BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing Student Name: Name Date: Course: NUR313.511 Clinical Instructor: Prof. PATIENT PROFILE DATABASE ADMISSION INFORMATION 1. Date of Care: 2. Patient Initials: 3. Age: 6. Reason (s) for Hospitalization: 4. Gender: 5. Admission Date: 7. Medical Diagnoses: (present diagnoses, past diagnoses): 8. Surgical Procedures: 9. ADVANCE DIRECTIVES (NURSE’S ADMISSION ASSESSMENTS): Living will: Yes No Power of attorney: Yes No Do not resuscitate (DNR) order: Yes No 10. LABORATORY DATA Test White blood cells Norms On Admissions 4.8-10.8 Current Value Other Creat Differential Norms 0.8-2.0 Albumin 3-5 Hemoglobin 14-18 AST 0-40 Hematocrit 42-52 MCV 80-94 130-400 MCH 27-31 Prothrombin time (PT) MCHC 33-37 International normalized ratio (INR) RBC 4.7-6.1 Activated partial thromboplastin Time (aPPT) T Prot 6.0-8.5 Platelets Blood glucose 65-115 Other: Sodium 135-147 Other: Potassium 3.5-5.3 Other: Chloride 95-108 Other. Calcium 8.5-10.5 Other: 8-26 Other: Blood urea nitrogen On Admissions 11. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Chest x-ray: EKG: Other: Other: Other: Other: Current Value BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing 12. MEDICATIONS List medications, times of administration, and therapeutic use Medication/Time of Therapeutic Use/Side or of administration. and therapeuticAdverse use Administration/Assessment Effects Medication/Time of Therapeutic Use/Side of Administration/Assessment Adverse Effects ALLERGIES/PAIN 13. Allergies 14. Where is the pain? 14. Patient pain on scale from 0-10? 14. When was the last pain medication given? TREATMENTS 15. Treatments: 16. Support Services: 17. Consultations: 18. DIET/FLUIDS Type of Diet: Restrictions: Gag reflex intact: Yes No Appetite: Breakfast % Lunch Dinner % % Check those problems that apply • Problems swallowing, chewing, dentures • Needs assistance with feeding • Nausea or vomiting • Over hydrated or dehydrated (evaluate total intake and output on I & O sheet) • Belching • Other Fluid Intake: 8 hours: 24 hours: Tube feedings: Type and rate: 19. INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS (IV therapy record) Type and rate: Location: Other: IV dressing dry, no edema, redness of site: Yes No 20. ELIMINATION Last bowel movement: 8-hour urine output: 24-hour urine output: Foley/condom catheter Yes Check those problems that apply • Bowel: • Urinary: • Other: constipation hesitancy diarrhea frequency flatus burning incontinence Incontinence belching odor No BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing 21. ACTIVITY Ability to walk (gait): Type of Activity orders: Use of assistive devices (cane, walker, crutches, prosthesis): Falls-risk assessment rating: No. of side rails req: Yes No Restraints: Yes No Weakness: Yes No Trouble sleeping: Yes No 22. PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT DATA Temperature: BP: Pulse: Height: Respirations: Weight: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Write WNL (within normal limits) if normal and Describe abnormalities in space provided: 24. NEUROLOGICAL/ MENTAL STATUS: LOC: alert and oriented to person, place, time (ADO x 3), confused, etc. Motor: ROM x 4 extremities Sensations: 4 extremities Speech: clear, appropriate/inappropriate Sensory deficits vision/hearing/taste/smell: Pupils: PERRLA Other: 25. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Bones, joints, muscles (fractures, contractures, arthritis, spinal curvatures, etc.): Extremity circulation checks (pulses, temperature, sensation, edema): TED hose/compression devices: type: Casts, splints, collar, brace: Other: 26. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Pulses (radial, pedal, etc.) (to touch or with Doppler): Capillary refill (<23 sec): Yes No Edema, pitting vs. nonpitting: Neck veins (distention): Sounds: regular, irregular Any chest pain? Other: 27. