AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Reports and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Reports and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 Pages Board of Directors 1 Report of the Directors 2-5 Independent auditor’s report 6-7 Balance sheet 8 Income statement 9 Statement of changes in equity 10 Statement of cash flows 11 Notes to the financial statements 12 - 28 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman H.E. Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al-Masaood Vice Chairman H.E. Sheikh Shaia Bin Ahmed Al Hamid Directors H.E. Ghanim Bin Mohammed Al Souwaidi H.E. Hamad Bin Sultan Al Darmaki H.E. Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Yousif H.E. Masaood Bin Ahmed Al-Masaood H.E. Ahmed Bin Khalifa Al Yousif H.E. Ali Ahmed Al Najjar General Manager Mr. John Jibran Melcon Auditors Deloitte & Touche P.O. Box 990 Abu Dhabi Head Office Al Khazna Tower Al Najda Street P.O. Box 73343 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: 6767000 Fax: 6768500 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2003 Dear Shareholders, 2 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2003 (Continued) 3 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2003 (Continued) 4 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 December 2003 (Continued) 5 Independent auditor’s report to the Shareholders of Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. 6 We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. (a Public Joint Stock Company) as of 31 December 2003 and the related statements of income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended as set out on pages 8 to 28. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. as of 31 December 2003 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and comply with the requirements of the UAE Federal Law number (9) of 1984 (as amended) concerning Insurance Companies and Agents. Independent auditor’s report to the Shareholders of Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. (continued) 7 Also, in our opinion, proper books are maintained by the Company, a count of assets was properly performed and the information included in the Directors’ report in respect of the financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records of the Company. We obtained all the information and explanations which we considered necessary for our audit. According to the information available to us, there were no contraventions, during the financial year, of the UAE Federal Commercial Companies Law number (8) of 1984 (as amended) or the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association which might have materially affected the activities of the Company or its financial position. Abu Dhabi, UAE 9 February 2004 For Deloitte & Touche Alfred Strolla (Registration No. 137) 8 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Balance sheet at 31 December 2003 Notes 2003 AED 2002 AED 3 4 5 5 6 7,410,748 44,321,633 17,069,680 267,273,603 4,500,000 1,544,787 45,263,710 14,379,720 291,304,230 4,500,000 340,575,664 356,992,447 45,186,455 37,452,459 303,702 100,477,162 8,484,421 5,587,750 36,746,070 239,382 86,518,092 6,548,086 Total current assets 191,904,199 135,639,380 Total assets 532,479,863 492,631,827 380,000,000 1,783,412 20,141,577 19,349,950 2,124,250 22,800,000 19,554,240 380,000,000 1,783,412 16,452,955 15,661,328 (565,710) 19,000,000 13,245,260 465,753,429 445,577,245 1,101,736 1,049,072 14,863,109 11,036,823 39,724,766 9,264,294 8,530,912 28,210,304 65,624,698 46,005,510 532,479,863 492,631,827 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Investment in available-for-sale securities Other investments Statutory deposit Total non-current assets Current assets Other investments Investment in available-for-sale securities Trade and other receivables Prepayments Bank deposits Bank and cash 5 5 7 8 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Capital and reserves Share capital Share premium Other reserve Regulatory reserve Investment revaluation reserve Proposed dividend Accumulated profits 10 11 12 13 Total capital and reserves Non-current liabilities Provision for end of service benefit Current liabilities Provision for outstanding claims Provision for unearned premiums Trade and other payables 14 Total current liabilities Total equity and liabilities ....................................... Chairman The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. ......................................... Director AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 9 Income statement for the year ended 31 December 2003 Notes Gross premiums written Reinsurance premiums ceded 2003 AED 2002 AED 110,051,174 (77,865,130) 95,350,614 (70,909,048) Net premiums written Net transfer to provision for unearned premiums 32,186,044 24,441,566 (2,505,911) (1,605,024) Net premiums earned 29,680,133 22,836,542 Gross claims incurred Reinsurance share of claims incurred (57,005,284) 40,657,607 (27,106,682) 13,967,294 Net claims incurred (16,347,677) (13,139,388) Gross commission earned Less: commission incurred 11,762,477 (4,209,104) 15,014,396 (4,330,958) Net commission earned 7,553,373 10,683,438 20,885,829 20,380,592 15 30,607,689 21,142,690 16 (14,607,294) (13,528,047) 36,886,224 27,995,235 9.71 7.37 Underwriting income Net investment and