8. Other related duties as assigned.

Position Description Form (PDF)
Northern College
Incumbent's Name:
Position Title: Employment Coordinator
Payband: I
Position Code/Number (if applicable):
Supervisor's Name and Title: Al French Campus Manager Kirkland Lake
Completed by: Al French
(Indicates the incumbent has read and understood the PDF)
Supervisor's Supervisor:
Support Staff PDF
Support Staff PDF
Instructions for Completing the PDF
1. Read the form carefully before completing any of the sections.
2. Answer each section as completely as you can based on the typical activities or requirements of the
position and not on exceptional or rare requirements.
3. If you have any questions, refer to the document entitled "A Guide on How to Write Support Staff
Position Description Forms" or contact your Human Resources representation for clarification.
4. Ensure the PDF is legible.
5. Responses should be straightforward and concise using simple factual statements.
Position Summary
Provide a concise description of the overall purpose of the position.
The Employment Coordinator reports to the Campus Manager at the Kirkland Lake Campus. The
incumbent has lead responsibility in the administration of the Client Activity Tracking System (CATS) and
the Employment Options CaMS. The Employment Coordinator is responsible for planning and
coordinating activities in the delivery of the components of the Employment Options service.. The
incumbent is responsible for the overall day-to-day activities at the centre and in the communities of the
Region, including the Community Learning Centres. The incumbent serves as a program contact with
MTCU’s Program Officer on behalf of the Kirkland Lake program. Collaborates with other college
services such as CDSP to maximize service delivery efficiency.
Support Staff PDF
Duties and Responsibilities
Indicate as clearly as possible the significant duties and responsibilities associated with the position.
Indicate the approximate percentage of time for each duty. Describe duties rather than detailed work
% of time
1. Directs administration and reporting of statistics gathered in the Client
Activity Tracking System (CATS) and Case Management Systems (CAMS) by:
- Verifies and ensures that proper uploading is completed monthly and quarterly
(QSAR) statistical reports as well as other periodic reports as required by MTCU.
- Meeting strict deadlines in the reporting to MTCU.
- Preparing monthly internal reports for the Manager and College Finance
Department and at other intervals as required.
- Coordinating the development of systems procedures related to data collection.
- Reconciling each staff member’s monthly statistical reports and correcting errors (if
applicable) and/or making necessary adjustments in data entry in order to meet
targets. Makes recommendations to staff for changes.
- Ensuring data entry forms are updated to capture new targets.
- Overseeing that proper source documentation is collected to support meeting data
entry targets.
- Informing the Manager of all correspondence from MTCU, the Employment Options
College Sector, and the Job Connect – Northern Partners, especially where action
is required.
2. Monitors wage subsidy expenditures and training support allowances by:
- Monitoring and approving training support allowance disbursements based on
supported documentation provided by staff.
- Monitoring wage subsidy expenditures closely and reporting any discrepancies to
the Manager immediately.
- Verifying and ensuring appropriate documentation is filed according to guidelines.
- Scheduling regular wage subsidy review meetings with staff and/or Manager to
ensure proper reallocation of funds.
- Determining action plans with the Manager and team to ensure fiscal
responsibilities are met as required.
- Procuring WHMIS and Safety Training accounts for clients and tracks closely
outstanding training to reallocate unused funds.
3. Plans and conducts regular weekly meetings with staff to:
- Review targets and updates from MTCU bulletins and/or disseminate changes in
MTCU strategic directions.
- Recommend direction for changes and plan strategies to reach targets (decisions
are team-based).
- Provide an opportunity for staff to exchange program information.
Support Staff PDF
4. Maintains program delivery and leads the business plan process in
conjunction with the Manager by:
- Attending annual Employment Options Managers Forum/Conferences (whenever
possible) where MTCU announces highlights and general guidelines for upcoming
program changes.
- Interpreting upcoming changes and working with the Manager and staff on the
implementation of the changes within the framework of the next business plan.
- Collecting background information on activity trends, labour market information,
local economic status and FNETB reports which are all required to complete the
Business Plan.
- Participating in regional or college-wide meetings to review overall objectives and
commitments are complementary to each E.O. service area.
- Providing consistent training and support to staff to ensure proper
components are meeting organizational capacity standards.
