AP U.S. History Quarter 3 Terms Union Party Jefferson Davis Homestead Act Morrill Act Copperheads Gettysburg Carpetbaggers Antietam Tenure of Office Act Impeachment Andrew Johnson U.S. Grant National Supremacy Amendments Credit Moblier Appomattox Ct. House Stalwarts Garfield Guiteau Manifest Destiny Das Kapital The Virginian Mark Twain Social Darwinism Geronimo Dawes Act Californios Mugwumps Chester Arthur Cleveland Harrison Chinese Exclusion Act Pacific Railway Act Robber Barons Vanderbilt Gospel of Wealth Rockefeller Knights of Labor Gompers Eugene Debs The Grange ICA Sherman Anti-Trust Act Ocala Demands Populist Party Coxey’s Rebellion Wm. Jennings Bryan McKinley Czolgocz The Octopus Chautaqua Movement Muckrakers Treason of the Senate Teddy Roosevelt Square Deal Newlands Act DuBois Wilson Bull Moose Party Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-Trust Act Lochner v NY WCTU Carrie Nation Anti-Saloon League Amendment 21 NAWSA Social Gospel Movement Mary Baker Eddy Imperialism Mahan McKinley John Hay Treaty of Portsmouth Dollar Diplomacy ABC Powers Blaine Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine The Maine Spanish-Am. War H. C. Lodge Rough Riders Platt Amendment Teller Amendment John Wilkes Booth National Banking Sys. Ten Percent Plan Restoration Redeemers R. E. Lee B. T. Washington Compromise of 1877 The Turner Thesis Karl Marx Origin of Species A Century of Dishonor Halfbreeds Pendleton Act Anson-Burlingame T. Horatio Alger Carnegie Looking Backward AFL The Greenback Party Benjamin Harrison Weaver Cross of Gold speech The Jungle Progressives Tarbell Progressives Taft Progressive Amendments Adamson Act Francis Willard Volstead Act ILGWU Jane Addams Seward’s Folly Open Door Policy Poncho Villa Pan American Union Hearst & Pulitzer Treaty of Paris Dewey Panama Canal Lusitania Treaty of Versailles Harding Flappers Teapot Dome Scandal Popular Nullification Zimmerman Cable League of Nations Harlem Renaissance Scopes (Monkey) Trial Lost Generation Coolidge 14 Points Birth of a Nation H. Hoover Sacco and Vanzetti National Origins Act