PSD World Languages UbD Unit Template Language Course/level Thematic unit Unit length Standards: Check as many as apply. Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question Guiding Questions Spanish Spanish 1 Family 6 weeks Stage 1: Desired Results __x___1.1 Interpersonal communication __x___1.2 Interpretive communication __x___1.3 Presentational communication __x___2.1 Cultural practices and perspectives _____2.2 Cultural products and perspectives _____3.1 Connections to other disciplines __x___3.2 Acquiring new information _____4.1 Language comparisons __x___4.2 Cultural comparisons Family is a large and cohesive social unit in which relationships extend through many households and many generations. Last names play an important role in the identity of the individuals in a family group and in society as a whole. How does my family help define my identity? Who are the members of my family? How are they related to each other? How do I describe the individual members of my family? How is my identity influenced by my family? At the end of this unit learners can talk about their own and other’s families. Learning goals Learners will understand the difference between immediate and extended families. They will also be able to talk about the cultural significance of different naming customs. Knowledge Functions What vocabulary, grammar and culture will learners need to demonstrate What can learners do? their knowledge? Functions Vocabulary Grammar Culture Name family members Family and Present tense of The structure extended of tener of extended family families in Possessive members the Spanish adjectives speaking Pets Descriptive world Tener adjectives Ser Describe family Ser noun – adjective members agreement Descriptive adjectives Professions Hobbies Telling age numbers tener expression Dating practices novio tener differences in dating practices in different cultures amigo Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Summative Performance Assessments 1. Read about families in Spanish speaking countries Interpretive 2. Listening activities Unit 3 3. Ask and answer questions about family Interpersonal Create a family tree and present it to the class Presentational Formative Assessments Other Summative Assessments Family vocabulary quiz Write a paragraph describing your family Tener and ser quiz Listening quiz ( Beginning level #13 Stage 3: Learning Activities Interpersonal Interpretive Interview a classmate about their family Listen to different people speaking about their families Read about cultural naming customs Watch a video in which the concept of dating practices is introduced Other Learning Activities Practice activities for tener and ser. Practice activities for possessive adjectives Presentational Create a family tree to present to the class Practice activities for noun- adjective agreement Pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet Resources Descubre 1, Lesson 3 on family Various other online videos and audio excerpts Flashcards Learner Targets Interpretive I can understand when people tell me about their families. I can read about naming customs Interpersonal I can ask and answer questions about family Presentational I can give a presentation about my family