95 questions, matching & multiple choice= 95 points

Fri Jan. 20th, 2nd exam
95 questions, matching & multiple choice= 95 points
Chapter 1 The Sociological Point of View
- sociology
- psychology
- economics
- history
- social psychology
- political science
- anthropology
- social sciences
- social imagination
- sociological perspective
- function
- manifest function
- latent function dysfunctional
- theory
- Comte, Durkheim, - social statics
- social dynamics
- ideal type
- 3 Perspectives- functionalist, conflict, interactionist
- symbolic interaction
- symbol
- Industrial Revolution
Chapter 2 Cultural Diversity
- culture
- values
- folkways
- cultural universals - language
- subculture - society
- norms
- mores
- counterculture - cultural relativism- material & non-material culture
- ethnocentrism
- levels of culture
- components of culture
Chapter 4 Social Structure Sections 1-3
- status
- role
- exchange
- role conflict - role strain
- master status
- accommodation
- conflict
- reciprocity - social institution
- pre-industrial
- industrial
- post-industrial
- horticultural - agricultural - hunting/gathering
- pastoral
- 5 types of interaction
- achieved & ascribed status - division of labor
Chapter 5 Socializing the Individual
- personality & personality traits
- peer group - me - total institution
- self - I
- agents of socialization- significant others
- mass media - socialization - institutionalization
- what personality traits determine
- heredity
- instinct
- aptitude
- effects of culture on personality
- feral children
- Tabula Rasa
- Locke
- Looking-Glass Self
- Cooley
- Role-taking - Mead
- Resocialization
Chapter 6 Adolescence (more questions on this chapter than any other)
- adolescence
- social integration
- anticipatory socialization
- homogamy - puberty
- dating
- courtship
- STDs & rates - drug - characteristics of adolescents - suicide rates, increase
- Willard Waller’s research & conclusions about causal dating
- periods of disorganization & suicide
- factors associated with regular drug use in teens
- types of drugs
- violent crime among those bet. 13 and 19, %
- drugs & violence
- traditional dating patters
- functions of dating - causes of the development of adolescence as a life stage in the U.S.
- consequences of early sexual activity
- factors that influence early sexual activity
ESSAY- 5 paragraphs, 35 points
“Applying Sociology to My Life”
Discuss three ways concepts you’ve learned about in Sociology class relate to your life. Choose three specific sociological
concepts to discuss. Explain how the study of sociology can be helpful in understanding your experiences and your
interaction with others.
Format: 5 paragraphs; introduction with thesis (3 ways); 1 paragraph for each way, with details and examples; and a brief
Your points/150 points= % Exam Grade