other income Administrative and other operating expenses Net profit for the year Earnings per ordinary share 22 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 10 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2003 Balance at 1 January 2002 Net profit for the year Transfer to legal reserve Transfer to technical reserve Decrease in fair value of available-for-sale investments (note 5) Proposed dividend Dividend payment Directors’ remuneration Balance at 1 January 2003 Net profit for the year Transfer to legal reserve Transfer to technical reserve Increase in fair value of availablefor-sale investments (note 5) Proposed dividend Dividend payment Directors’ remuneration Balance at 31 December 2003 Share capital AED Share premium AED Legal reserve AED Regulatory reserve AED Investment revaluation reserve AED Proposed dividend AED Accumulated profits AED Total AED 380,000,000 1,783,412 13,653,431 12,861,804 613,850 26,600,000 10,109,073 445,621,570 - - 2,799,524 - 2,799,524 - - 27,995,235 (2,799,524) (2,799,524) 27,995,235 - - - - - - - - - 380,000,000 1,783,412 16,452,955 15,661,328 - - 3,688,622 - 3,688,622 - - - - - - 2,689,960 - - - - - - 380,000,000 1,783,412 20,141,577 19,349,950 2,124,250 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. (1,179,560) (565,710) - - (1,179,560) 19,000,000 (26,600,000) - (19,000,000) (260,000) (26,600,000) (260,000) 19,000,000 13,245,260 445,577,245 36,886,224 (3,688,622) (3,688,622) 36,886,224 - - 2,689,960 22,800,000 (19,000,000) - (22,800,000) (400,000) (19,000,000) (400,000) 22,800,000 19,554,240 465,753,429 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 11 Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2003 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit for the year Adjustments for: Provision for outstanding claims Provision for unearned premiums Investment income Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (Profit)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Net transfer to provision for end of service benefit Cash flows from operating activities before movements in working capital (Increase)/decrease in working capital: Trade and other receivables Prepayments Trade and other payables Net cash from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment and additions to investment property Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Net investment in of short term bank deposits Net investment in other securities and term deposits Proceeds from disposal of investment in available-for-sale securities Investment income 2003 AED 2002 AED 36,886,224 27,995,235 5,598,815 2,505,911 (30,485,318) 601,936 (13,871) 52,664 (354,468) 1,605,024 (20,922,896) 611,444 15,890 187,228 15,146,361 9,137,457 334,824 (64,320) 10,303,084 534,306 226,066 (8,922,180) 25,719,949 975,649 (5,412,210) (10,670,284) 95,682 (6,318,767) (11,043,328) 13,758 (39,199,715) (144,844,238) 5,587,750 19,947,562 (612,750) 19,656,252 2,856,689 (175,656,977) (19,000,000) (26,600,000) 9,576,638 (201,281,328) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 53,866,463 255,147,791 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year (note 17) 63,443,101 53,866,463 Net cash from/(used in) investing activities Cash flows used in financing activities Dividend distribution Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 12 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 1 General Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. is a public shareholding company incorporated in Abu Dhabi by Emiri Decree No. (4) of 11 June 1996. The Company is engaged in insurance and reinsurance of all classes of business, with the exception of endowments and annuities. 2 Summary of significant accounting policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments. The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below: Property, plant and equipment The cost of property, plant and equipment is their purchase cost, together with any incidental expenses of acquisition. Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of property, plant and equipment less their estimated residual values, on a straight line basis, over the expected useful economic lives of the assets concerned. The principal annual rates used for this purpose are: % Furniture, fixtures and office equipment Motor vehicles Computer equipment and accessories 20 25 20 The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is determined as the difference between the sale proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the income statement. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 13 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 2 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Capital work in progress Capital work in progress is stated at cost. When commissioned, capital work in progress is transferred to the appropriate property, plant and equipment asset category or investment property and is depreciated in accordance with Company’s policy. Investment property Investment property is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. Depreciation is calculated using the straight line method to reduce the cost of the investment property to its estimated residual value over its expected useful life of 40 years. Investments Investments in securities are recognised on a settlement date basis and are initially measured at