Español 1 - Greer Middle College || Building the Future

Español 1
REPASO –tener vs tener que
1. What is the Spanish word that means TO HAVE?______________________________
2. Fill in the Chart below with the correct form of Tener with the subject pronouns
I have =__________________________
We Have = ________________________________
You (informal) Have =______________________
He / She has = ____________________________ They have = ________________________________
You (formal) have =________________________ You all have = ______________________________
3. How do you express obligations or something you HAVE TO do? ____________________________
II. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb Tener to tell what each person has.
1. Sara y yo ________________________ mucha tarea
2. Ramón _____________________ un carro rojo
3. Usted no _____________________la clase de algebra
4. Yo ________________ una mochila azul.
5. Gabriela y Luis _________________ el libro de español
6. Las hermanas _______________________ la clase de matemáticas.
7. Nosotros ________________________ unos correos electrónicos.
8. ¿Tú ______________________ un novio o una novia?
9. Ustedes _______________________ la practica de básquetbol hoy.
10. Ramona, Sandra y Roberto _______________________ una amiga bonita.
III. Choose between obligations and something a person has. Use the correct forms of Tener as you translate
each sentence.
1. I have a friend
2. We have a cat
3. They have to answer
4. Señor Galinanes has to teach Spanish class.
5. Sarita has an old uncle.
6. You (informal) have to take a test.
7. I have to arrive early.
8. Pablo is 15 years old.
IV. Express the obligations of the following people in Spanish. Watch out for the placement of frequency
1. They have to run sometimes
2. I have to eat every day.
You all almost always have to study.
3. David has to practice sports a lot.
4. Lola and I never have to study.
5. Almost every day you (informal) have to listen to music
6. We have to work often
7. I have to write in (en) class every day.
8. Sara and David always have to rest.
9. You (formal) almost never have to watch TV.
10. I often have to read a book