COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS - Defined 1. HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT PATTERN Describes the client's perceived pattern of health and well-being and how health is managed. Includes the individual's perception of health status and its relevance to current activities and future planning. Also included is the individual's general level of health care behavior, such as adherence to mental and physical preventive health practices, medical or nursing prescriptions, and follow-up care. 2. NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC PATTERN Describes pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to metabolic need and pattern indicators of local nutrient supply. Includes the individual's patterns of food and fluid consumption, daily eating times, the types and quantity of food and fluids consumed, particular food preferences, and the use of nutrient or vitamin supplements. Reports of any. skin lesions and general ability to heal are included. The condition of skin, hair, nails, mucous membranes, and teeth, and measures of body temperature, height, and weight are included. 3. ELIMINATION PATTERN Describes patterns of excretory function (bowel, bladder, and skin). Includes the individual's perceived regularity of excretory function, use of routines or laxatives for bowel elimination, and any changes or disturbances in time-pattern, mode of excretion, quality, or quantity. Also included are any devices employed to control excretion. 4. ACTIVITY-EXERCISE PATTERN Describes pattern of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation. Includes activities of daily living requiring energy expenditure, such as hygiene, cooking, shopping, eating working, and home maintenance. Also included are the type, quantity, and quality of exercise, including sports, which describe the typical pattern for the individual. Factors that interfere with the desired or expected pattern for the individual (such as neuromuscular deficits and compensations, dyspnea, angina, or muscle cramping on exertion, and cardiac/ pulmonary classification, if appropriate) are included. Leisure patterns are also included and describe the activities the individual undertakes as recreation either with a group or as an individual. Emphasis is on the activities of high importance or significance to the individual. 5. SLEEP-REST PATTERN Describes patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation. Includes patterns of sleep and rest-relaxation periods during the 24hour day. Includes the individual's perception of the quality and quantity of sleep and rest, and perception of energy level. Included also are aids to seep such as medications or nighttime routines that the individual employs. 6. COGNITIVE-PERCEPTUAL PATTERN Describes patterns of language, memory, and sensorium.Includes the adequacy of sensory modes, such as vision, hearing, taste, touch, or smell, and the compensation or prothesthetics utilized for disturbances. Reports of pain perception and how pain is managed are also included when appropriate. Also included are the cognitive functional abilities, such as language, memory, and decision making. 7. SELF-PERCEPTION -- SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN Describes self-concept pattern and perceptions of self.Includes the individual's attitudes about himself or herself, perception of abilities (cognitive, affective, or physical), body image, identity, general sense of worth, and general emotional pattern.. Pattern of body posture and movement, eye contact, voice, and speech pattern are included. COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory 8. ROLE-RELATIONSHIP PATTERN Describes pattern of role engagements and relationship. Includes the individual's perception of the major roles and responsibilities in current life situation. Satisfaction or disturbances in family, work, or social relationships and responsibilities related to these roles are included. 9. SEXUALITY-REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN Describes patterns of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with sexuality; describes reproductive pattern. Includes the individual's perceived satisfaction or disturbances in his or her sexuality. Included also is the female's reproductive stage pre- or post-menopause, and any perceived problems. 10.COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN Describes general coping pattern and effectiveness of the pattern in terms of stress tolerance. Includes the individual's reserve or capacity to resist challenge to self-integrity, modes of handling stress, family or other support systems, and perceived ability to control and manage situations. 