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Rate, rhythm, depth: Breath sounds: Skin color: Cough (clear, crackles, wheezes): Use of oxygen: nasal Flow rate of cannula, mask, trach oxygen: collar: Sputum Use of accessory muscles: (productive, (amount, color, nonproductive): odor,consistency): Pulse oximeter % oxygen saturation Smoking: Yes No If yes: number of cigarettes/packs per day and number of years of smoking: Other: BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing 28. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM : Abdominal pain, tenderness, guarding, distention, soft, firm: Bowel sounds x 4 quadrants: NG tube: describe drainage Other: Ostomy: describe stoma site and stools: Other: 29. SKIN AND WOUNDS: Color, turgor: Characteristics of drainage: Rash, bruises: Dressings (dry, clean, intact): Describe wounds (size, location): Edges approximated: Type of wound drains: Sutures, staples, steri-strips, other: Risk for pressure ulcer-assessment rating: Yes No Other: 30. EYES, EARS, NOSE, THROAT (EENT) Eyes: redness, drainage Ears: drainage Nose: redness, drainage Throat: sore Other: PSYCHOSOCIAL AND CULTURAL ASSESSMENT 31. Religious preference: 32. Marital status: AND CULTURAL ASSESSMENT Psychosocial and cultural assessment tool: See next sheet 33. Occupation: 34. Emotional state: BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing METHOD DAILY TEACHING PLAN Patient Name: Diagnosis: Teaching Technique(s): One-to-one discussion. Therapeutic communication. M (Medications): E (Environment): T (Treatments): H (Health knowledge of disease): O (Outpatient/inpatient referrals): D (Diet): BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Department of Nursing SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICATION SHEET Generic Name: Brand Name: Drug Classification: Reason your patient is receiving medication: Usual Dosage: Route: What you will need to assess before, during, and after giving medication: Evaluate effectiveness of medication: Rate of flow and time of administration for IV medication: Generic Name: Brand Name: Drug Classification: Reason your patient is receiving medication: Usual Dosage: Route: What you will need to assess before, during, and after giving medication: Evaluate effectiveness of medication: Rate of flow and time of administration for IV medication: Generic Name: Brand Name: Drug Classification: Reason your patient is receiving medication: Usual Dosage: Route: What you will need to assess before, during, and after giving medication: Evaluate effectiveness of medication: Rate of flow and time of administration for IV medication: 2003-2004 NANDA-Approved Nursing Diagnoses Activity Intolerance Activity Intolerance, Risk for Adaptive Capacity: Intracranial Decreased Adjustment, Impaired Airway Clearance, Ineffective Anxiety Anxiety, Death Aspiration, Risk for Attachment, Parent/Infant/Child, Risk for Impaired Body Image, Disturbed Body Temperature: Imbalanced, Risk for Bowel Incontinence Breastfeeding, Effective Breastfeeding, Ineffective Breastfeeding, Interrupted Breathing Pattern, Ineffective Cardiac Output Decreased Caregiver Role Strain Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for Communication, Readiness for Enhanced Communication: Verbal, Impaired Confusion, Acute Confusion, Chronic Constipation Constipation, Perceived Constipation, Risk for Coping: Community Ineffective Coping: Community, Readiness for Enhanced Coping, Defensive Coping: Family, Compromised Coping: Family, Disabled Coping: Family, Readiness for Enhanced Coping (Individual), Readiness for Enhanced Coping, Ineffective Decisional Conflict (Specify) Denial, Ineffective Dentition, Impaired Development: Delayed, Risk for Diarrhea Disuse Syndrome, Risk for Diversional Activity, Deficient Dysreflexia, Autonomic Dysreflexia, Autonomic, Risk for Energy Field, Disturbed Environmental Interpretation Syndrome, Impaired Failure