cost. At subsequent reporting dates, investment in debt securities which are funded directly to the issuer are stated at amortised cost less provision for impairment if any. Investments classified as available-for-sale are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value, based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date, where available. In the absence of quoted market prices, the fair value is determined by reference to the latest financial information of the investee. For such investments, unrealised gains and losses are recognised directly in equity, until the security is disposed of or is determined to be impaired, at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is included in the net profit or loss for the period. Any significant change in the fair value of the available-for-sale investments which the Company has committed to purchase at the balance sheet date is recognised in the statement of equity. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 14 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 2 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Impairment At each balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). The loss arising on an impairment of an asset is determined as the difference between the recoverable amount and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised as an expense immediately. Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount and the increase is recognised as income immediately, provided that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised earlier. Provision for unearned premiums Provision for unearned premiums represents that portion of premiums written net of reinsurance which relates to periods of insurance subsequent to the balance sheet date. This provision is calculated at 25% of the net premium written on marine business and at 40% of the net premium written on all other insurance business. Provision for outstanding claims Outstanding claims include provision for outstanding claims and those incurred but not reported (IBNR). The provision for outstanding claims represents the estimated amounts of all notified outstanding claims at the balance sheet date net of reinsurance recoveries. The provision for IBNR claims is made at the balance sheet date based on past experience. Provision for end of service benefit Provision for end of service benefit is made in accordance with local labour legislation and is based on current remuneration rates and cumulative service at the balance sheet date. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 15 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 2 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Gross premiums written Premiums are recognised when the insurance risk is accepted by the Company and policies issued. Premium recognition in respect of policies issued on a co-insurance or facultative basis represent the Company’s proportionate share of the total premium on such policies. Investment income Interest on bank deposits and originated securities is recognised on an accruals basis. For originated securities which have variable rates of return, the minimum guaranteed return is recognised in the income statement using the effective interest rate method. Returns in excess of the minimum guaranteed return, if any, are recognised on maturity. Dividend income is recognised as and when received. Rental income is recognised on a straight line basis over the lease period net of related depreciation and other expenses. Commission income and expenses Commission income is recognised when re-insurance is entered into and commission expenses when the policies are issued. Foreign currency transactions Foreign currency transactions are translated into UAE Dirhams (AED) at the rate ruling on the transaction date. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into UAE Dirhams at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Differences on exchange are dealt with in the income statement. Cash and cash equivalents For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all bank and cash balances and bank deposits with a maturity at the balance sheet date of less than three months to be cash and cash equivalents. Financial instruments Financial instruments mainly comprise cash and bank balances, investments in securities, term deposits, trade and other receivables and trade and other payables. Cash and bank balances are stated at their nominal values. 16 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 2 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Financial instruments (continued) Trade and other receivables are stated at their nominal values as reduced by appropriate allowances for doubtful amounts. Trade and other payables are stated at their nominal values. Equity instruments are stated at the net proceeds received. 