- Providing back-up for caseload management during absence of Employment
5. Reviews, with Employment Consultants, career placement opportunities for
clients such as job shadowing, volunteerism, and on-the-job training
placements by:- Appraising work sites for safety and quality of training.
- Developing skill training plans with employers.
- Determining the length of training subsidy and ensuring that required
- Contracts and reports are completed and signed by all parties in a timely fashion.
6. Liaises with employers, government agencies, and a variety of community,
social, Aboriginal and educational partners by:
- Participating on community, social, Aboriginal and educational committees as
- Making presentations and/or providing information to community groups, high
schools, forums/job fairs and information sessions as required.
- Scheduling staff participation in community events and presentations.
7. The Employment Coordinator’s position includes career advising, marketing, 20%
job development, placement, data collection and reporting. This includes:
- Providing information on referral services.
- Monitoring and tracking clients who are availing of self-directed job search, training,
and educational related services.
- Recruiting new participants.
- Conducting intake and assessment interviews to determine client eligibility and
documenting clients’ skills, interests, abilities, educational background and work
- Developing participant action plans in collaboration with the client that clarifies
vocational goals, identifies strengths and barriers to employment and describes
short-term and long-term steps required to overcome them.
- Researching, developing, updating and delivering workshops on topics relating to
the needs of the client’s ability to find and keep a job.
- Keeping accurate case notes by documenting all participant activities and
interventions as per Ministries’ file documentation standards.
Support Staff PDF
Collecting and recording information accurately for statistical data per
MTCU requirements.
8. Other related duties as assigned.
To help you estimate approximate percentages:
½ hour a day is 7%
1 hour a day is 14%
½ day a week is 10%
½ day a month is 2%
1 week a year is 2%
1 hour a week is 3%
1 day a month is 4%
1. Education
A. Check the box that best describes the minimum level of formal education that is required for the
position and specify the field(s) of study. Do not include on-the-job training in this information.
□ Up to High School or
□ 1 year certificate or
□ 2 year diploma or
□ Trade certification or
 3 year diploma / degree
or equivalent
□ 3 year diploma / degree plus
professional certification or
□ 4 year degree or
□ Post graduate degree
□ Doctoral degree or
(e.g. Masters) or equivalent
Field(s) of Study:
Human Services, Business or related field.
B. Check the box that best describes the requirement for specific course(s), certification, qualification,
formal training or accreditation in addition to and not part of the education level noted above and in the
space provided specify the additional requirement(s). Include only the requirement that would typically
be included in the job posting and would be acquired prior to the commencement of the position. Do
not include courses that are needed to maintain a professional designation.
 No additional requirements
□ Additional requirements obtained by
course(s) of a total of 100 hours or less
Support Staff PDF
□ Additional requirements obtained by
course(s) of a total between 101 and 520
□ Additional requirements obtained by
course(s) of a total of more than 520
2. Experience
Experience refers to the minimum time required in prior position(s) to understand how to apply the
techniques, methods and practices necessary to perform this job. This experience may be less than
experience possessed by the incumbent, as it refers only to the minimum level required on the first day of
Check the box that best captures the typical number of year of experience, in addition to the necessary
education level, required to perform the responsibilities of the position and, in the space provided, describe
the type of experience. Include any experience that is part of a certification process, but only if the work
experience or on-the-job training occurs after the conclusion of the educational course or program.
□ Less than one (1) year
□ Minimum of one (1) year
□ Minimum of two (2) years
□ Minimum of three (3) years
 Minimum of five (5) years
Five years of practical experience which includes career guidance,
employment workshop delivery, job placement and working with
statistical data as it pertains to employment programs and services.
Must be fully bilingual (Official Languages)
□ Minimum of eight (8) years
Support Staff PDF
3. Analysis and Problem Solving
This section relates to the application of analysis and judgement within the scope of the position.
The following charts help to define the level of complexity involved in the analysis or identification of
situations, information or problems, the steps taken to develop options, solutions or other actions and the
judgement required to do so.
Please provide up to three (3) examples of analysis and problem solving that are regular and recurring and,
if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:
Analysis and Problem Solving
#1 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered.
Not meeting monthly MTCU milestones and Schedule B
How is it identified?
By reviewing reports generated from the CATS and CAMS
systems. Subsequently, matching outcomes with each
consultant’s monthly reports and identifying the gaps.
