
St. Paul’s Epistle
Monthly Newsletter
The Vacancy:
What is it? It is a time of grieving the losses
associated with the retirement or taking of
another call of a Pastor. When the Pastor has
been there for some considerable time as
Pastor Tyler has, the period of grieving and
coming to grips with the emotions that go
with grieving take more time.
It is a time of reflecting on what happened in
the Church and what can be improved or
worked on in the future. It is a time of
reflection on what are the strengths and what
are the weaknesses of the congregation. It is
a time of looking realistically at growth or
lack of growth of the congregation and the
overall ministry of the congregation. It is a
time of looking at the individual
commitments to the work of the ministry
among us.
Therefore, a vacancy is a time of reflection,
introspection, and future planning all at the
same time. Each function requires different
emotions and processes to be properly
healing from the losses of the long pastorate
while desiring to proceed forward with the
new pastorate.
It is a time to evaluate the History of the
congregation. By evaluate, I mean, asking
your friends and neighbors: “What do you
know about St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in
Osseo?” “What kind of reputation does St.
Paul’s have as a church in your community?”
“Among your friends?
Among your
September, 2013
It is also an internal time of looking at the
facility, its maintenance and its upkeep. It
might involve a couple of cleanup days,
where the members pitch in and spruce up the
windows, and the Narthex and the visible
signs of who we are as a congregation. It is
time for repairs and upkeep on the facility in
preparation for a renewed ministry with a
new minister. It is a time of looking around
in the community you want to serve and
seeking to learn whom are our customers and
what are their needs?
A Vacancy is a time of renewal as well. It is
a time of renewal in prayer, fervent prayer to
the Lord of the Church to make us aware of
our needs and the needs of the people we
want to serve and have become part of our
ministry here. It is a time of fervent prayer
that the Lord is preparing a Pastor to desire to
fill our call when it is issued. It is a time of
personal prayer to make each one of us more
open to learning the Gospel and using the
opportunities which the Lord provides for
sharing it and applying it. It is a time of
renewal of worship, which is, giving back
worth to our Creator, Redeemer, and
Sanctifier such that we rediscover our
mission and ministry in this community.
So, I think you see that it is not an idle time,
the vacancy, but a time of growth,
development, and planning for a bright new
beginning with Jesus, our Lord.
Rev. Tom Colgrove
Vacancy Pastor
… and so the journey begins.
Another season in the church! Another program year of
promise; caution; uneasiness? We enter uncharted waters
that have not been seen for twenty-five years. How will
we fare?
Our Lutheran Service Book has a splendid answer. Hymn
722 – “Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me”. It is a
comforting text; a text filled with hope and courage.
Throughout this hymn, we ask our gracious God to
“direct, protect, and feed” us “from day to day”. This
promise is sure; you can take it to the bank. Our God is
not in the business of letting us flounder, or leaving us
alone. The words of the hymn writer Julie von Hausmann
swell hope in our hearts. God is referred to as the “Rock
of Ages”; we have heard that manifestation many times
before other places.
A parent does not let a small child cross the street alone;
they make sure to tell them to “hold on to my hand”.
There are dangers for the innocent one “out there”, much
as there are in the world for ourselves as well. We too
need a guiding hand to maneuver our way through this
world, and this life; even the life of the church sometimes.
During our interim time, it may seem as if there are
lengthening shadows, and that the darkness of
unfamiliarity, of disappointment, of frustration, seems to
surround us. It is through that gentle hand of the
Almighty that we can say with the author, “I fear no foe”.
The “Cause Of All Things” is in charge; here in this
church, and in the world outside of these walls. We need
to look up into the face of our dear loving Father and trust
that He is in control. We can then sing the words “Then
nothing can impede me, O blessed Friend”. The original
German conveys all sorts of comfort through its words:
ruhe – peace; bis an mein selig’ Ende und ewiglich –
“take my hand and lead me until the end”. How can we
fall? How can we fail?
When acrobats do a balancing act in the circus, Rule #1
appears to be – “don’t look down – look straight ahead”.
Such is what we need to do as we weave our way through
life, and through this new program year. By looking
straight ahead – focused on Christ – we will be brought
through this year stronger and more ready to serve Him.
He knows our needs – not necessarily our wants! But with
our hand in His, we will never, ever fall. He is the balance
needed in all of our lives. That’s good news. Spread it
See you in church –
Cantor Duane Esterly
Evangelism and Stewardship:
Vacancy Previews:
September 7-19, 2014 Lutheran Hour Ministries is
offering a guided tour with the Lutheran Hour Speaker to
Luther's German. Details in brochure in the Office.
This tour is to celebrate the 500th year anniversary of the
Bible Study will meet for coffee and refreshments on
September 8th, Kick Off Sunday for a discussion of topics
or themes for Bible Study. Come and See what Bible
Study can be.