11.VALUE-BELIEF PATTERN Describes patterns of values, goals, or beliefs (including spiritual) that guide choices or decisions. Includes what is perceived as important in life and any perceived conflicts in values, beliefs, or expectations that are health related. COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory CLASSIFICATION OF NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSES BY GORDON’S FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT PATTERN Energy Field, Disturbed Growth, Risk for Disproportionate Health Maintenance, Ineffective Home Maintenance, Impaired Health-Seeking Behaviors (Specify) Infant Behavior, Disorganized, Infection, Risk for Risk for and Actual, and Readiness for Enhanced Injury, Risk for Organized Risk for injury, Suffocation Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction, Risk for Risk for injury, Poisoning Physical Mobility, Impaired Risk for injury, Trauma Sedentary Lifestyle Latex Allergy Response, Risk for and Actual Self-Care Deficit Management of Therapeutic Regimen, Effective Feeding Management of Therapeutic Regimen (Individual, Bathing-Hygiene Family, Community), Ineffective Dressing-Grooming Management of Therapeutic Regimen, Readiness Toileting for Enhanced Spontaneous Ventilation, Impaired Noncompliance (Specify) Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective (Specify Type:) Perioperative-Positioning Injury, Risk for Renal, Cerebral, Cardiopulmonary, Protection, Ineffective Gastrointestinal, Peripheral Surgical Recovery, Delayed Transfer Ability, Impaired Growth and Development, Delayed Walking, Impaired Development, Risk for Delayed Wandering Wheelchair Mobility, Impaired NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC PATTERN Adult Failure to Thrive Aspiration, Risk for Body Temperature, Imbalanced, Risk for Breastfeeding, Effective Breastfeeding, Ineffective Breastfeeding, Interrupted Dentition, Impaired Fluid Balance, Readiness for Enhanced Fluid Volume, Deficient, Risk for and Actual Fluid Volume, Excess Fluid Volume, Imbalanced, Risk for Hyperthermia Hypothermia ELIMINATION PATTERN Bowel Incontinence Constipation, Risk for, Actual, and Perceived Diarrhea Urinary Elimination, Readiness for Enhanced Urinary Incontinence Functional Urinary Incontinence ACTIVITY-EXERCISE PATTERN Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective Nausea Nutrition, Imbalanced, Less Than Body Requirements Nutrition, Imbalanced, More Than Body Requirements, Risk for and Actual Nutrition, Readiness for Enhanced Swallowing, Impaired Thermoregulation, Ineffective Tissue Integrity, Impaired Skin Integrity, Impaired, Risk for and Actual Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired Reflex Urinary Incontinence Stress Urinary Incontinence Total Urinary Incontinence Urge Urinary Incontinence, Risk for and Actual Urinary Retention COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory Activity Intolerance, Risk for and Actual Airway Clearance, Ineffective Autonomic Dysreflexia, Risk for and Actual Bed Mobility, Impaired Breathing Pattern, Ineffective Cardiac Output, Decreased Disuse Syndrome, Risk for Diversional Activity, Deficient Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response Falls, Risk for Fatigue Gas Exchange, Impaired SLEEP-REST PATTERN Sleep, Readiness for Enhanced Sleep Deprivation Sleep Pattern, Disturbed COGNITIVE-PERCEPTUAL PATTERN Adaptive Capacity, Intracranial, Decreased Confusion, Acute and Chronic Decisional Conflict (Specify) Environmental Interpretation Syndrome, Impaired Knowledge, Deficient (Specify) Knowledge, Readiness for Enhanced (Specify) Thought Processes, Disturbed Memory, Impaired Pain, Acute and Chronic Sensory Perception, Disturbed (Specify:) (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile, Olfactory) Unilateral Neglect SELF-PERCEPTION AND SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN Anxiety Personal Identity, Disturbed Body Image, Disturbed Powerlessness, Risk for and Actual Death Anxiety Self-Concept, Readiness for Enhanced Fear Self-Esteem, Chronic Low, Situational Low, Helplessness and Risk for Situational Low Loneliness, Risk for Self-Mutilation, Risk for and Actual ROLE RELATIONSHIP PATTERN Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for and Actual Communication, Readiness for Enhanced Family Process, Interrupted, and Family Process, Dysfunctional: Alcoholism Family Process, Readiness for Enhanced Grieving, Anticipatory Grieving, Dysfunctional, Risk for and Actual Parent, Infant, and Child Attachment, Impaired, Risk for SEXUALITY-REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction And Silent Reaction Sexual Dysfunction Sexuality Patterns, Ineffective Parenting, Impaired, Risk for and Actual, and Parental Role Conflict Parenting, Readiness for Enhanced Relocation Stress Syndrome, Risk for and Actual Role Performance, Ineffective Social Interaction, Impaired Social Isolation Sorrow, Chronic Verbal Communication, Impaired Violence, Self-Directed and Other-Directed, Risk for COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN Adjustment, Impaired Community Coping, Ineffective and Readiness for Enhanced Coping, Readiness for Enhanced Family Coping, Compromised and