CONSTITUTION Spartanburg Human Resources Association Article I Section 1. The purpose of this Association shall be to develop its members and maintain a program of activities, such as will develop its members personally and be of definite benefit to them in the discharge of their responsibilities as personnel administrators and associates, with particular emphasis upon matters which directly affect human relations within business and industry and a better understanding of business and industry in the community; further seeking by association and usefulness the following objectives: a. An opportunity for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of personnel problems of mutual interest. b. Make available to members current information as to trends and best practices in human resource management. c. To build character and good will in business and industry by recognition of the human element and for the development of a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among members. Section 2. To amend this Constitution, a quorum will consist of at least a majority of the active members being present and a majority vote shall decide the question. Amendments must be proposed in writing to the President before they are presented for approval of the membership. By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the active members present at any regular meeting of the Association.