PUBLIC Information Security Document Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope Version 4.0 Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 1 PUBLIC Version History Version Date 1.0 01/08/2012 2.0 27/03/2013 3.0 30/08/2013 4.0 10/08/2015 Detail Approved by Information Governance Group Reviewed by Information Governance Group to expand on scope areas and processes Reviewed by Information Governance Group. Several Asset Owners have changed. Reviewed by Information Governance Group. Incorporation of definitions of internal and external stakeholders. Version 4.0 Author Jo White Jo White Jo White Jo White Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 2 PUBLIC 1.1 Introduction This document describes the scope of the Council’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) and how information assets are protected from influences which are outside of the ISMS scope. The Council’s ISMS functions in accordance with the ISO27001:2013 standard and all legal, regulatory and statutory requirements as identified below: The Data Protection Act (1998) The Freedom of Information Act (2000) The Computer Misuse Act (1990) The Human Rights Act (1998) The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988). The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) The Electronic Communications Act (2000) Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (2015) Also included within this document: A written scope defining company core business; Boundaries of scope; Geographical locations; Organisational employee structure; and Responsibilities and any other appropriate information. 1.2 Information Security Management System Scope The Information Security Management System of this Business Management System is based on BS EN ISO27001:2013. The scope of the certified Information Security Management System is for: "The protection of all information and data assets for the delivery of all Council functions, services and activities - excluding schools. The assets protected are physical locations, hardcopy data, electronic data, Council records, policies and procedures, software and licences and physical IT hardware. The boundaries of the Information Security Management System are the physical locations, authorised mobile workers and the endpoints of the organisational network. Supporting technology includes server platforms, network devices and organisational networks within the control of Derbyshire County Council, in accordance with Statement of Applicability Ver 5" 1.2.1 Within Scope Excluding schools, the Information Security Management System applies to all functions, services, activities and data information assets of Derbyshire County Council. 1.2.2 Out of Scope Schools and associated school maintained premises and resources are managed autonomously. Schools are beyond the scope of the Council’s ISMS Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 3 PUBLIC however, the Council provides key services to schools – many of which, schools may opt in or out of. 1.3 ISMS Scope Boundaries The relationship between the Council’s internal business/services within the ISMS scope and those which are out of the ISMS scope are identified below. Council services and activities within scope have been identified where there is a risk to information beyond the Council’s business end-points. OUT OF THE ISMS SCOPE WITHIN THE ISMS SCOPE EXTERNAL PARTY ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND SERVICES COUNCIL SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES Council premises and facilities Council public facing websites THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THIRD PARTIES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, POLICE, COURT SERVICES THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THIRD PARTIES THE POLICE, THIRD PARTIES THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, COURT SERVICES THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES POLICE, DISTRICT COUNCILS, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES Derbyshire Business Centre THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES Adult and Social Care services Audit Services Call Derbyshire (call centre) Children and Younger Adults services Computer and Internet use logs Coroners Corporate records Council Employee information GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, POLICE SCHOOLS, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THIRD PARTIES THE PUBLIC THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES COURT SERVICES, POLICE THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES Emergency planning Finance Freedom Of Information requests Hubs Legal services Libraries Pensions SCHOOLS, THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES SCHOOLS, THE PUBLIC, THIRD Property Services Recycling/waste disposals Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 4 PUBLIC PARTIES THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES SCHOOLS, THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THIRD PARTIES SCHOOLS, THIRD PARTIES THE PUBLIC THE PUBLIC, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, COURT SERVICES SCHOOLS, THE PUBLIC, THIRD PARTIES Registrars (Birth deaths and marriages) School admissions and referrals School Support services Subject access requests Trading Standards Transport EXTERNALLY CONTRACTED SERVICES AND SUPPLIERS IT Solutions, services and maintenance Disposals Building contractors Agency workers Cleaners Offsite storage Personal (medical) aides Environmental services subcontracting School transport Nursing Homes Individual Agencies THIRD PARTIES In delivering these services, the Council relies on many third party suppliers who are contracted to provide solutions and services which may store, process and generate Council information or who may have access to Council information. The Council is also required to share information with government and other outside agencies due to legal, regulatory, statutory or business requirements. The Council protects the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information which is held in locations by suppliers and other agencies that are outside of the Council’s ISMS scope by ensuring robust procurement processes, contractual and information sharing agreements are in place. 1.4 Company Stakeholders Derbyshire County Council delivers services for people of all ages in every community across the county. Many, but not all, of these services are required due to legal, statutory or regulatory requirements. Much of the information and data which is held and/or generated by delivering these services is subject to protection under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Council works to ensure that this information is protected at all times. The Council’s information asset risk management strategy has identified and appointed information asset Risk Owners from all departments. Risks to Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 5 PUBLIC Information assets are recorded in departmental Asset Registers and managed under the Council’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). 