Disabled Family Coping, Readiness for Enhanced VALUE-BELIEF PATTERN Impaired Religiosity, Risk for and Actual Spiritual Distress, Risk for and Actual Spiritual Well-Being, Readiness for Enhanced Individual Coping, Ineffective Coping, Defensive Denial, Ineffective Post-Trauma Syndrome, Risk for and Actual Suicide, Risk for COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS – Assessment Tool 1. HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT Past medical history: Illnesses:_________________________________________________ Surgery:___________________________________________________ History of chronic disease__________________________________________ Immunization History: ____ Tetanus______ Pnemonia_____ Influenza_____ MMR______ ____ Polio ______ Hepatitis B Use of Tobacco: ____ None -Quit(date_____<1ppd____1-2ppd___ >2pks/day ___Pks/yr history _______smokeless tobacco)____pipe_____cigar Alcohol: Amount/type___________________________ Date of last drink__________________ Frequency of use ____________________________ Other drugs: Amount/Type :______________________Freq. Of Use :________________________ Medication (prescription/Nonprescription) Name Dose Frequency of Use Last Dose Allergies_________________________________________________NKA_____________ Perception of health:______good____ fair________poor Health Management Habits: Exercise on a regular basis? ___Yes___No Follow prescribed regimen? ___Yes __No Safety:____Special Equipment ___precautions:____Siderails___Restraints ___question for following: use of seat belt, car seats for kids, breasts/testicular self examination, safe working conditions.______________________________________________________ Safe environment at home i.e.: smoke detectors, access to home (stairs), throw rugs/carpets, cleanliness, health issues observed :__________________________ 2. NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC ____Not Assessed Ht._______Wt._______ Weight fluctuations last 6 months ____________________ Type of Diet/Restrictions:____ Regular____Lo Salt____Diabetic__ Other Supplements_______ Appetite____Normal___Increased___Decreased___Decreased taste___Food intolerance:_____ _____Nausea_____Vomiting Describe:_____________________________________________________ ______Swallowing difficulties_____gag reflex_______chewing difficulties Feeding ____Self____Assist _____Tube _____ Condition of mouth:_____pink______inflammed_____moist______dry _______lesions/ulcerations describe__________________ teeth /gums___________________ ______Dentures____upper (partial/full)_______lower(partial/full) ______Intravenous fluids type/amt__________________________________________________. Insertion Site:____________________________________________________________ ______NG________ Gastrostomy Feeding type: _________________________________ COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory Skin Condition: ____color: pallor, ashen, pink, jaundice, cyanotic, ruddy ____ temperature: warm, cool, hot ____dry, moist, clammy, diaphoretic ____edema:pitting/non-pitting ____turgor: good, poor, tenting ____pruriitis ____intact ____bruises/lesions describe: (size, location)___________________________ Body temperature:______ tympanic ______oral _____rectal 3. ELIMINATION ____Not Assessed Bowel Habits Describe:_________________________________________________________ (consistency, color, amount) _______#BM's/day______ Date of last BM _______Constipation_____Diarrhea_______Incontinence Bladder Habits Describe:___________________________(color, clarity, amount) _____Frequency ____Dysuria____Nocturia_____Urgency_______Hematuria ____Retention _____ Burning______Hesitancy________Pressure Incontinency:___No ___Yes______daytime ________nighftime ________occasional______difficulty delaying voiding Assistive Devices:_____intermittent catheterization______indwelling cath ______external catheter____________ incontinent briefs Ostomy: type: ___________Appliance ______self-care Inspect Abdomen:_____ symmetry_____ flat_____ rounded_______ obese Auscultate Abdomen:______ normal bowel sounds______Hypoactive______ Hyperactive Palpate abdomen:_____ soft____ firm_____ tender : describe______________________ distention: describe:_____________________________________ 4. ACTIVITY-EXERCISE ______Not Assessed A. Musculoskeletal:______tremors ____atrophy ______swelling Self-Care Ability: 0=Independent 1=Assistive device 2=Assistance from others 3=Assistance from person and equipment 4=Dependent/Unable 0 Eating Bathing Dressing Toileting Bed Mobility Transferring Ambulating Stairs Shopping Cooking Home Maint. 