to Thrive, Adult Falls, Risk for Family Processes, Dysfunctional: Alcoholism Family Processes, Interrupted Family Processes, Readiness for Enhanced Fatigue Fear Fluid Balance, Readiness for Enhanced Fluid Volume, Deficient Fluid Volume, Deficient, Risk for Fluid Volume, Excess Fluid Volume, Imbalanced, Risk for Gas Exchange, Impaired Grieving, Anticipatory Grieving, Dysfunctional Growth, Disproportionate, Risk for Growth and Development, Delayed Health Maintenance, Ineffective Health-Seeking Behaviors (Specify) Home Maintenance, Impaired Hopelessness Hyperthermia Hypothermia Identity: Personal, Disturbed Infant Behavior, Disorganized Infant Behavior: Disorganized, Risk for Infant Behavior Organized, Readiness for Enhanced Infant Feeding Pattern, Ineffective Infection, Risk for Injury, Risk for Knowledge, Deficient (Specify) Knowledge (Specify), Readiness for Enhanced Latex Allergy Response Latex Allergy Response, Risk for Loneliness, Risk for Memory, Impaired Mobility: Bed, Impaired Mobility: Physical, Impaired Mobility: Wheelchair, Impaired Nausea Neurovascular Dysfunction: Peripheral, Risk for Noncompliance (Specify) Nutrition, Imbalanced: Less than Body Requirements Nutrition, Imbalanced: More than Body Requirements Nutrition, Imbalanced: More than Body Requirements, Risk for Nutrition, Readiness for Enhanced Oral Mucous Membrane, Impaired Pain, Acute Pain, Chronic Parenting, Impaired Parenting, Readiness for Enhanced Parenting, Risk for Impaired Perioperative Positioning Injury, Risk for Poisoning, Risk for Post-trauma Syndrome Post-trauma Syndrome, Risk for Powerlessness Powerlessness, Risk for Protection, Ineffective Rape-Trauma Syndrome Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent Reaction Relocation Stress Syndrome Relocation Stress Syndrome, Risk for Role Conflict, Parental Role Performance, Ineffective Self-Care Deficit: Bathing/Hygiene Self-Care Deficit: Dressing/Grooming Self-Care Deficit: Feeding Self-Care Deficit: Toileting Self-Concept, Readiness for Enhanced Self-Esteem, Chronic Low Self-Esteem, Situational Low Self-Esteem, Risk for Situational Low Self-Mutilation Self-Mutilation, Risk for Sensory Perception, Disturbed (Specify: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile, Olfactory) Sexual Dysfunction Sexuality Patterns, Ineffective Skin Integrity, Impaired Skin Integrity, Risk for Impaired Sleep Deprivation Sleep Pattern Disturbed Sleep, Readiness for Enhanced Social Interaction, Impaired Social Isolation Sorrow, Chronic Spiritual Distress Spiritual Distress, Risk for Spiritual Well-Being, Readiness for Enhanced Spontaneous Ventilation, Impaired Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Risk for Suffocation, Risk for Suicide, Risk for Surgical Recovery, Delayed Swallowing, Impaired Therapeutic Regimen Management: Community, Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management, Effective Therapeutic Regimen Management: Family, Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management, Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management, Readiness for Enhanced Thermoregulation, Ineffective Thought Processes, Disturbed Tissue Integrity, Impaired Tissue Perfusion, Ineffective (Specify: Renal, Cerebral, Cardiopulmonary, Gastrointestinal, Peripheral) Transfer Ability, Impaired Trauma, Risk for Unilateral Neglect Urinary Elimination, Impaired Urinary Elimination, Readiness for Enhanced Urinary Incontinence, Functional Urinary Incontinence, Reflex Urinary Incontinence, Stress Urinary Incontinence, Total Urinary Incontinence, Urge Urinary Incontinence, Risk for Urge Urinary Retention Ventilatory Weaning Response, Dysfunctional Violence: Other-Directed, Risk for Violence: Self-Directed, Risk for Walking, Impaired Wandering Source, NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2003-2004. Philadelphia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. Used with permission