting we will have a budget presentation from
the financial committee.
THE BOW COLLECTION AND EXPENSES reported by President Johnson. He reported on
the ongoing expenses of arrow maintenance and replacement of lost tabs, etc. We need to take
possession of the MBA equipment and have it under the control of the board.
MOTION to get the bows and equipment back under the control of the 2nd VP and they will be
dispersed by that person and returned to him. Motion was made by Mike Daniels and seconded
by Steve Sukut.
VOTE: unanimous voice vote in favour.
TENTATIVES COMMITTEE: Stan Meyer will make a presentation on the (Habitat Montana)
block management program that is due to sunset in 2006 unless the legislature re-enacts it.
There are some other issues including managing elk seasons, and the Breaks. He also reported
on the FWP commission’s passage of the early antelope season. Public comment had a lot to do
with support of this proposal. Rosie asked if we knew why the department had not put it on the
comment proposal agenda and President Johnson answered his question. Ron Aashiem from the
department was present to comment also. Keith Dvoroznak commented about being able to buy
the antelope tag over the counter instead of applying for it as a special permit.
President Johnson also commented on our efforts towards the Spring Creek Bird Preserve
in the Choteau area and we need to pursue using that privilege. Commissioner John Lane is
working towards getting some landowners into the block management program. Larry Rattray
reported on his conversation with the food bank network to donate meat to them for processing
and then distribution to its members.. He will report this to the general membership tomorrow.
Questions about camping facilities in the Choteau area were discussed.
Off-road vehicle (ORV) issue is becoming more and more prevalent. Our outgoing PR person,
Stan Rausch, is on the national trails committee and will have comment on this during the
general meeting. (See attached copy draft of policy handout e-mailed by Charlie).
MOTION made by Dwane Kailey and seconded by Steve Sukut that we accept the policy
statement as stated but amended to include under no circumstances should a bowhunter draw
and shoot while riding in or on an ORV except in accordance with Fish, Wildlife and Parks rules
and regulations.
VOTE unanimous voice vote in favour.
Dwane commented that our last survey response was that our membership
overwhelmingly voted in favour of additional restrictions on ORVs. Our response is that the
board is guided by but not mandated absolutely by the survey results. We can also say this is our
first step towards that.
Ron Aasheim from the department had several items to discuss. The first was Crossbows again.
In a suit with the US Fish and Wildlife survey the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and
Parks had to answer as to what we are doing for handicapped hunters. Some of the things the
dept claims are things the MBA is actual doing, but at least the requirements of the ADA are
being met. Kent Brown had put together a packet of information that has been forwarded to the
US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Secondly, he really encouraged us to help get re-authorized the program by which land is
purchased for habitat, etc. The PLPW committee is also working on some issues.
Thirdly, another issue is the outfitters are proposing to hunt clients on block management
Fourthly, urban wildlife issue is also a hot issue for management. There are
approximately 450 resident deer in the city of Helena alone. Wolves are another issue but no
money yet.
STRATEGIC PLANING reported by Joelle Selk. A typical plan includes mission statements
help a group to focus on their goals and budget for those items, goals to achieve the mission,
and objectives. Joelle will pursue a presentation on how to accomplish this sort of planning,
hiring a facilitator/mediator, etc. President Johnson asked if this is something we want to do,
how we accomplish this and how to use it. Do we want to use this for how the public perceives
us or how to function better as an organization? We very well may not have time for this this
year, but can we use some of this for planning for the legislature? Joelle will research this
further including costs of hiring a mediator, and how to anticipate and plan for our future. A lot
of board members questioned the feasibility of doing this, abiding by it, is usefulness, us being
amateurs and volunteers, the cost of it, the time involved in meetings, and other reservations.
LEGISLATURE 2006: Last session Greg Munther studied the bills and put out a summary and
recommendations for the board via E-mail and complied results for his testimony to the
committees. We are anticipating access issues, privatization issues, attacks on the way the dept
manages wildlife issues, etc. We will make attempts to get to know the legislators, the
committees, etc. Joelle asked if there is any way we can be more aggressive in writing,
promoting or even counter-acting bills. It was also suggested we talk to our legislators about
what they hear coming in the pipeline.
MEMBERSHIP LIST: using the delinquent membership list to solicit their renewals. Gary
reported on his efforts to contact the members in his area which took an hour of his time. No one
turned him down. Dwane and Gary commented about dealing with people who do not want to
rejoin. Leah will print out a new list of deliquents that will be sent out to all board members
after the updates from the sport shows and the convention have been done.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: reported by Dwane. The current drive is for new members who sign up
at this convention. Then there will be a drive after this but they need to find a prize for it. It
would go for the next year and do the drawing at the Kalispell convention.. The committee will
discuss this and present their plan at the general meeting tomorrow.
SURVEY reported by Dwane. He has talked to various people about various issues about which
Allen Charles will talk tomorrow at the general meeting. These issues are a good place to get
questions for the survey and also issues coming up in the legislature. He has been talking to the
Montana Wildlife Foundation and they have some ideas as well. It was suggested having people
return their surveys to their area meetings for further input. Asking for written comments is a
real slow way of getting input. Dwane suggested using yes, no or selecting from prewritten
I VOTED RAFFLE: reported by Larry Rattray. Are we interested in doing this again? Keith has
a line on a shotgun and a rifle again.