1 2 3 4 COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory Assistive Devices:___ none____ crutches ______bedside commode______ walker ____cane_____ splint/brace _____wheelchair________ other Gait:_____normal______abnormaI_______________________________(describe) Range of Motion______normal______limited_______________________(describe) Posture:______normal_______Kyphosis_________Lordosis Deformities_____no ______yes:__________________________________(describe) Amputation________________________Prosthesis_________________________ Physical Development Assessment:_______________normal__________abnormal describe:______________________________________ B. CV _____Not Assessed Pulse:_____regular ____irregular______strong _____weak _____radial rate_____apical rate Blood Pressure:______ standing_______lying________sitting Extremities: Temperature: ___cold ___cool ____warm_____hot Capillary Refill:_____brisk ____sluggish Color:_____________________(describe) Homan's Sign:______Negative_________Positive Nails: _______Normal________ Thickened _______other: ________(describe) Hair distribution:_____normal________abnormal________________(describe) Pulses:_______Femoral_______Popliteal_________Post-tibial_________Dorsalis ________Palpable________Doppled Claudication:______yes_______no C. Respiratory ______Not Assessed Inspect chest:________symmetrical ___________asymmetrical Respirations ___rate ___depth (shallow, deep, abdominal, diaphragmatic) ___regular ___irregular_______________periods of apnea ____dyspnea at rest____orthopnea____dyspnea on exertion _______Cough:dry/productive describe_____________________________ _______Sputum: describe_______________________________________ Auscultate chest:_______crackles_______rhonchi ______friction rub_______wheezing describe:___________________________________________ Other:_______chest tube_______ tracheostomy Describe:________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Oxygen:_______________________________________________________________ 5. SLEEP-REST ________Not Assessed Usual Sleep Habits: _____hours per night _________consecutive hours slept per noc ____a.m. nap ________p.m. nap feel rested after sleep__yes__no awakening during night __yes __no insomnia __yes __no Methods used to promote sleep: __medication:___________________________________ __________warm fluids _____rituals: (bathing, reading, tv, music) COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory 6. COGNITIVE-PERCEPTUAL _______Not Assessed Level of Consciousness:____alert___ lethargic___drowsy____stuporous______comatose Mood (subjective):___pleasant___irritable___calm___happy____euphoric _____ anxious_____ fearful_____ other:__________________________ Affect (objective):__surprise__anger__sadness__joy___disgust___fear___ flat__ blunted__ full___ Orientation Level:___person___place____time ____significant other Memory: recent:___yes ___no Remote: __yes __no Pupils:____size ____Reaction (brisk/sluggish) Reflexes:_____normal _____absent Grasps:______Right: strong/weak ______left: strong/weak Push/Pulls:______right: strong/weak _____left: strong/weak Other:_____numbness _____tingling Pain: ____Denies ____Location: describe: ________________________ ____Radiation: describe:________________________ ____Intensity: (0-10 scale) ____Timing (how often, events that percipitate) When did pain begin?________________________________________ What alleviates pain?________________________________________ What increases pain?________________________________________ Thought Content:_________________________________________________________________ Senses: Visual Acuity:_____wnl_____glasses______ contacts_____blind (R/L) Prosthesis: (artificial eye) R/L Hearing:_____wnl____impaired (R/L)_____deaf(R/L) ______hearing aid _______tinnitus______drainage from ears Touch: ________wnl______ abnormal: describe________ tingling _____numbness Smell______normal ________ abnormal Ability to: communicate: language spoken______ read____clear___, articulate____ Ability to make decisions__easy ___moderately easy ___moderately difficult ___difficult (subjective) 7. SELF-PERCEPTION-SELF-CONCEPT _______Not Assessed Appearance: ____calm____anxious____irritable_____withdrawn_____restless _____appropriate dress _______hygiene Level of anxiety: (subjective) Rate on 0-10 scale______________________ (objective) face reddened: ______no _____yes voice volume changes ___no ___yes(loud/soft) voice quality ___no ___ yes(quavering/hesitation) muscle tenseness: relaxed fists/teeth clenched Body language describe________________________________________________________ Eye contact: Answers questions: _________readily__________hesitantly Usual view of self_____ positive ______neutral _______somewhat negative (subjective) Level of control in this situation____________(0-10) (subjective) Usual level of assertiveness_______________(0-10) (subjective) Body Image: Is current illness going to result in a change in body structure or function? _____no _______unsure _____yes describe: ________________________________(subjective) COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory 8. ROLE-RELATIONSHIP ______Not Assessed Does patient live alone ____yes ____no: with whom________________________________________________ Married____________ Children__________________________ Next of Kin_____________________________________________ Occupation:_____________________________________________ Employment Status:___employed ____short-term disability_____long-term disability ______retired______unemployed Support System: _____spouse ______neighbors/friends________none _____family in same residence -family in separate residence Family: Interaction: (describe)___________________________________ __________ Question patient regarding: Concerns about illness:______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Will admission cause signifcant changes in usual role?