Notice of Intention to Designate Arndt’s Machine Shop as a Municipal Historic Resource Recommendation: That Executive Committee recommend to City Council: 1. That a Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the February 9, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PLU110 be served to the owner of the property occupied by Arndt’s Machine Shop located at 10310 - 81 Avenue NW, in accordance with Section 26 of the Historical Resources Act. 2. That the funding of $37,797.10 for this project be provided from the Heritage Reserve Fund. Report Summary The action recommended in this report initiates the process of designating a heritage building at the owner’s request as a Municipal Historic Resource in accordance with the Alberta Historical Resources Act. Report Arndt’s Machine Shop is on the Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton and merits designation under City Policy C-450B - “A Policy to Encourage the Designation and Rehabilitation of Municipal Historic Resources in Edmonton.” The property is currently owned by Dayanandan and Selvanayigee Naidoo. On January 20, 2009, the owners completed the application requirements to have the Arndt’s Machine Shop designated as a Municipal Historic Resource under the provisions of City Policy C-450B. Any future restoration will meet the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. Policy The Municipal Historic Resource Designation of Arndt’s Machine Shop complies with and advances the goals of City Policy C-450B. Budget/Financial Implications Upon completion of the project phases as outlined in Attachment 5, the owner will be paid up to $37,797.10 as a rehabilitation incentive from the Heritage Reserve Fund. This funding scheme is based on 50% of the total cost of the restoration work. Should the owner receive funding from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation for restoration work, the owner will only receive up to 33% of the allocated funding from the Historic Resource Management Program. The cost for the restoration work is $75,594.20; however, the owner is completing a great deal of additional work on the building to upgrade it and convert it to a family restaurant. ROUTING – Executive Committee, City Council | DELEGATION – P. Ohm/O. Elgalali WRITTEN BY – L. Collins | February 9, 2009 – Planning and Development Department2009PLU110 Page 1 of 2 Notice of Intention to Designate Arndt’s Machine Shop as a Municipal Historic Resource Justification of Recommendation 1. Issuance of a Notice of Intention to Designate and subsequent approval of the designation bylaw will give Administration the authority to ensure that the building is restored and maintained in accordance with sound principles of conservation. 2. Rehabilitation incentive funds will be available from Internal Order # 174101 Heritage Reserve Fund. Attachments 1. Notice of Intention to Designate Arndt’s Machine Shop as a Municipal Historic Resource 2. Location of Arndt’s Machine Shop 3. Photograph of Arndt’s Machine Shop 4. Statement of Significance for Arndt’s Machine Shop 5. Description of City Funded Restoration Work on Arndt’s Machine Shop Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1 Notice of Intention to Designate Arndt’s Machine Shop as a Municipal Historic Resource NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE ARNDT’S MACHINE SHOP AS A MUNICIPAL HISTORIC RESOURCE HISTORICAL RESOURCES ACT Section 26 H.R.A., R.S.A. 1980, c.H-8, as amended TO: 1393532 Alberta Ltd. (Dayanandan & Selvanayigee Naidoo) 26, 52224 Range Road 231 Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1N3 Notice is hereby given that sixty (60 days) from the date of service of this Notice, The Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton intends to pass a Bylaw that the site legally described as: Plan Number I, Block 51, Lot Numbers 5 & 6 Excepting thereout all mines and minerals. and located at 10131 - 81 Avenue NW and containing the original circa 1928 building known as Arndt’s Machine Shop located on the site be designated a MUNICIPAL HISTORIC RESOURCE under Section 26 of the Historical Resources Act, as amended from time to time. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton has appointed the General Manager of the Planning and Development Department to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate a Municipal Historic Resource. DATED this day of 2009. ________________________________ General Manager Planning and Development Department Agent for the City of Edmonton Page 1 of 1 Report: 2009PLU110 Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Location of Arndt’s Machine Shop Page 1 of 1 Report: 2009PLU110 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Photographs of Arndt’s Machine Shop Page 1 of 1 Report: 2009PLU110 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Statement of Significance for Arndt’s Machine Shop Description of Historic Place Arndt’s Machine Shop is a large one storey industrial building with Moderne influences built during the 1940s. The building is located in a small industrial area in Ritchie on Edmonton’s south side. Heritage Value Arndt’s Machine Shop is significant for its architectural, contextual and historical values. Arndt’s Machine Shop is architecturally significant as a good example of a modern light industrial building of this era. This building shows influences of the Moderne style in its smooth stucco exterior and curved parapet. The corner pilasters and parapet conceal the corrugated steel barrel roof common in industrial buildings. The Machine Shop is historically significant for its association with the long term owner, Ted Arndt and the continued industrial development in the Ritchie area. Arndt first purchased and developed this land in the 1920s as a blacksmith shop. He operated the blacksmith shop on this site until the 1940s when it became Arndt’s Machine Shop. The Machine Shop likely benefited from the oilfield development in the late 1940s and this success likely permitted Arndt to build this new shop in the late 1940s. Arndt’s Machine Shop is contextually significant for its place in a larger grouping of industrial and commercial buildings along this strip in the Ritchie neighbourhood. Located directly south of Old Strathcona’s Whyte Avenue, this area had a much stronger industrial focus, in contrast to the commercial nature of Whyte Avenue. The proximity of this small industrial area to the Canadian Pacific Railway Station was also strategic for shipping and receiving. Character Defining Elements The character defining elements as expressed in the form, massing and materials of this one-storey commercial building include: bowed parapet; barrel roof of corrugated steel; stucco finish; square pilasters at the corners of the front façade; and original nine light wooden windows Page 1 of 1 Report: 2009PLU110 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Description of City Funded Restoration Work on Arndt’s Machine Shop Phase Description of City Funded Work Total Cost 1. Exterior Repair: Restucco entire front façade and sides of building in a smooth, white stucco finish that is historically accurate. $46,820.00 Amount Allocated $23,410.00 2. Windows: Repair and restore all existing windows and storm windows. Construction of new historically accurate storm windows to match the existing and construction of one new window to match historic window profile. Re-cut a whole in the east façade and reinstall missing window. Sub total 10% Contingency(if necessary) Total $21,902.00 $10,951.00 $68,722.00 $ 6,872.20 $75,594.20 $34,361.00 $ 3,436.10 $37,797.10 Note: Should the owner receive restoration funding from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, the total grant will be reduced to up to 33% ($25,198) Page 1 of 1 Report: 2009PLU110 Attachment 5