3 Property, plant and equipment Furniture, fixtures and office equipment AED Motor vehicles AED Computer equipment and accessories AED Capital work in progress AED Total AED Cost 1 January 2003 Additions Disposals 2,697,729 727,278 (275,414) 405,000 218,000 (270,000) 1,812,833 1,370,871 (366,359) 4,233,559 - 31 December 2003 3,149,593 353,000 2,817,345 4,233,559 Depreciation 1 January 2003 Charge for the year Disposals 1,862,828 299,203 (210,597) 352,896 55,160 (270,000) 1,155,051 247,573 (349,365) - 3,370,775 601,936 (829,962) 31 December 2003 1,951,434 138,056 1,053,259 - 3,142,749 Net book value 31 December 2003 1,198,159 214,944 1,764,086 4,233,559 7,410,748 31 December 2002 834,901 52,104 657,782 - 1,544,787 4,915,562 6,549,708 (911,773) 10,553,497 Capital work in progress represents cost incurred on the Company’s new Al Ain building. Land for construction of the building was allotted free of cost by the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 17 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 4 Investment property AED Cost 1 January 2003 Additions 45,833,149 209,718 31 December 2003 46,042,867 Depreciation 1 January 2003 Charge for the year 569,439 1,151,795 31 December 2003 1,721,234 Net book value 31 December 2003 44,321,633 31 December 2002 45,263,710 Investment property represents the cost of construction of the Abu Dhabi Head Office building. The Company occupies two floors and a portion of the mezzanine floor of the building for its Head Office with the remaining sixteen floors available for letting to third parties. The fair value of the property is estimated to be AED 64,669,890. The fair value of the property is based on the open market valuation carried out by M/S Asteco, P.O. Box 45640, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in their report dated 20 October 2002. Land for construction of the property has been allotted free of cost by the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi. The rental income earned by the Company from its investment property during the year amounted to AED 5,536,002 (2002 – AED 830,245). Direct operating expenses incurred on the investment property amounted to AED 2,346,520 (2002 – AED 1,229,452). 18 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 5 Investments Available-for-sale securities The fair value of these investments comprised the following: Included in non-current assets Investment in quoted UAE securities Investment in unquoted UAE securities Included under current assets Investment in unquoted UAE securities Total 2003 AED 2002 AED 16,844,680 225,000 14,154,720 225,000 17,069,680 14,379,720 - 5,587,750 17,069,680 19,967,470 The investment in the unquoted UAE securities represents the Company’s equity interest in National Finance Company carried at cost which in the Director’s opinion represents the fair value at the balance sheet date. The fair values of these investments is arrived as follows: 2003 AED 2002 AED Fair value at 1 January Additions during the year Realisations during the year Increase/(decrease) in fair value 19,967,470 (5,587,750) 2,689,960 20,534,280 3,012,750 (2,400,000) (1,179,560) Fair value at 31 December 17,069,680 19,967,470 During the year Company received liquidation proceeds of AED 5,696,250 from its investment in Emirates Takaful Insurance Company which has been liquidated. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 19 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 5 Investments (continued) 2003 AED 2002 AED Other originated investments Term deposit with bank 143,749,217 123,524,386 150,062,970 141,241,260 Total 267,273,603 291,304,230 Other originated investments Term deposits with bank 10,667,589 34,518,866 - Total 45,186,455 - Other investments Included under non-current assets: Included under current assets: Other originated investments comprise the following: 1) Capital guaranteed call range accrual notes issued by local and international banks all denominated in US Dollars amounting to AED 84,311,167. All these notes are recallable at the option of the issuing banks. The maturity ranges between 3 to 10 years from the balance sheet date. Return on these investments is mostly linked to global market interest rates. One of these investments amounting to AED 73,311,667 is placed with one banking institution based in Switzerland. 2) Capital guaranteed non-callable range accrual notes issued by local and international banks denominated in US Dollars amounting to AED 13,566,050. The interest rate on these investments are linked to a specific range of 6 months US Dollar LIBOR. These investments have maturity periods between 2-3 years from the balance sheet date. 3) Sovereign Bonds denominated in Euro of AED 45,872,000 with a guaranteed return of 8.75% per annum maturing in 2007. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 20 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 5 Investments (continued) 4) Capital guaranteed stock linked bank note issued by an international bank denominated in US Dollars amounting to AED 10,667,589 maturing in 2004 with a minimum guaranteed return of 9% on maturity. Term deposits comprise of deposit with a banking institution based in Sultanate of Oman of AED 34,518,866 carrying an annual interest rate of 5.85% maturing in 2004 and callable range deposits with an international bank based in Switzerland amounting to AED 123,524,386 with interest linked to 6 months US Dollar Libor. 6 Statutory deposit In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law Number 9 of 1984 (as amended) concerning Insurance Companies and Agencies, the Company maintains a bank deposit of AED 4,500,000 which cannot be utilised without the consent of the UAE Ministry of Economy and Commerce. 