Confirmation will begin on September 4th with a
group introduction and sharing of requirements and the
expectations. First Classes will begin on September 11th.
We hope to offer Confirmation on Palm Sunday this year,
April 13, 2014 at the second Service.
2 &1 Group starts off with a trip to a Vikings Game,
August 29th. Come out and enjoy a night of pre- season
Prayer Request forms are available at the Elder's
Table in the Narthex. Please fill out legibly and place
them in the offering plate or hand them to the ushers
receiving the offering for inclusion in any worship
Office Hours during the vacancy will be Wednesday
afternoons until time of Classes, or after classes; Thursdays in the morning; Sundays after second service by
appointment only. All emergency calls are to come to
763-614-9622 (cell) or 763-496-1233 (H). Pastoral care
will be arranged or provided. Rev. Tom Colgrove's email
is and available anytime during the
week. This is the preferred means of contact when
possible. Judy in the Office can always get a hold of me,
also. Other meeting times will be by appointment on
mutually agreeable times.
If you know young people who love to sing, invite
them to participate in the Choirs which will be starting
during September. What a great small group experience
to share and opportunity for seekers to find a church
The Night to Unite experience showed that we have a
changing neighborhood ripe for reaching out to young
families with kids needing Christian education and
information. Everyone needs to keep their eyes and ears
open to seek out those new folks who come to see how we
worship together.
Remember there is one service on Sunday of Labor
Day Holiday at 9:00 AM, the last Summer Service.
Sunday School and Worship are at 9:00 AM and 10:00
AM with Lunch after worship for Super Sunday, September 8th. Fall Schedule returns September 15th with two
services, 8:00 and 10:30 and Sunday School at 9:15 AM
Fellowship workers and helpers are welcome to come
forward for the Fall Season. Thanks to the Zemans, Roger and
Cyndie, summer fellowship went very well. Thank You for
your labor of love. If you like to bake, bake something special
to share between services.
Vacancy issues will be discussed in Bible Study on Super
Rev Tom
Sunday: September 1, 2013
Up Coming Events benefiting CROSS:
Come visit the CROSS Booth & bring a food donation to:
Rogers’ Farmers Markets: Wednesdays, 3-7p.m. started
June 12
Maple Grove Farmers Markets: Thursdays, 3-7p.m.
started June 13
Give to the Max Day – November 14th from midnight to
11:59 PM every donation you make gives us the chance to
receive additional funding from the GiveMN organization.
Maynard’s of Rogers Fundraiser – Monday, Dec 2nd.
CROSS suggested items for the month of September:
Jell-O & Pudding
Cleaners (Toilet and all purpose)
Prayer List
(We hope this list can be used as a guide when
saying your prayers each day.)
Pray . . .
 for Shut-ins: Melitta Tonn, Carrie Hackler and
Lloyd and Arlene Ditlefson.
 for those in Nursing Homes: Joyce Lee, ElDoris
Shores, Richard Nordstrom, Joyce Erickson, Mary
Brandt, and Ellen Boettcher.
 for John Cook as he deals with health issues.
 for Max Langley who is now growing stronger and
healthier at home following surgery &
 for Zoey Roberts, daughter of Sally (Haslach) and
Ray Roberts, who is finally at home and growing
 for our troops who are serving abroad and here in
the United States. For their safety and for those they
are fighting for and against.
 for the families of those who have lost their lives
or were injured in the fight for freedom.
 for peace and reconciliation world-wide.
 for our nation, for President Obama, and the
leadership of the United States during these trying
times, that God’s will be done.
 for the Governor and leadership of the state of
*We apologize if we have missed anyone. Please call
the office if someone has been omitted who
AIDS/HOSPICE Kits: A big thank you to each of
you who donated items for the AIDS/HOSPICE Kits
that will be assembled and delivered to Global Health
Ministries (GHM). These kits are in constant demand
by the various Lutheran Medical Missions serving in
third world countries.
• Everything Under Heaven - Ecclesiastes 3 was
the theme of the 2013 District Retreat held on the
campus of Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter.
Three take-aways for us were:
1. Rather than saying you believe in God, say
you believe in Jesus. Many non-Christians
believe in a god.
2. It was a gathering of Christian women. These
were Christian women who, though small in
number, had stayed faithful even when faced
with travesty in their lives. They were much
like Gideon’s army.
3. The number of Muslims living in the United
States will outnumber Christians in the next
15 years. It is essential that we befriend them
and witness to them concerning Christ.
Fall LWML Rally: The fall rally is currently being
planned. Please watch for further notice and plan to
LWML will meet Wednesday, September 11th at 1
Quilting will meet Saturday September 21st at 9 AM.
