File - MS Moody's AMericAn History Class

“The Rise of Progressives” Notes
“Teddy” Roosevelt
- War hero (________________)
- Governor of New York
- Vice President of _________________
- Becomes president when McKinley ______________________________
Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt’s reform plan for problems created by _______________________________
Treat all people “___________________________________”
Three C’s of Square Deal
- Conservation of Natural Resources
- Control of Corporations
- Consumer Protection
Protected Middle Class
Strengthened the Presidency again - “______________” - (a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda.)
Trusts controlled _________________________ of industry
Roosevelt believes in good and bad trusts
Breaks up some _________________________________
Railroad regulated
– ____________________________________________________ (Supreme Court ruled against the
stockholders of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroad companies, who had essentially formed
a monopoly, and to dissolve the Northern Securities Company)
Russo-Japanese War
– Roosevelt helped negotiate peace between _____________________ and ____________________
– Won the ________________________________________________ for his efforts
Sets example of President mediating conflicts
Consumer Protection
The Jungle by ___________________________________________________
Meant to expose problems of working people in meatpacking industry but sickens people
Led to the passage of…
- __________________
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Industry eating up many _______________________________________________
Roosevelt loved the outdoors (He loved to _________________________________)
Sets up _____________________________________________________________
Set aside large portions of forests
Developed land for common good
What is Progressivism?
Trying to improve the country’s ____________________, ____________________ and ________________ life.
Progressivism was partly a reaction against ______________________________ economics, which emphasizes
an unregulated free market.
Emphasized some Socialist ideals, but different from ______________________________
- ______________________________________
- Henry George
- Edward Bellamy
Who was Progressive?
- White
- Middle class
- Educated
- Live in cities
- Social Gospel (Salvation Army)
How Were People Progressive?
Progressives thought _______________________ needed to play a more active role in solving society’s problems
Government Reforms:
– Efficiency progressives believed that cities should be run by a _______________ or _________________
– Publicly owned utilities
Voting Reforms:
- Direct primaries
- Initiatives
- Referendums
- Recall
- Direct election of _________________________
___________________________________ – Wisconsin became a model for political reform under him
Journalists with willingness to expose the _______________________________ of United States society.
Teddy Roosevelt nicknamed them “____________________________________”
Ida Tarbell
- The History of the Standard Oil Company
Upton Sinclair
- The Jungle
Lincoln Steffins
- New York Reporter who investigated corruption in the government
Jacob Riis
- Used his writing and photography help the impoverished citizens of New York by
making people aware of the living conditions of tenements
Women’s Rights
_________________________ states lead the way
National American Woman Suffrage Association
- ____________________________________
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Lucy Stone
___________________________ helped get women the 19 amendment
____________________ Amendment
– Prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to __________________________ based on sex.
Labor Reforms
– Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
– Muller vs. Oregon- Justified sexual discrimination and labor laws by upholding Oregon state restrictions
on the working hours of women as justified by the special state interest in protecting women's health
– __________________________________- Fought against sweatshops and for the minimum wage, eighthour workdays, and children's rights
– Settlement Houses/Jane Addams
– Limits on _________________________
Other Reforms
16th Amendment - Allows the federal government to collect ________________________________________
17th Amendment - Establishes the direct election of United States Senators by __________________________
18th Amendment - Establishes prohibition of ____________________ (Later repealed with _______ Amendment)
– Alcohol is ____________________
– _____________________________ Movement
– Carrie Nation
• Radical member of Temperance Movement that would attack alcohol establishments with a
– Woman's Christian Temperance Union
• First mass organization among women devoted to _________________________________
– Volstead Act
• Enacted to carry out the intent of the ____________________ Amendment (which prohibited the
transportation, manufacturing, or sale of intoxicating liquor)