KIWANIS CLUB OF ARLINGTON BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 3, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at: 6:04pm II. Board Members Attending: Jim C; Bob N; Mark P; Al F; Jim R; and Jan B III. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Bob moved, Mark seconded and the vote was taken to approving the Agenda. IV. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: a. Meeting of March 6, 2013. No action was taken as minutes were not available. V. FINANCIAL REPORT a. Treasurer’s report: Jim Chase gave a review of the budget statement. The report was approved as submitted. VI. OLD BUSINESS a. Grant Funding Requests-Submitted by George Boulton i. Senior Center Fund Grant Request 1. This activity will not take place. Discussion followed. Bob moved that Kiwanis give a one-time $250 donation to the Senior Center request. Jim Chase seconded the motion which passed with a unanimous vote. ii. BSA Camp for Boys/Girls and Campfire USA Requests Jim Chase moved to give a one-time donation to BSA and Campfire USA for $250. Al F seconded the motion which passed with a unanimous vote. b. Kiwanis International Foundation i. The Kiwanis International Foundation asked for a donation for the fund from our club. Al moved and Bob seconded the motion to contribute $150 from the Administrative Fund. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. c. Community Survey i. Discussion: Crystal was not available for an update. d. Donation to Wayne Behner via gift certificate at the Bistro i. Status: The certificate has been purchased and delivered. VII. NEW BUSINESS a. Nominations Committee Report. Al F noted that one person has volunteered, and he will follow up with an additional possibility. b. Grant-funding request for Arlington High School DECA to attend the DECA Conference in Anaheim, CA. At this time the budget does not allow for the request to be granted. c. Purchase of canopies. It was decided that this purchase would not take place. VIII. Announcements, Activities of Interest & Good of the Order a. Kiwanis One-Day will be Legion Park Clean-Up on April 27th @ 9:00am. b. Election of officers will be on May 1st. c. July 19 Golf Tournament McChord AFB in Tacoma d. Certificate of delegates to Club International needs to be signed. Mark moved and Al seconded that George and Tom be designated as delegates to the International Conference. IX. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:46pm.