Is further investigation required to define
the situation and/or problem? If so,
When gaps are identified, the incumbent meets with
individual consultant and/or with the team and verifies that all
data entry has been captured adequately and/or up-to-date in
the system.
The incumbent must analyze data from various reports in
order to identify issues that may prevent targets being met.
When targets are not met, the incumbent coordinates team
meetings to discuss the target gap. In a team environment,
the incumbent develops various strategies and makes
recommendations to the Manager in order to implement new
processes to resolve target gaps.
Explain the analysis used to determine a
solution(s) for the situation and/or
What sources are available to assist the
incumbent finding solution(s)? (eg. past
practices, established standards or
Analysis and Problem Solving
MTCU Employment Options Guidelines for ratios and
percentages. Past practices. Networking with Regional
Northern Partners Group.
#2 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered
Over and/or under expending subsidy and/or training support
How is it identified?
Incumbent generates and analyzes bi-weekly expenditure
reports from the CATS System, the college financial system
and verifying against projected targets.
Support Staff PDF
Is further investigation required to define
the situation and/or problem? If so,
Explain the analysis used to determine a
solution(s) for the situation and/or
What sources are available to assist the
incumbent finding solution(s)? (eg. past
practices, established standards or
Analysis and Problem Solving
The incumbent analyzes the relationship between the
committed dollars, slippage and potential placements looking
for one-off issues, patterns and trends.
The incumbent accurately monitors and approves support
allowance disbursements. In addition, the incumbent
oversees the monthly subsidy expenditures by analysing the
relationship between the committed dollars and the slippage
dollars. The incumbent reports any discrepancies to the
Manager and determines a plan of action to ensure that fiscal
responsibilities are met.
Previous fiscal and intake trends and seasonal economic
activity reports. Draws on own experience and knowledge to
properly analyze over and/or under expenditures and initiate
strategies to solve gaps. Networking with Regional Northern
Partners Group. Discussions with manager.
#3 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered
Reading and interpreting Ministry guidelines and business
plan changes.
How is it identified?
The incumbent receives bulletins and notices from the
Ministry outlining changes and updates to program
information, targets, etc.
Is further investigation required to define
the situation and/or problem? If so,
The incumbent must refer to other Ministry documentation for
comparison, other Employment Options partners and/or
Ministry consultant for clarification of the scope and impact of
Explain the analysis used to determine a
solution(s) for the situation and/or
Based on the information gathered, the incumbent must
determine whether updates and/or changes will require a reevaluation of program policies and procedures. Where
required, incumbent will analyze and adapt or amend policies
and procedures to match the new requirements and facilitate
efficient achievement of the new objectives.
For example, the new IRS strategies outlined in the 2007-08
Business Plan requires changes to the service delivery
practices . The incumbent will share the information with the
team and may involve the team in making the necessary
changes to service delivery practices. Failure to follow the
new guidelines would result in not meeting the new targets
and objectives outlined in the Business plan.
Support Staff PDF
What sources are available to assist the
incumbent finding solution(s)? (eg. past
practices, established standards or
Analysis and Problem Solving
Ministry guidelines and documents provided by the ministry.
Consultation with other centres. Past practices. Established
policies and procedures. Team meetings. Discussions with
#1 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered
The incumbent encounters challenges in acquiring pertinent
and up-to-date information to complete the forecasting
component of the Business Plan.
How is it identified?
Some labour market reports crucial to the development of the
Business Plan are not easily available and/or not current.
Is further investigation required to define
the situation and/or problem? If so,
The incumbent must contact various networking groups and
agencies to request up-dated information and data.
Explain the analysis used to determine a
solution(s) for the situation and/or
A current status analysis must be done and based upon the
information gathered, incumbent analyzes local and regional
trends and makes projections for the Business Plan which
are reflective and realistic for our site.
What sources are available to assist the
incumbent finding solution(s)? (eg. past
practices, established standards or
FNETB reports, Service Canada’s Local Labour Market
Analysis Consultant, school board representatives and
industrial groups, various labour market newsletters, local
newspapers, etc. Discussions with manager.
Analysis and Problem Solving
#2 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered
How is it identified?