7 Trade and other receivables Insurance receivables Accrued interest Due from related parties (note 9) Other receivables 2003 AED 2002 AED 30,727,694 4,247,783 1,720,676 756,306 27,972,096 3,206,570 4,162,433 1,404,971 37,452,459 36,746,070 Trade and other receivables are stated net of allowance for doubtful debts of AED 1,165,092 (2002 – AED 765,092). 8 Bank deposits Bank deposits are held in local banking institutions. The original maturity term ranges from one month to twelve months. Interest is receivable at rates between 1.38% and 2.25% annually. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 21 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 9 Related parties Related parties are those in which the Directors of the Company have a significant interest. Details of transactions with such parties, in the normal course of business, are as follows: 2002 2003 AED AED Net premiums written 13,585,174 13,406,583 Claims paid 7,096,599 3,077,455 Commission and other expenses 3,464,943 3,555,213 Liquidation proceeds from unquoted investments 5,696,250 - - 3,012,750 Purchase of unquoted investments 10 Share capital 2003 AED 2002 AED Authorised: 3,800,000 shares of AED 100 each 380,000,000 380,000,000 Issued and fully paid: 3,800,000 shares of AED 100 each 380,000,000 380,000,000 11 Legal reserve In accordance with the UAE Federal Law number (8) of 1984 (as amended) concerning Commercial Companies and the Company’s Articles of Association, 10% of net profit has been transferred to a non-distributable legal reserve. Such transfers are required to be made until the balance of the legal reserve equals one half of the Company’s paid up share capital. 12 Regulatory reserve In accordance with Article 57 of the Articles of Association of the Company, 10% of the Company’s net profit for the year are transferred to the regulatory reserve. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 22 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 13 Proposed dividend The Board of Directors have proposed a dividend of AED 6 per share (2002 – AED 5 per share) amounting to AED 22,800,000 (2002 – AED 19,000,000). This is subject to the approval of the Shareholders in the General Assembly. 14 Trade and other payables Insurance payables Due to related parties (note 9) Creditors for purchase of property, plant and equipment Other payables Directors’ remuneration Accrued expenses 15 2003 AED 2002 AED 23,485,677 271,766 15,956,698 368,780 3,727,444 9,954,343 400,000 1,885,536 2,380,228 7,765,041 260,000 1,479,557 39,724,766 28,210,304 2003 AED 2002 AED 17,520,441 235,912 3,189,482 9,539,483 122,371 14,938,354 707,736 (399,207) 5,676,013 219,794 30,607,689 21,142,690 Net investment and other income Interest income Dividend income Net income/(loss) from investment property Exchange gain from investments Other income Exchange gain includes unrealised gain resulting from revaluation of investments denominated in Euros at the year end of AED 7,852,000 (2002 – AED 963,700) AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 23 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 16 Administrative and other operating expenses Staff costs Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Rental expenses Others 17 2003 AED 2002 AED 9,288,022 601,936 528,222 4,189,114 8,726,015 611,444 883,236 3,307,352 14,607,294 13,528,047 100,477,162 86,518,092 (45,518,482) (39,199,715) 54,958,680 47,318,377 8,484,421 6,548,086 63,443,101 53,866,463 Cash and cash equivalents Bank deposits Less: Bank deposits with maturity of greater than three months at the balance sheet date Bank and cash 18 Financial instruments (a) Interest rate risk management The Company’s interest rate risk is mainly attributable to its long term bank deposits and originated investments. The Company generally tries to minimise the interest rate risk by closely monitoring the market interest rates and investing in those financial assets in which such risk is expected to be minimal. As for the other assets, the Company is not excessively exposed to interest rate risk as its interest-sensitive assets are repriced frequently. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 24 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 18 Financial instruments (continued) (b) Fair value of financial assets and liabilities The carrying value of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities as recorded in the balance sheet approximates their fair values. (c) Credit risk Substantially all of the Company’s underwriting activities are carried out in the United Arab Emirates. For all classes of financial instruments held by the Company, other than those relating to insurance contracts as described in (e) below, the credit risk exposure of the Company approximates to the carrying value as disclosed in the financial statements at the balance sheet date. Trade and other receivables comprise amounts due from insurance companies, customers, brokers and other debtors. The average credit period is approximately 90 days. The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade and other receivables. The amounts presented in the balance sheet are net of allowances for doubtful receivables estimated by the Company’s management based on prior experience and the current economic environment. The Company has no significant concentration of credit risk, with exposure spread over a large number of customers. Trade and other payables comprise amounts payable to