Patrick Henry High School

Patrick Henry High School
Piano Class
Semester 1-2
Instructor Contact Information:
Elizabeth Roth Kotek
Room # 001
Phone: 668-1985 Voice mail: 692-0686
Email Address:
School’s Mission Statement: The Patrick Henry Community is committed to providing
academically challenging programs which teach students to act responsibly, reason
effectively, and contribute to a changing society.
Music Department’s Mission Statement: The objective of the music program is to
allow every student to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically through
the medium of music. Every student will develop a life-long interest in music and
through hard work, discipline and cooperation, we will develop a family of musicians with a
devotion to music in the classroom, the school, and the community.
Course Description/ Objectives
Students will increase their ability to play the piano. Students will be exposed to a broad
study of music from this and other cultures. Student’s perception of elements in music and their
ability to analyze many styles of music will increase. Students will acquire the knowledge to
recognize musical characteristics and develop musical skills. Students will increase their
understanding and use of musical vocabulary.
Required Texts and Other Supplies
Piano and Piano book provided in class
**** 3 Ring Binder to be used for a Developmental Workbook for theory and other handouts
Student Planner
School ID
Grading Policy
Grades are earned through a combination of written and oral evaluations,
performance/playing tests on the piano, participation in group discussion and written and oral
presentations, and worksheets. Extra credit is available.
Class Policies
Attendance – An absence is defined as missing more than 15 minutes of class. After 3 absences
a call will be made home. Five (5) unexcused absences will result in a full grade deduction. Seven
or more unexcused absences will result in an F for the quarter.
Promptness – Students who are not in class when the bell rings must have a signed pass from
teacher or a tardy referral the security staff. Three tardy referrals result in detention in the
form of Saturday school. Continuing tardiness will be dealt with by the Principal.
Passes – 3 passes are allowed for each quarter.
Behavior Expectations
A. Be On Time - Be in the classroom and seated when the bell rings.
B. Be Prepared for Class, Rehearsals and Performances
- Bring all necessary materials books, music, paper, and a pencil.
C. Show Respect
- Respect yourself and those around you.
- Respect the music and your performance (don't dis' us in public, keep
negatives in the family and try to construct comments as positive criticism).
- Respect your environment. Pick up after yourself.
* *No eating, drinking or gum chewing.**
Food/Drink in classroom – Water is the only food or beverage allowed in class. This policy also
excludes gum, candy, seeds and any other consumable product. Students with food/drink will be
required to throw away the product
Academic Support - Study Hall or Tutorials are available at the request of the student/parents. I
am in my class every morning except most Tuesdays from 7:15 and every afternoon.
Students must be in my classroom for afternoon tutorials by 3:10 PM.
Electronics/Cell Phones – These should not be seen or heard, including earbuds, blue-tooth
accessories and head-phones. If they are seen or heard they will be confiscated and turned
over to an administrator.
Calendar of Topics and Assignments Quarter 1: At the beginning of each quarter a new
calendar will be distributed.
Major assignments – Playing and written tests on body, hand & finger positions and music theory.
Course Calendar – Quarter 1
Sept 1 – 4
Welcome, classroom expectations, syllabus, fundamentals of music and the piano,
from Packet #1, Music theory 1 -4.
Sept 8 – 11 Test out Packet #1, begin pgs 17 - 21. Theory 5-7. Written test on C 5 finger
position and Lesson 8.
Sept 14 – 18 Test on pgs 17 - 21, begin pgs 23-27. Theory 9 – 12.
Sept 21 – 25 Test on pgs 23 - 27, begin pgs 28 -31. Theory 13 – 15, test Lesson 16.
Sept 28 – Oct 1 Test on pgs 28 - 31. Mid-term quiz. Begin Packet #2. Theory 17 - 20
Oct 5 – 9
Test on packet #2, begin pgs 32,33. Theory 21 – 23, quiz Lesson 24.
Oct 12 – 14 Test on 32,33, begin work on pgs 34-37. Theory 25 – 28.
Oct 19 – 23 Test on pgs 34 – 37, begin work on pgs 38 - 41. Theory 28 – 30, quiz Lesson 31.
Oct 26 – 30 Playing test through pg 41, begin pgs 42-47. Theory 32 – 35.
Nov 2 – 5
Final written and playing test through pg 47. Theory 36 – 38, quiz Lesson 39,
written test on all lessons 1 – 39. Peer and self-assessment of music and performances 1st quarter.
Each quarter’s course calendar will be distributed at the beginning of the quarter.