Is further investigation required to define
the situation and/or problem? If so,
Explain the analysis used to determine a
solution(s) for the situation and/or
Support Staff PDF
What sources are available to assist the
incumbent finding solution(s)? (eg. past
practices, established standards or
4. Planning/Coordinating
Planning is a proactive activity as the incumbent must develop in advance a method of acting or
proceeding, while coordinating can be more reactive in nature.
Using the following charts, provide up to three (3) examples of planning and/or coordinating that are regular
and recurring and, if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:
List the project and the role of the
incumbent in this activity.
#1 regular & recurring
Plans and conducts regular meetings with staff to review
targets and updates from MTCU bulletins and/or disseminate
changes in MTCU strategic directions.
What are the organizational and/or
The incumbent must coordinate critical information for
project management skills needed to
scheduled meetings with staff. This information relates to
bring together and integrate this activity? service delivery standards, updates from MTCU bulletins,
customer service, program targets, wage subsidy and training
expenditures, community activities and workshops, etc.
In addition, the incumbent may be called upon to disseminate
information in the absence of the Manager at staff meetings.
List the types of resources required to
complete this task, project or activity.
MTCU Bulletins, incoming mail, various correspondence from
community agencies, analysis of core measure reports, wage
subsidy and training support allowances updates, discussions
with manager.
How is/are deadline(s) determined?
Monthly meetings are scheduled just prior to Ministry upload
to ensure that targets are met.
Bi-monthly meetings are scheduled to review wage subsidy
and training allocation expenditures.
Other meetings are scheduled throughout the year as
required for marketing and recruiting activities.
Support Staff PDF
Who determines if changes to the project
or activity are required? And who
determines whether these changes have
an impact on others? Please provide
concrete examples.
The incumbent determines and makes changes to scheduled
meetings as required. Changes are usually the result of staff
and/or the manager not being available to attend due to
unforeseen circumstances and/or conflicting schedules.
Changes to the schedule are communicated to the staff by
the incumbent.
#2 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent
in this activity.
Coordinates staff participation (inclusive of the
incumbent) in presentations to community groups, high
schools, job fairs/forums, information sessions and
community events. Coordinates in-house workshops and
recruitment events.
What are the organizational and/or project
management skills needed to bring together
and integrate this activity?
The incumbent is required to plan and develop a
schedule for all staff’s involvement to participate in the
above mentioned activities in an equitable manner.
Two (2) different types of schedules are required: one for
in-house activities (workshops and recruitment), and one
for external activities (presentations, job fairs and
community events).
Dates for external activities are shared with staff. Staff
either volunteer to participate based on personal
preference and/or are assigned to participate based on a
pre-determined rotational schedule.
The incumbent must also ensure that the Resource
Centre Agents prepare sufficient presentation materials
on time for all activities.
List the types of resources required to
complete this task, project or activity.
The incumbent maintains an up-to-date calendar of
events and presentations. This calendar of events is
shared with staff at all times and is posted in a common
How is/are deadline(s) determined?
The schedules are prepared according to requests.
Many requests for presentations are received with only a
one-week notice, while others may have 3-4 weeks lead
time. Some fairs and larger events are known well in
advance. Others are made known on a very short notice.
There is some minor flexibility for internal activities.
Support Staff PDF
Who determines if changes to the project or
activity are required? And who determines
whether these changes have an impact on
others? Please provide concrete examples.
The incumbent determines changes to the schedules.
Changes to the schedules are done on a regular basis
due to unforeseen circumstances. Some changes are the
result of last minute requests from external sources while
other changes are required to accommodate unavailable
staff due to conflicts in their own schedules.
The incumbent must ensure that all activities are covered
and must often ask staff for flexibility in changing their
schedules to accommodate numerous requests.
Example of Impact:
A cancelled workshop may result in poor customer
service and/or complaint from an external source; and
ultimately, affect our targeted outcomes. The
Employment Options Programs has specific targets for
number of workshops achieved and total number of
participants for the fiscal year. It is also broken down by
number of students, apprenticeship participants and
general public in attendance.
#3 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent
in this activity.
Coordinates placement opportunities for clients/students
and determines the allocation of training subsidy.
What are the organizational and/or project
management skills needed to bring together
and integrate this activity?
The incumbent is required to work with clients/students
with diverse vocational needs and match them
successfully with employers while simultaneously
meeting program outcomes. The consultant must ensure
that all contracts and supporting documentation are
completed and signed in a timely fashion. All
communication with clients, employers and other
agencies (if applicable) must be documented in a case
note fashion. Multiple cases are open at any one time.