Forrest & Jean Zoll
Zachary & Kari Heiling
Paul & Linda Tyler
Dwayne & Charlene Lieder
Gerald & Georgie Kiffmeyer
Tom & Sandi Colgrove
Joshua & Katia Westgaard
Cindy & Dale Pomerleau
Melissa & Damian Lee
August 13, 2013
The meeting was called to order by president, Brian Hines. Pastor Colgrove led the group in
prayer. The Secretary’s report was approved with the following correction—new member is Elsie
Higgins, not Elise. Report from the Board of Finance showed contributions of $17,279.00 for the
month of July.
Treasurer reported the following balances—checking--$46,802.82
Scholarship fund--$4,097.57
The loan has been paid off!
Pastor Colgrove reported for Pastor Tyler—LeRoy LaValle is improving but will be in transitional
care for some time. Bob Suppan has moved to Augustana Emerald Crest. Pastors Tyler and Colgrove
have been reviewing the shut-in list.
Pastor Colgrove commented favorably on the recently-completed VBS. Feels that we would do
well to get the kids into the church the Sunday after—Night to Unite was a success; he felt that St.
Paul’s members were more welcoming than last year. Upcoming dates are Super Sunday September 8
when Sunday School kicks off. Children’s Message in the service.
Confirmation orientation is 9/4 with classes beginning 9/11.
Duane’s organ celebration 9/29
Chair of Elders, John Pitts, spoke to the success of Night to Unite—ideas for next year include
door prizes, bars from members, upcoming baptism, adult confirmation, and wedding.
Transfer out—Don Schuetz to his son’s church—name not given.
Trustee chair, Brad Newton, led a discussion on the falling light bulb issue. Information is still
being gathered. Shelves are being built in several rooms. He is examining a sensor for the banner
room to alert that the light is on. Some benches in the sanctuary need to be repaired. Should all
benches be reinforced?
Question—how does the church look to someone entering for the first time? Do we need to have a
service come in to do a major cleaning annually? Stainless steel is ordered for the hood/fan.
Reporting for the Board of Ed: VBS was a success with 60 kids—31 from the community. Full
report will be in newsletter. 321 pounds of food was delivered to CROSS. Plans for Super Sunday and
Sunday School kick-off need to be made. Some kind of meat will be purchased for the Pot Luck
Board of Evangelism chair, Cindy Scheevel reported that the group reviewed their duties,
discussed Night to Unite. Sign-up sheet for treats will be in place. Many thanks to Roger and Cyndie
Zeman for taking care of refreshments during the summer!
Shirley Everson reported that ushers are being assembled for the fall.
Old Business—Call process—several surveys will be distributed on Super Sunday. The call process
could easily take 9 months.
Brian reported that plans are in place for Pastor’s retirement event.
It was decided that a post card reminder be sent out with info and answers to FAQ.
The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Emmans, congregational secretary
11 in attendance
St. Paul’s Church Family
Written August 14, 2013 by Sally Roberts
A VERY HUGE THANK YOU to all the Sunday School kids and their families for bring in offering money over a
pretty long period of time to be donated to Zoey and our family. I remember many years ago sitting in the West
Wing and other areas of the church attending Sunday School for my whole life until I graduated from high school.
What a special and generous thing for you kids to do! I'm so thankful that the Sunday School kids of St. Paul's are
still learning about giving to others as I remember doing that very thing and bringing food items, money, and other
things for people in need when I was young. There just are not enough words for the kindness St. Paul's has
shown us throughout this journey! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
from Ray, Sally, and Zoey Roberts
PV2 Pitts, Nicholas
Echo Battery
1 BN 3 1 FA
Rothwell St. Fort Sill, OK 73505
2 and 1 CLUB
2 and 1 Club-St. Paul's Adult Fellowship Group
September 2 & 1 Club: Cribbage Tournament and Pot Luck
Saturday, September 21 at 6:00 PM
Come for a cribbage tournament at the Aalbers (6604 105th Trail N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445). Don't play
cribbage? No problem! Come to socialize and cheer on your favorite cribbage player(s). Please bring a dish or
snack to share. RSVP's to Michelle at 612-810-6848 or are not required but
appreciated so we can make sure we have enough cribbage boards and tables.
We would like to thank the Finnvik family for offering to plan October's 2 & 1 Club event and the Pitts family for
offering to plan December's 2 & 1 Club event!