insurance creditors and other creditors. The average credit period taken is 60 days. (d) Currency risk The Company’s currency risk is mainly attributable to its originated investment in Sovereign Euro bonds and the long term deposits held with banking institutions (note 5) which are denominated in Euros and Omani Riyals respectively. The Directors believe that the possible losses due to exchange rate fluctuation on these investments is minimal and consequently the same have not been hedged for this risk. Apart from the above, the Company has all of its long term bank deposits and originated investments denominated in US Dollars. As the US Dollar is pegged to the UAE Dirham, the Company has minimal risk of significant losses due to exchange rate fluctuations. AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 25 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 18 Financial instruments (continued) (e) Insurance risk The Company in the normal course of business enters into reinsurance arrangements with other parties to minimise losses arising from large claims. Reinsurance ceded contracts do not relieve the Company from its obligations to policyholders. The Company remains liable to its policyholders for the portion reinsured to the extent that any reinsurer does not meet the obligations assumed under the reinsurance agreements. To minimise its exposure to significant losses from reinsurer insolvencies, the Company evaluates the financial condition of its reinsurers and monitors concentrations of credit risk arising from similar geographic regions, activities or economic characteristics of the reinsurers. (f) Market risk Market risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate as a result of changes in market prices, whether those changes are caused by factors specific to the individual security, or its issuer, or factors affecting all securities traded in the market. The Company is exposed to market risk with respect to its investments in marketable securities. The Company limits market risk by actively monitoring the key factors that affect stock and market movements, including analysis of the operational and financial performance of the investees. 19 Segment information Primary segment information The Company is organised into two main business segments: Underwriting of general insurance business – incorporating all classes of general insurance viz; fire, marine, motor, general accident and miscellaneous. Investments – incorporating available-for-sale securities, originated securities, term deposits with banks and investment properties. 26 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 19 Segment information (continued) Primary segment information (continued) Segment revenue Segment result Unallocated income 2003 Underwriting AED 2003 Investments AED 2003 Total AED 2002 Underwriting AED 2002 Investments AED 2002 Total AED 121,813,651 33,253,697 155,067,348 110,365,010 22,572,348 132,937,358 6,278,535 30,485,318 36,763,853 122,371 6,852,545 20,922,896 27,775,441 219,794 Net profit for the year Segment assets Unallocated assets 36,685,567 483,076,316 Total assets Segment liabilities Unallocated liabilities 27,995,235 36,886,224 519,761,883 12,717,980 35,323,669 - 450,760,072 - 492,631,827 532,479,863 52,735,666 4,455,266 Total liabilities There are no transactions between the business segments. 57,190,932 9,535,502 66,726,434 486,083,741 6,548,086 39,364,696 2,380,228 41,744,924 5,309,658 47,054,582 AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 27 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 19 Segment information (continued) Secondary segment information The Company’s underwriting business is based entirely within the United Arab Emirates and other GCC countries except for treaty reinsurance arrangements which are conducted with companies based primarily in Europe. The investments of the Company are held in the UAE, other GCC countries, Iran and Europe. Revenue 2003 AED Revenue 2002 AED Total assets 2003 AED Total assets 2002 AED 124,561,549 111,961,478 261,871,671 233,890,131 Iran 11,780,599 1,522,336 55,771,550 47,919,550 Europe 18,847,571 19,673,338 214,836,642 210,822,146 155,189,719 133,157,152 532,479,863 492,631,827 United Arab Emirates and other GCC countries 20 Contingent liabilities At 31 December 2003, the Company had contingent liabilities in respect of outstanding letters of guarantee, issued in the normal course of business, amounting to AED 8,277,436 (2002 - AED 11,184,611). 21 Capital commitments Committed and contracted towards Al Khazna Tower Project – Al Ain 2003 AED 2002 AED 3,400,000 - AL KHAZNA INSURANCE COMPANY P.S.C. 28 Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2003 (continued) 22 Earnings per ordinary share The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the net profit attributable to the Shareholders of Al Khazna Insurance Company P.S.C. of AED 36,886,224 (2002 – AED 27,995,235) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 3,800,000 shares (2002 – 3,800,000 shares). 23 Employees The total number of employees in the Company at the end of the year was 91 (2002 84). 24 Approval of financial statements The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue in their meeting held on xx xxxxxxxx2004. 25 Comparative figures Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year presentation.