List the types of resources required to
complete this task, project or activity.
The incumbent conducts intake and assessment (as
back-up) interviews with clients. Reviews our job boards,
various job banks and local newspapers. Liaises with
clients and employers. Must use Employment Options
documentation standards for case noting.
Support Staff PDF
How is/are deadline(s) determined?
Placement start-ups are determined by the employer.
Often, with very little notice. The incumbent must
subsequently confirm start-up and end dates with the
employer prior to a client commencing a placement.
He/she must ensure that all documentation is completed
in a very short period of time according to program
Who determines if changes to the project or
activity are required? And who determines
whether these changes have an impact on
others? Please provide concrete examples.
Changes to placement agreements are determined by
the incumbent in consultation with the client, employer
and/or funding agency.
#1 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Prepares quarterly statistical reports for MTCU.
List the project and the role of the incumbent
in this activity.
Example – Employer contacts the incumbent to share
some dissatisfaction with client’s performance on the job.
The incumbent must discuss the situation with the client
and try to salvage the placement and/or must terminate
the placement depending on the employer’s direction.
What are the organizational and/or project
management skills needed to bring together
and integrate this activity?
The incumbent reviews and prepares monthly statistical
reports. Deadlines must be met and the incumbent plans
sufficient time to analyze results against Business Plan
targets, identify problems and finalize statistics.
List the types of resources required to
complete this task, project or activity.
- Monthly Statistical Reports for that quarter.
- Historical data – i.e. previous quarterly reports
- Business Plan
Consults with Manager, Employment Consultants, Job
Developers (JDs) and Resource Centre Agents (RCA)
How is/are deadline(s) determined?
Deadlines are set by MTCU and are non-negotiable. For
example, if a quarterly report is late by one day or two,
we will receive a call from our Ministry Consultant.
Who determines if changes to the project or
activity are required? And who determines
whether these changes have an impact on
others? Please provide concrete examples.
If the changes required are under provincial benchmarks,
the incumbent is responsible to immediately inform the
Manager. A plan of action is developed with the Manager
and then shared with the team to implement.
Support Staff PDF
#2 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
List the project and the role of the incumbent
in this activity.
The incumbent assumes responsibility for review of other
employment consultants’ (EC) caseloads during their
absence (i.e. sick and/or vacation) to maintain effective
and seamless customer service and to ensure an
effective interim plan is in place.
What are the organizational and/or project
management skills needed to bring together
and integrate this activity?
Ability to make judgement in determining the work
priorities, client/employer issues that need immediate
intervention while meeting all other work load
commitments and deadlines.
Balancing of caseload responsibilities across ECs to
maintain overall customer service during extended staff
List the types of resources required to
complete this task, project or activity.
Meets with Employment Consultant (s) to discuss
caseloads and priorities prior to vacation period.
Seeks assistance from other Employment Consultants if
more than one Employment Consultant is on vacation
and/or off sick. This also depends upon the availability of
other Employment Consultants to provide assistance.
Discusses recommendations and consults with manager.
How is/are deadline(s) determined?
Program guidelines and internal delivery standards are
pre-set and incumbent must ensure to follow-up and/or
complete all commitments in progress.
Who determines if changes to the project or
activity are required? And who determines
whether these changes have an impact on
others? Please provide concrete examples.
The incumbent reviews with supervisor caseload
management for possibility of reassignment to another
consultant. This is done by assessing the current
outstanding work and taking into consideration the
estimated length of the absence.
5. Guiding/Advising Others
This section describes the assigned responsibility of the position to guide or advise others (e.g. other
employees, students). Focus on the actions taken (rather than the communication skills) that directly assist
others in the performance of their work or skill development.
Though Support Staff cannot formally "supervise" others, there may be a requirement to guide others using
the incumbent's job expertise. This is beyond being helpful and providing ad hoc advice. It must be an
assigned responsibility and must assist or enable others to be able to complete their own tasks.
Check the box(es) that best describe the level of responsibility assigned to the position and provide an
example(s) to support the selection, including the positions that the incumbent guides or advises.
Support Staff PDF
Regular &
Minimal requirement to guide/advise
others. The incumbent may be
required to explain procedures to
other employees or students.