______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Social activities:_______active ________limited _______none Activities participated in:____________________________________________________________ Comfort in social situations (subjective)________comfortable___________uncomfortable **** if patient is dependent on others for care note any evidence of physical or psychosocial abuse 9. SEXUALITY-REPRODUCTIVE ________Not Assessed Female:______date of LMP ___Para ____Gravida_______Pregnant ______Menopause ____no______yes _______year Contraception______no_______yes_______________Type Hx. of vaginal bleeding _____no ____yes (describe)_____________________ Last Pap Smear___________ History of sexually transmitted disease ____no _____yes:_________________ Male: History of Prostate problems _____yes ______no History of penile discharge, bleeding, lesions; ______no ______yes describe:________________________________________________________ Last prostate exam:_______________________ History of sexually transmitted disease ________no _______yes: Both: Problems with sexual functioning?____________________________________________ Sexual concerns at this time?____________________________________________________ 10. COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE _________Not Assessed Overt signs of stress (crying, wringing of hands, clenched fists) Describe:____________________________________________________________________ Question patient regarding: Primary way you deal with stress?___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Concerns regarding hospitalizaton/illness: (financial, self-care)_________________________ Major loss within last year ____yes _____no Describe:____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory 11. VALUE-BELIEF _______Not Assessed Religion:_____Protestant ____Catholic ___ Jewish __Muslim ___Buddhist ___None ___other: _____________ Question Tatient regarding: Religious Restrictions:_________________________________________________________ Religious Practices:___________________________________________________________ Concerns related to ability to practice usual spiritual or religious customs? ___________no ___________ yes Describe:_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory LEVELS OF ANXIETY Level Cognitive Response Emotion Decreased pulse, respiration, blood pressure, no muscle tension, relaxation, pupil constriction Minimal muscle tension, relaxed facial expression, minimal interaction between mind/body, more alert-sees, hears, grasps more Increased muscle tension, blush, beginning to feel out of control Daydream, transcendental mediation, early sleep stages imagining Little emotional activity, emotionally flat No talking, no interaction Takes in many stimulimore than usual, observant, curious, butterflies in stomach Safety, comfort, pleasure Automatic visual habits, non-competitive games, solitary activities, voice calm with interactions, questions 1-Help patient recognize it 2-Help him describe thoughts, feelings, actions 3-Help analyzeformulate meaning Ability to use learning process Emotional discomfort, challenges, fear/anger, need to handle situation at hand Repetitive questioning learning, selfish behavior meets own needs, assist others to meet needs, competitive activities, withdraw, attack, compromise 1-Allow verbalization 2-walking 3-crying Voice donates concern/ interest Severe Restlessness, sleeplessness pounding heart, perspiration stomach discomfort, N/V, headache, backache, vertigo, dilated pupils, taut facial expression, altered pain perception, appetite changes Focused perceptual field-one detail only, cannot learn-may or may not open field when directed, distorted time sense, problem solving difficulties dissociating, selective enhancement Awe, threat, terror, fear/anger, feeling of impeding doom Alternate withdraw/ attack, personal space extended, depression somatization, verbal activity speed vs. blocking, purposeless activity, distorted thinking 1-Remain available 2-allow verbalization 3-simple directions 4-do not reason with them 5- assess their major concern Panic Facial expression of terror, grimacing, poor motor coordination, minimal response to pain, noise Detail is blown out of proportion-cannot open perceptual field even when directed, ego boundaries are weak, can no longer distinguish dangerous /harmless stimuli Terror, horror, rage, dread Unable to