IPEEC Energy Management Action networK

IPEEC Energy Management Action NetworK
4th Workshop Agenda (DRAFT)
Energy Management and Electricity Saving Know-How over Electricity Crisis in
Japan: How did energy managers of factories and buildings manage their use of
energy and cut peak electricity demand? How did supporting agencies assist
electricity saving actions?
Participation fee: FREE!!
January 31 , 2013
Workshop 13:00-18:20, Reception 18:30-19:30
Workshop: Room 607-608, Tokyo Big Sight (Conference Tower 6th floor),
Reception: Cafe Restaurant NEW TOKYO (Conference Tower 1st floor)
Tokyo Big Sight 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Participation Fee: Free
Theme: Energy Management and Electricity Saving Know-How over Electricity Crisis
in Japan: How did energy managers of factories and buildings manage their
use of energy and cut peak electricity demand? How did supporting
agencies assist electricity saving actions?
Japan has been experiencing severe electricity crisis since the Great East Japan
Earthquake. The government ordered strict supply restriction to large electricity
demand factories/buildings and to ask voluntary electricity demand reduction to small
and medium sized factories/buildings. For meeting their targets, all of the factories and
buildings have been promoting energy and electricity saving effort and in addition,
supporting agencies have been supporting their actions. In the result, the electricity
demand was largely reduced in 2011 in Japan.
These practices by the factories/buildings and supporting agencies will be the
good reference information not only for Japan but also for other countries where want
to promote energy saving in the industry and commercial sector.
In this regard, EMAK would like to hold 4th workshop to share Japan’s
experience with all of the participants.
This workshop is organised by the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
and the Government of Japan with support of International Energy Agency (IEA) on
behalf of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Co-operation (IPEEC).
EMAK draft agenda for Tokyo
4th Workshop Agenda (DRAFT)
Note: the registration desk will be open from 12:30
(13:00-13:20)--Opening Session—
Speaker 1(13:00-13:05): Ms Yukari Yamashita, Director, IEEJ
“Introduction and Objectives of EMAK 4th Workshop”
Speaker 2(13:05-13:20): Mr. Hidemasa Nishiyama, Director,
International Affairs Office, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
“Opening Remarks and Overview of Electricity Saving Measures in Japan”
(13:20-15:05) --Session I-Energy and Electricity Demand Management Practice in Factories/Buildings and the
role of the Supporting Agencies: Case of Japan
The objective of this session is to introduce energy and electricity demand
management and saving actions done by factories and buildings, and what supporting
agencies do for promoting energy saving in factories and buildings in Japan.
-Moderator : The Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ)
-Speaker 1(20 minutes): Mr. Hideki Mikami, Executive Director, Purchasing
Department, Maruhan Corporation.
“5-Year Energy-Saving Initiative at 278 Pachinko Chain Parlors”
-Speaker 2(20 minutes): Mr. Toshiharu Ota and Ms. Naomi Ikdeda, Denso
“Activation of Energy-Saving Initiatives through Establishment of Energy-Effective
Organization & Development of New Technologies”
-Q&A (15 minutes)
-Speaker 3(20 minutes): Mr. Motohide Ikeda, President, ENERES Co.,Ltd
“Demand Response Aggregator”
-Speaker 4(20 minutes): Mr. Keisuke Hiraoka, Energy Policy Division, Kanto Bureau of
Economy, Trade and Industry (METI-Kanto)
“METI-Kanto’s Efforts to Promote Energy Conservation”
-Q & A(15 minutes)
EMAK draft agenda for Tokyo
(15:05-15:25) --Break -Special Demonstration at the stage by Denso and Parker KURODA
“Introduction of “Air Saver Unit“
(15:25-17:15) --Session II-Energy and Electricity Management and Energy Efficiency Practice in
Factories/Buildings and the role of the Supporting Agencies: Case of other countries
The objective of this session is to share electricity and energy saving action in
the world and to introduce what supporting agencies are doing for promoting energy
saving in factories and buildings in Australia and Germany.
For Australia, Australian government has introduced a series of programs
aimed at managing energy use such as the Energy Efficiency Opportunities program
(EEO) which encourages large energy-using businesses to improve their energy
efficiency. Under EEO program, many companies are taking action for energy saving
and Amcor is the one of the best company to enhance energy efficiency by doing
demand side management. In this session, the outline of the Australia’s EEO program
and the Amcor’s DSM will be presented.
For Germany, it experienced shortage of electricity supply after changing its
energy policy to phase out nuclear power plant. And to deal with this problem,
Germany has introduced demand side measures. In this session, outline of the
Demand side measures of Germany and one of their information sharing actions
named LEEN (Learning Energy Efficiency Networks) with funding from the German
Federal Ministry for the Environment will be introduced.
Moderator: Ms. Vida Rozite, Energy Efficiency Unit, International Energy Agency
-Speaker 1(15minutes): Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Australia
-Speaker 2(20 minutes):
Mr.Peter Dobney, Group Manager, Energy and Resources
for Amcor’s Australian and New Zealand operations
“Demand Side Management – An Australian Manufacturer’s experience”
-Speaker 3(20minutes): Mr. Mirko Krück Director, Economy & Policy
EnBW Energy Baden-Württemberg inc.
“Energy and electricity saving action: Demand side measures in Germany”
EMAK draft agenda for Tokyo
-Speaker 4(30 minutes): Dr. Dirk Köwener, Managing Director LEEN ltd.
“Introduction of learning energy efficiency networks (LEEN)”
-Q&A (20min)
(17:00-17:15) --Break --
(17:15-18:20)--Session III-Round Table Discussion: What is the efficient way to share best practices? What kind
of system or scheme is necessary? What kind of information will be useful for energy
mangers? What can EMAK do for above actions?
Moderator: Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Director of IEEJ
(5minutes comments from each speaker and free discussion)
-Energy Conservation Center, Japan
-Mr. Motoaki Ikeda, President, Energy Resource Service
-Ms. Vida Rozite, Energy Efficiency Unit, International Energy Agency
-Mr. Mirko Krueck, EnBW Energie
-Mr. Toshiaki Nagata, Deputy Director, International Affairs Office, Energy
Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy,
the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan(METI)
(18:30-19:30) --Reception—
The end of the Agenda
EMAK draft agenda for Tokyo