There is a need for the incumbent to
demonstrate correct processes/
procedures to others so that they can
complete specific tasks.
The incumbent recommends a course
of action or makes decisions so that
others can perform their day-to-day
The incumbent meets with all new
Employment Options staff and conducts
an orientation session on established
policies and procedures pertaining to the
Centre. The incumbent provides and
reviews program guidelines and all
relevant forms to meet documentation
requirements. Explains office routines,
work procedures, use of equipment,
safety procedures and regulations,
explaining precedents and past
decisions (if applicable). Arranges for job
shadowing if necessary.
The incumbent is responsible to oversee
the day-to-day activities of the Centre.
As such, the incumbent must be
constantly aware of potential rising
situations relating to caseload
management, office procedures and
overall delivery of program and must
troubleshoot as required.
The incumbent schedules staff for client
workshops and presentations, as well as
for Resource Centre support and backfill.
The incumbent is an active participant
and has ongoing involvement in the
progress of others with whom he/she
has the responsibility to demonstrate
correct processes/procedures or
provide direction.
The incumbent is responsible for
allocating tasks to others and
recommending a course of action or
making necessary decisions to
ensure the tasks are completed.
The incumbent conducts bi-weekly wage
subsidy meetings with staff. Prior to the
meeting, the incumbent meets with each
Employment Consultant to review
subsidy reports and provides
suggestions and/or support to reduce
outstanding claims.
Support Staff PDF
6. Independence of Action
Please illustrate the type of independence or autonomy exercised in the position. Consideration is to be
given to the degree of freedom and constraints that define the parameters in which the incumbent works.
What are the instructions that are typically required or provided at the beginning of a work assignment?
Regular and Recurring
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
The Manager provides general direction, objectives The incumbent leads the Business Plan process in
and service expectations. The incumbent works
conjunction with the Manager using a prescribed
independently within the framework of written
template and written guidelines provided by MTCU.
MTCU guidelines.
What rules, procedures, past practices or guidelines are available to guide the incumbent?
Regular and Recurring
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
The incumbent works within the prescribed
framework of written MTCU guidelines.
The incumbent is charged with the maintenance
and updating of the Organizational Capacity
manual for the department.
When there are conflicting interpretations, the
incumbent will survey other sites (at NorColl or
through the North) to ensure a common and
acceptable approach is adopted. In addition the
incumbent could contact the Executive Director of
the Employment Options College Sector as well as
the Program Consultant.
How is work reviewed or verified (eg. feedback from others, work processes, Supervisor)?
Regular and Recurring
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Work is reviewed by exception, periodic review and Close contact and efficient communications are
at completion of projects or major milestones.
required with Manager throughout the Business
Plan development process.
Work is verified by accuracy of reports to Ministry
and achievement of targets.
Support Staff PDF
6. Independence of Action
Describe the type of decisions the incumbent will make in consultation with someone else other than the
Regular and Recurring
- The incumbent will case conference with
Employment Consultants regarding hard to serve
and challenging clients.
- Implementation of program guidelines are made
by consulting with other delivery sites and/or the
assigned MTCU Consultant
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
- The incumbent may contact other regional
partners to discuss the Business Plan guidelines
provided by MTCU and recommend strategies
based on the interpretation of the information. This
information is shared with the manager for
interpretation as well.
Describe the type of decisions that would be decided in consultation with the Supervisor.
Regular and Recurring
- Changes to established policies and procedures
- Implementation of program guidelines requiring
- Difficulties in meeting deadlines
- Conflicts with scheduling staff in workshops
and/or presentations
- Shortage of staff to backfill in Resource Centre
- Politically sensitive and delicate situations which
could negatively impact the program and the
- Discrepancies in subsidy and training
- Staffing and/or other issues requiring a decision
by the Manager
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
- Business Plan content and final submission to
Ministry by the required deadline date (usually
process starts in November and plan is submitted
the following January 31)
Describe the type of decisions that would be decided by the incumbent.
Regular and Recurring
- Resolving issues relating to client services
- Scheduling of staff in workshops and/or
- Scheduling for back-filling in Resource Centre
and case management
- Overseeing data entry to ensure program results
meet core measures in Business Plan
Occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
- Best approach in gathering all background
information required to complete the Business Plan
(labour market information and trends, local
economic status and issues, etc.)
