Physiology 5

Physiology 1
Final Exam Information
 The final exam will consist of multiple choice questions and short answers. It is worth 10% of your semester grade.
 You may prepare hand-written (by you) notes for the exam. No typing or photocopies! Notes are limited to one (1)
notecard (3” x 5”).
1. Organ Systems
 Describe the major function of each organ system and the major organs in each system.
 Review information related to planes, cavities and using anatomical terms to describe the location of
body structures.
 Define homeostasis and identify positive and negative feedback mechanisms.
2. Tissues and the Integumentary System
 Describe the general characteristics of epithelial tissue. How is epithelial tissue classified? Where is
epithelial tissue found in the body?
 Describe the general characteristics of connective tissue. How is epithelial tissue classified? Where is
epithelial tissue found in the body?
 Describe the structure and function of each skin layer and identify it microscopically.
 Name the specific tissue types composing the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis and the main
structures occurring in each one.
 Explain the function of melanin and the relationship between skin color and folate/vitamin D
3. Skeletal System
 Compare and contrast smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle.
 Identify and describe the function and location of the main macroscopic structures of a long bone.
 Compare and contrast the structure and function of spongy bone and compact bone, and identify them
 Identify the features found in synovial joints. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure and
function of articular cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
 Describe the following bone physiological processes: bone formation, bone growth, and bone repair
and remodel.
 Compare and contrast the anatomy and physiology of an adult and juvenile bone.
4. Exercise Physiology
 Explain how skeletal muscles produce movements at joints.
 Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of skeletal muscle, and label its structures.
 Explain the major events in the Sliding Filament Theory.
 Compare and contrast the three ways in which ATP is generated during skeletal muscle contraction.
 Define muscle fatigue, its causes and effects.
 Define endurance, how it can be measured, and the physiological response to exercise.
 Compare and contrast slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.
5. Short Answer Information
• One question selected from the list provided below.
Be prepared to respond to one of the following short answer questions:
 Discuss the sliding filament theory of contraction in relationship to muscular strength. How does
resistance training/weight lifting result in increased muscular strength?
 Discuss the role of oxygen in muscle contraction and muscle fatigue. Why is it necessary and what
happens when there is not enough of it?
Discuss the human body’s adaptation to exercise. How do these adaptations produce improved
strength and improved endurance?
Discuss structure and function of the human skin, concentrating on the relationship between layers,
tissues and structures. What is the role of the skin in maintaining homeostasis and how is this role
disrupted in a severe burn victim?
Discuss the structure and function of the human knee. How does an injury to the anterior cruciate
ligament affect the normal function of the knee?
Compare and contrast bone growth and bone repair. How are these processes different in a 5-year old
and a 65-year old person?
Explain the concept of homeostasis using regulation of blood pressure as an example.