communicate, hyperactive, random uncontrolled attack, primitive crying, curling up, biting, flailing, voice loudhigh pitched, rapid speech 1-Take control as necessary to prevent harm to self/ others Minimal (apathy) Mild Moderate Behavior Nursing Implications Physiology COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Most schools of nursing and health care agencies have developed their own structured assessment tools. Many of these are based on selected nursing theories. Gordon uses the word pattern to signify a sequence of recurring behavior. The nurse collects data about dysfunctional as well as functional behavior. Thus, by using Gordon's framework to organize data, nurses are able to discern emerging patterns. How well a client is functioning in these different areas can be evaluated with questions and observations. Sample questions are listed here to help you understand the patterns. PATTERN OF HEALTH PERCEPTION & HEALTH MANAGEMENT Describes the client's perceived pattern of health and well-being and how health is managed. How does the person describe her/ his current health? What does the person do to improve or maintain her/ his health? What does the person know about links between lifestyle choices and health? How big a problem is financing health care for this person? Can this person report the names of current medications s/he is taking and their purpose? If this person has allergies, what does s/he do to prevent problems? What does this person know about medical problems in the family? Have there been any important illnesses or injuries in this person's life? NUTRITIONAL - METABOLIC PATTERN Describes the client's pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to metabolic need and pattern indicators of local nutrient supply. Is the person well nourished? How do the person's food choices compare with recommended food intake? Does the person have any disease that effects nutritional- metabolic function? PATTERN OF ELIMINATION Describes the patterns of excretory function (bowel, bladder, and skin). Are the person's excretory functions within the normal range? Does the person have any disease of the digestive system, urinary system or skin? PATTERN OF ACTIVITY & EXERCISE Describes the pattern of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation. How does the person describe her/ his weekly pattern of activity and leisure, exercise and recreation? Does the person have any disease that effects her/ his cardio-respiratory system or musclo-skeletal system? COGNITIVE - PERCEPTUAL PATTERN Describes sensory-perceptual and cognitive patterns. Does the person have any sensory deficits? Are they corrected? Can this person express her/ himself clearly and logically? How educated is this person? Does the person have any disease that effects mental or sensory functions? If this person has pain, describe it and it's causes. PATTERN OF SLEEP & REST Describes patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation. Describe this person's sleep-wake cycle. Does this person appear physically rested and relaxed? COURSE SYLLABUS NURS 210L: RN Skills Laboratory PATTERN OF SELF PERCEPTION & SELF CONCEPT Describes the client's self-concept pattern and perceptions of self (e.g., self-conception/worth, comfort, body image, feeling state). Is there anything unusual about this person's appearance? Does this person seem comfortable with her/ his appearance?· Describe this person's feeling state? RELATIONSHIP PATTERN Describes the cleint's patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with sexuality pattern; describes reproductive patterns. How does this person describe her/ his various roles in life? Has, or does this person now have positive role models for these roles? Which relationships are most important to this person at present? Is this person currently going though any big changes in role or relationship? What are they? ROLE - SEXUALITY - REPRODUCTIVE PATTERN Describes the client's patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with sexuality pattern; describes reproductive patterns. Is this person satisfied with her/ his situation related to sexuality? How have the person's plans and experience matched regarding having children? Does this person have any disease/ dysfunction of the reproductive system? PATTERN OF COPING & STRESS TOLERANCE Describes the client's general coping pattern and the effectiveness of the pattern in terms of stress tolerance. How does this person usually cope with problems? Do these actions help or make things worse? Has this person had any treatment for emotional distress? PATTERN OF VALUES & BELIEFS Describes the patterns of values, beliefs (including spiritual), and goals that guide the client's choices or decisions. What principals did this person learn as a child that are still important to her/ him? Does this person identify with any cultural, ethnic, religious, regional, or other groups? What support systems does this person currently have?