- Recommendation for core measures in new
Business Plan based on current status
- Dealing with delivery program issues,
Support Staff PDF
- Marketing of program
- Reviewing guideline changes and revising forms
- Reviewing monthly targets and meeting with
consultants for revisions and adjustments
- Reviewing training support allowance
expenditures and determining approval of funds for
bulk purchases for clients (i.e. bus tickets)
site/equipment issues, MTCU requests that need to
be interpreted and dealt with in a suitable manner
that is reflective of a positive impact on the
program services and the College when Manager
is off site.
- Engage in discussions with other Employment
Services programs managed by Northern College
(SNOW, STCRC) and literacy partners.
7. Service Delivery
This section looks at the service relationship that is an assigned requirement of the position. It considers
the required manner in which the position delivers service to customers. It is not intended to examine the
incumbent's interpersonal relationship with those customers and the normal anticipation of what customers
want and then supplying it efficiently. It considers how the request for service is received and the degree to
which the position is required to design and fulfil the service requirement. A "customer" is defined in the
broadest sense as a person or groups of people and can be internal or external to the College.
In the table below, list the key service(s) and its associated customers. Describe how the request for
service is received by the incumbent, how the service is carried out and the frequency.
Information on the service
How is it received?
How is it carried out?
- Lead contact person for
- incumbent schedules staff on a
requests for presentations rotational basis to participate in
and/or community activities community activities and/or for
- speaks directly with staff
members to confirm participation
- Walk-in Resource Centre - responds to enquiries
visitors and potential clients - explains program aims and goals
- influence/change opinions about
training and work programs
- confirms job readiness of clients
- Contact person for stats
- collects and analyzes data,
clarification and submission prepares reports and projections
of reports
- reviews reports with manager,
submits by e-mail, fax or in
Business Plan.
(D, W, M. I)*
- local high schools,
various community
agencies, college
programs, general
public, etc.
- E.O. clients (youth
and adult)
- General public
Support Staff PDF
- Employers will contact the
incumbent to place a job
order for a Employment
Options client. The
request is usually received
by phone, facsimile, or email.
D = Daily
W = Weekly
The incumbent will obtain all the
necessary information in order to
make a successful referral of a
Employment Options client to the
job vacancy. The incumbent may
enlist the assistance of co-workers
and other E.O. delivery agencies.
M = Monthly
I = Infrequently
8. Communication
In the table below indicate the type of communication skills required to deal effectively with others. Be sure
to list both verbal (e.g. exchanging information, formal presentations) and written (e.g. initiate memos,
reports, proposals) in the section(s) that best describes the method of communication.
Communication Skill/Method
Exchanging routine
information, extending
common courtesy
- provides general information
about the Employment Options
programs and other employment
and career related agencies or
organizations in keeping with the
MTCU “No Wrong Door” policy.
Explanation and
interpretation of information
or ideas
- shares best practices, explains - with program
and clarifies work that is required, delivery staff and
exchanges confidential
information and discusses
program delivery issues, etc.
W and M
- provides job related specific
- new staff
- reviews new practices,
procedures and office protocols
- all program delivery
- follows-up on client issues and
service delivery practices
- participants,
community agency
- Assessment tools
Imparting technical
information and advice
- general public
(D, W, M ,I)*
D and W
Support Staff PDF
Instructing or training
- demonstrate the use and
application of the CATS and
CAMS systems
- conducts presentations and
Obtaining cooperation or
- conducts bi-weekly wage
subsidy and training allowance
review meetings
- conducts regular staff meetings
to review targets, recommend
direction for changes and plan
strategies to reach targets
- with all program
delivery staff
- general public, local
high schools,
community agencies,
youth, etc.
-with program delivery
staff and manager
(decisions are teambased)
- discusses with staff current
schedule for presentations and
- discusses with staff backfill
requirements for Resource
- the incumbent uses tact and
diplomacy in getting reluctant or
non-cooperative clients to realize
their employment limitations and
to accept what they might
consider as a lesser employment
D = Daily
W = Weekly
- program delivery
staff and E.O. Staff
- Employment Options
- reviews program guidelines and
requests exceptions and/or
changes in targets and/or
MTCU and Manager
- negotiates, in consultation with
team, new strategies and
directions based on allowances
remaining and levels of activity.