MOTION made by Steve Sukut and seconded by Dwane Kailey to do it again.
VOTE: unanimous hand vote in favour.
Dwane commented on ordering stationery with the MBA logo but no address on it as to avoid
waste. He can design a template logo that can be downloaded and used on nice paper without
the cost of preprinting stationery.
GIFT MEMBERSHIPS discussed by Steve Sukut as a tool for soliciting memberships at a
discounted rate for one year. Charles Culver bought a new set of waders with a gift of one year
membership in Trout Unlimited. Is that an idea we can work with? The idea of giving them a
newsletter subscription rather than a real membership for a year was discussed.
NEWSLETTER reported by Steve Sukut. Starting with the next newsletter there will be a
disclaimer on the members forum letters. He also reviewed advertising and costs of the newsletter. He has heard from a Canadian firm who wants to donate a fishing trip in exchange for an
ad, what do we do with it? It was suggested it go on a raffle or auction at the next convention.
Other issues discussed where the amount of colour we use, going to black and white, cheaper
paper, the amount of advertising, etc. It was agreed the newsletter is for the members and it also
needs to represent the membership statewide.
LANDOWNER- SPORTSMENS COMMITTEE reported by George Withey. George: Get the
entire committee involved. One issue they are looking at is the urban wildlife issue. The
information his committee collects will be forwarded to the department for their use in
management of this problem. He charged everyone on the board to talk to landowners and ask
them to contact them if they have problems with bowhunters to help police our own. Rosie
commented on his research on timing hunts for lower profile urban hunting to control the deer.
Greg commented about 22,000 bowhunting licenses and only 1,000 are MA members but we
will take the heat for something going wrong with members and nonmembers. The department
formed a citizens committee for their input but we were not asked for our input or provide a
member for the committee. It was pointed out that this problem is not unique to Montana.
Board members will keep an ear out for problems and get the information to pass onto the board
for suggestions. George will formulate some things and present it to his committee for feedback
and to come up with specific suggestions.
He also asked about the Choteau area and asked about drafting a letter to the landowners
offering our help in the situation. Questions about monitoring, access, controlling the numbers,
landowners wanting only does harvested were discussed. Charlie will call John Lane for his
suggestions. Joelle asked how organized we should be in organizing a group to go hunt so that
landowners know what to expect.
AWARDS COMMITTEE: reported by Bob Howard. He had put out an e-mail to the board
about lack or response to the awards solicitation in the newsletter. It was recommended that the
stories for nominees be printed in the newsletter
Submit msg to committee, find a way to
honor Marian at the convention for her years of service.
NOMINATIONS reported by Rosie Roseland. We still need a person for area 7 rep and an odd
year at-large director position to replace Steve Sukut being elected to the area rep position.
Rosie reported on the ballot for this year. 80% of the board is returning this year. Mike Daniel
and Greg Durward were thanked for their efforts on the board.
CARP SHOOT: reported by Joelle Selk. She is dealing with the paperwork for the shoot and the
camp site. The caterers will do the spaghetti feed and the Boy Scouts will do the concession
stand. She would like to address the general meeting tomorrow to collect pre-registrations. They
talked about how to collect funds in MBA’s name and mailing funds to Leah. The date is June 5
and 6th, 2004. George will talk to the Sportsmens Warehouse in Missoula about sponsorship or
donation of prizes. What should we ask him for? He gave us some discount coupons to the
convention that he can track for return so he knows how much response he gets from our
membership shopping in his store. Suggestions were given for kinds of donations for which to
ask such as 3-D targets, fishing reels, etc. Costs were listed as needing a scale to weigh fish,
$75 camping fee, $150 advance on meals, $150-200 fish disposal, $15 camping for the Boy
Scouts, purchase backup equipment of reels, line, etc. estimate $50. Total budget about $900.
MOTION made by Paul Hopkins and seconded by Doug Thielman to budget $900 for the shoot.
VOTE: unanimous voice vote in favour.
GENERAL BOARD MEETING: new members to committees.
Steve Schindler:
Jim Gappa:
Don Stein: bow education
Craig Hermance:
THE BREAKS: The Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks is working with the feds on
management objectives. President Johnson reviewed his conversation with the department
people about ideas that are floating around. Steve Sukut reported on his conversations with
others about the Breaks. There will definitely be compromises made between all parties
concerned. A couple of hot buttons are the nonresidents and the outfitters industry. Mike Daniel
commented that he and others were contacted for their input., they didn’t seek it out themselves.
Rosie read a list of comments put together by his region members. Joelle commented on seeing
an e-mail from MWF commenting that maybe the feds will eventually try to eliminate hunting
there altogether. Gary Carvajal commented on not wanting to comment because he doesn’t hunt
there and so he doesn’t know what to think about it, which was echoed by many others. Rosie
commented that his area people will say there are too many hunters but balk at permits to limit
numbers. Doug commented about where will hunters go when they get pushed out of the
June 12, Lewistown. May 16th is the deadline for the meeting
notice mailing.
MOTION to adjourn the meeting was made by Gary Carvajal and seconded by Dwane Kailey.
Respectfully submitted,
Marian Stratton
Charlie Johnson