Jeff and Michelle
9 AM Sunday Worship, Sep 1
Rick Scheevel
8 AM Sunday Worship
Matt Geuther – Sep 15 & 22
John Pitts – Sep 29
10:00 AM Super Sunday Worship
John Pitts
10:30 AM Sunday Worship
Norm Lerbs – Sep 15, 22, 29
9 AM Sunday Worship
David & Sherry Glauvitz Family*
10:00 AM Super Sunday Worship
Rick & Lauren McCullough*
Bruce Thompson
Need 1
8 AM Sunday Worship, Sep 15, 22, 29
David & Sherry Glauvitz Family*
Need 1
10:30 AM Sunday Worship, Sep 15, 22, 29
Rick & Lauren McCullough*
Bruce Thompson
*Head Usher
8 AM Sunday Worship
10:30 AM Sunday Worship
August 14, 2013
To Congregations in the Northwest Suburban Circuit:
Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ!
The Synodical Convention of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod was held in St. Louis this past July. Our circuit
delegates to the convention, Pastor Steven Briel and Christian Preus, are willing to share a summary of the
resolutions passed and answer questions you might have concerning the Synodical Convention.
As such, an informal gathering has been scheduled for Saturday, September 7th at 10:00 am at Shepherd of the
Grove Lutheran Church, 11875 West Eagle Lake Drive, Maple Grove. Pastor Lamkin has graciously invited us to
gather there for this informational meeting concerning the actions taken at the Synodical Convention. Our time
together should be around 90 minutes or so.
In Christ,
Pastor Roger K. Dramstad
Circuit Counselor
VBS in review
We had an awesome time at VBS again this year!
We limit our registration to 60 students—that’s about the
right size for our building and facilities. Guntis
Dombrovskis and John Pitts arranged the online
registration which followed the bulk mailing of our flyers.
We served 29 St. Paul’s kids and 31 kids from the
Too bad everyone couldn’t have seen the
magnificent mountain range created by Nora Kosloski
and Allen Haslach! Allen deserves “Rookie of the Year”
honors for volunteering many hours prepping the
auditorium. Able assistants were Amanda Harff, Amber
Newton, and Judy Saldana.
This year’s stories were all mountain-top
stories—Moses on Mt. Sinai, Elijah on Mt. Carmel (a new
and exciting story for all!) the Mount of Transfiguration,
and Jesus on Mt. Golgotha. Paula Schmidt was our
storyteller and added a ton of extras to the basic—videos,
power point stuff—Sophia Schmidt ran the multi-media
We added some mountain animals to the
curriculum (CPH should check us out!) The kids learned
about the big horn sheep, the condor, llama, yak, and
mountain goat. We also located the highest mountain
peaks on each continent. All of God’s creation!
Sherry Glauvitz taught the Bible Challenge.
Sherry always adds hands-on activities to her site besides
teaching the Bible passage for each day. Amber Newton
was Sherry’s helper.
Outdoor Games are always fun! We missed Nick
Pitts but Leah Pitts did a great job. Her obstacle course
(not the inflatable) was magnificent and may be repeated
for Super Sunday! She was assisted by Andrew Vassar,
Brandon Johnson, and Jake Coenen.
The Craft Room was an adventure for the kids.
Joyce Hardy, Barb Gamache, and Erin Garcia planned
activities that went with the theme—rock solid rocks that
kids decorated and Bible covers. Kids who didn’t have a
Bible of their own were given one from the congregation.
Madi Glauvitz was their helper.
Melissa Voss did a fine job of filling Pat Otto’s
big shoes in the kitchen. She also donated water and the
morning snack. Melissa and daughter Grace loaded and
took 321 pounds of food to CROSS. We brought foods
beginning with P on Monday, E on Tuesday to make
PEAK in the four days. It was fun to see the families who
came up with the most unusual items. We think CROSS
may not usually get artichoke hearts—a is for artichoke—
but we sent some!
Our classroom teachers took their kids from site
to site, ate picnic lunches with them, and then reinforced
the story at the end of the day. And they were awesome!
Shelby McKibbin, Jenny Hines, Jean Iverson, Amanda
Harff, and Char Lieder.
We couldn’t have done it without our helpers—
Olivia Olson, Amanda Pennick, Colleen Hempel, Katie
McElroy, Kaylee Andersen, and Samantha Harff.
Do you remember when 5th and 6th graders were
too cool for VBS? We had FIFTEEN! Thanks to God.
And thanks for the great weather!
“Birthdays in September”
09/01 Tyler Hanson
09/05 Max Langley
Marilyn Reinking
09/08 Gavin Moorman
09/09 Lavonne Hoppenrath
09/10 Lindsey Schue
09/14 Phil Everson
09/17 Maddie Glauvitz
Hunter Zinter
09/18 Samantha Harff
09/19 Nick Gearhart
09/19 Marvin Vollrath
09/20 Vi Anderson
Ken Craven
Monty Opsal
09/25 Daniel Kruzel
Sharon Schulz
09/26 Diane Perusse
09/27 Heidi Behm
Bryan Hoppenrath
09/30 Robbie Henderson
John Pitts
Let the office know if we have missed your birthday or
710 East Broadway Street
Osseo, Minnesota 55369
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