E.O. team
- will review needs and express
requirements to ministry program
consultant in order to enhance
the college’s position with the
Program Consultant
M = Monthly
I = Infrequently
Support Staff PDF
9. Physical Effort
In the tables below, describe the type of physical activity that is required on a regular basis. Please
indicate the activity as well as the frequency, the average duration of each activity and whether there is the
ability to reduce any strain by changing positions or performing another activity. Activities to be considered
are sitting, standing, walking, climbing, crouching, lifting and/or carrying light, medium or heavy objects,
pushing, pulling, working in an awkward position or maintaining one position for a long period.
Physical Activity
(D, W, M, I)*
< 1 hr at
a time
Lifting and Carrying
D = Daily
W = Weekly
M = Monthly
1 - 2 hrs
at a time
Ability to reduce
> 2 hrs at
a time
I = Infrequently
If lifting is required, please indicate the weights below and provide examples.
◙ Light (up to 5 kg or 11 lbs)
Lifting and carrying marketing and presentation
materials to various workshops and community
events. May at times be required to carry a
portable lap top and/or computer projector
□ Medium (between 5 to 20 kg or 11 to 44 lbs)
□ Heavy (over 20 kg or 44 lbs)
10. Audio Visual Effort
Describe the degree of attention or focus required to perform tasks taking into consideration:
- the audio/visual effort and the focus or concentration needed to perform a task and the duration of
the task, including breaks (eg. up to 2 hours at one time including scheduled breaks)
- impact on attention or focus due to changes to deadlines or priorities
- the need for the incumbent to switch attention between tasks (eg. multi-tasking where each task
requires focus or concentration)
Support Staff PDF
whether the level of concentration can be maintained throughout the task or is broken due to the
number of disruptions
Provide up to three (3) examples of activities that require a higher than usual need for focus and
(D, W, M, I)*
Activity #1
Reconciling monthly statistical reports.
The incumbent is responsible for
checking data from CATS System against
each Employment Consultant’s personal
Average Duration
Short < 30 mins
Long up to 2 hrs
Extended > 2 hrs
Can concentration or focus be maintained throughout the duration of the activity? If not, why?
□ Usually
◙ No - Interruptions from staff and/or clients are frequent and anticipated due to the nature of the
(D, W, M, I)*
Activity #2
Meeting with Employment Consultants
and/or employers to discuss potential
outcomes for difficult clients.
Average Duration
Short < 30 mins
Long up to 2 hrs
Extended > 2 hrs
Can concentration or focus be maintained throughout the duration of the activity? If not, why?
◙ Usually
□ No
(D, W, M, I)*
Activity #3
Reading documents, computer use,
working on CATS / JCS, completing daily
work requirements, etc.
Average Duration
Short < 30 mins
Long up to 2 hrs
Extended > 2 hrs
Can concentration or focus be maintained throughout the duration of the activity? If not, why?
□ Usually
◙ No -- numerous interruptions with program delivery questions, e-mail inquiries and/or telephone
D = Daily
W = Weekly
M = Monthly
I = Infrequently
11. Working Environment
Support Staff PDF
Please check the appropriate box(es) that best describes the work environment and the corresponding
frequency and provide an example of the condition.
Working Conditions
◙ acceptable working conditions (minimal
exposure to the conditions listed below)
 accessing crawl spaces/confined spaces
Works in a normal office environment.
◙ dealing with abusive people
Occasionally, the incumbent meets with a
client who is upset about being fired from
their job placement. The client takes out
his/her frustration on the incumbent by
using abusive language (swearing) and
raising their voice.
Occasionally, the incumbent is asked by
the Resource Centre Agent (RCA) or other
E.O. staff to meet with a client in the
Resource Centre who is displaying
inappropriate behaviour and abusive
language (swearing). Upon addressing the
situation, the client yells back to the
incumbent, infers that he/she is being
harassed by the incumbent and/or other
staff member (if applicable), pushes chairs
around, throws paper, slams doors and
walks out.
◙ dealing with abusive people who pose a
threat of physical harm
difficult weather conditions
 exposure to extreme weather conditions
 exposure to very high or low
temperatures (e.g. freezers)
 handling hazardous substances
 smelly, dirty or noisy environment
◙ travel
 working in isolated or crowded situations
 other (explain)
(D, W, M, I)*
D = Daily
M = Monthly
W = Weekly
I = Infrequently