Sociology in our Times

Sociology in our Times
Major Points of Chapter 1-4
Definition of Sociology
What are we trying to learn by studying sociology?
Definition of Sociological Imagination
What impact did industrialization have on society?
What were these Founding Fathers of Sociology’s major points?
a. Comte
b. Spenser
c. Durkheim
d. Marx
e. Weber
f. DuBois
g. Simmel
6) Define the various theoretical perspectives
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict
c. Symbolic Integrationist
d. Post Modernism
7) What are the three types of income countries?
a. High Income
b. Middle Income
c. Low Income
8) What are manifest and latent functions?
1) What are the research differences in Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research?
2) What does Sociological Research often show? (Hint: Correlation)
3) Why is Sociological research necessary?
4) What are the most common types of Research Methods?
5) Define Hypothesis.
6) What is the difference between Independent and Dependent variables?
7) What are some of the common problems with Social Research?
8) What is field research?
9) What is the Code of Ethics for sociological research?
10) What is the difference between the experimental group and the control group?
1) Define Culture
2) Why is culture important? What does it do?
3) What is Material vs. non material culture?
4) What are cultural universals?
5) What are the Four Components of Culture?
6) Define each component.
7) What are mores?
8) What are norms?
9) What are folkways?
10) What are the 10 Core American Values?
11) What is the difference between Ideal Culture and Real Culture?
12) Define Taboos?
13) What is the cultural lag?
14) What is the major difference between Subcultures and Countercultures?
15) What does each theory say about culture? (Functionalist, Conflict and Symbolic
1) Define Socialization
2) Why is Socialization important?
3) What is the Nature Vs Nurture debate about?
4) What is the most common type of maltreatment of children?
5) What did Harlow’s study of monkeys demonstrate?
6) What are the most common effects of children raised in isolation?
7) What are Freud’s three states of personality development?
8) What are the four stages of cognitive development by Piaget?
9) What are Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?
10) Define the Looking Glass Self.
11) What are Mead’s three stages of self development?
12) What are the major agents of socialization? (Hint: Family, School, Peer Groups and
Mass media)
13) Define Gender socialization.
14) Define Racial Socialization
15) What is resocialization?