1.5 Key Business Risk Owners Key business processes include: Ref Asset Owner Department 1.5.1 Graham Woodhouse Adult Care 1.5.2 David Gurney Adult Care 1.5.3 Karen Gurney Children and Younger Adults’ 1.5.4 Martin Stone Children and Younger Adults’ 1.5.5 Robert Taylour Health and Communities 1.5.6 Don Gibbs Health and Communities 1.5.7 Mags Young Chief Executives 1.5.8 James Luckraft (DBC) Corporate Resources 1.5.9 Peter Handford Corporate Resources 1.5.10 Jeremy Goacher Corporate Resources 1.5.11 David Jenkins Health and Communities 1.5.12 Sally Goodwin Health and Communities 1.5.13 Angela Glithero Economy, Transport and Environment 1.5.14 James Luckraft Corporate Resources 1.5.15 Simon Hobbs Corporate Resources 1.5.16 Elaine Michel Health and Communities 1.5.17 Hayley Lever Health and Communities 1.5.18 Carol Brown Corporate Resources 1.5.19 Cliff York Corporate Resources 1.5.1 Graham Woodhouse Head of Finance, Adult Care. Responsible for Adult Care financial client files, finance staff and finance systems. 1.5.2 David Gurney Group Manager (Performance). Responsible for Adult Care fieldwork and direct care staff, client data held in electronic and paper form, non-financial systems and residential and day care establishments. 1.5.3 Karen Gurney Deputy Head of Finance, Children and Younger Adults’. Responsible for Children and Younger Adults’ financial electronic and paper files, finance staff and finance systems. Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 6 PUBLIC 1.5.4 Martin Stone Team Manager, Information & ICT, Children and Younger Adults’. Responsible for Data Management and Information Governance for Children and Younger Adults’ staff. 1.5.5 Robert Taylour Assistant Director, Health and Communities. Head of Trading Standards. Responsible for Trading Standards staff and IT systems. Also responsible for hardcopy case files and evidence files. 1.5.6 Don Gibbs Service Director, Health and Communities. Head of Libraries & Heritage. Responsible for libraries, library management system and user data. Also responsible for museum artifacts, Derbyshire Records office, physical archives, book stocks and Arts website. 1.5.7 Mags Young Assistant Chief Executive, Chief Executives. Responsible for electronically held data such as systems used by Public Relations, Complaints, Citizens personal data, Members’ Casework system and Communications personnel. 1.5.8 James Luckraft HR Service Partner, Corporate Resources. Responsible for the Derbyshire Business Centre which prints out the majority of the Council’s mailings, payslips, staff rotas, P60s and pension files. Also responsible for the delivery and dispatch of post, photocopying, press equipment and multi-function devices. 1.5.9 Peter Handford Director of Finance, Corporate Resources. Responsible for all corporate financial systems, personal data held electronically on those system, paper based pension files and other paper based financial records including invoicing. Also responsible for risk and insurance. 1.5.10 Jeremy Goacher Director of Property, Corporate Resources. Responsible for all council premises excluding residential establishments, asset management and job management systems, various files and databases used by Property Services and paper files relating to drawings, invoices and planning. 1.5.11 David Jenkins Corporate Records Manager, Health and Communities. Responsible for hardcopy offsite storage documents, records management within the Electronic Document and Records Management system, records management procedural framework, archive records and the Record Office cataloguing system. 1.5.12 Sally Goodwin Assistant Director (Community Safety), Health and Communities. Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 7 PUBLIC Responsible for the Council’s Business Continuity and Emergency plans and associated underpinning data and Domestic Violence personal data. Also responsible for the Council’s security key system. 1.5.13 Angela Glithero Assistant Director Economy, Transport and Environment (Resources & Improvement). Responsible for Environmental Services mobile devices, specialist technical equipment, protective monitoring systems, departmental ICT systems, personnel, some properties and the vehicle fleet. 1.5.14 James Luckraft HR Service Partner, Corporate Resources. Responsible for HR System, HR personnel files, medical accident/assault records and corporate learning and development. records, 1.5.15 Simon Hobbs Assistant Director Legal Services, Corporate Resources. Responsible for Legal Services IT System and associated paper files, Council minutes and reports, general office personal information and financial details and the Registration Service. 1.5.16 Elaine Michel Director of Public Health, Health and Communities. Responsible for Public Health staff, Public Health and Knowledge Services Teams personnel information. Also responsible for Public Health Births and Mortality files, Derbyshire Health United Care Home and Rightcare Contacts information and other data held and shared from and to the NHS. 1.5.17 Hayley Lever Director of Derbyshire Sport, Health and Communities. Responsible for Derbyshire Sport staff, electronically held data such as Sports Programme personal data, Sport Award Application personal data, website and database content management. 1.5.18 Carol Brown Assistant Director Transformation (Customer Services), Corporate Resources. Responsible for the Corporate Service Desk, the Council’s PC and Laptop estate, equipment commissioning and disposals and the definitive software library. 1.5.19 Cliff York Assistant Director Transformation (Infrastructure), Corporate Resources. Responsible for the Council’s Data Centres, servers, networks, technical specialists, internet, email, telephony, security incident management, business continuity, offsite storage for electronic data and support and maintenance contracts for equipment. 1.6 Company Structure The company structure can be observed in Appendix 1 Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 8 PUBLIC Derbyshire County Council employs a workforce of over 16,000 to collect and process information to enable the delivery of the above services. The Council is also responsible for the employment and pension information for both the current workforce and retired employees. 1.7 Geographical and Physical There are approximately 200 key office locations and Derbyshire County Council employees can also work from home or as mobile workers. The table below identifies where information assets can be located: Site Location Asset Types Head Office County Hall, Matlock Main Data Centre, all office equipment and core information assets. Other Office Shand House, Darley Dale Secondary Data Centre, office equipment and information assets. Other Office Chatsworth Hall, Matlock Office equipment and information assets. Other Office John Hadfield House, Matlock Office equipment and information assets. Derbyshire Records Office Matlock Office equipment and information assets. 3 Business Units Chesterfield, Denby, Doveholes Office equipment and information assets. 8 Highways/Street Lighting Depots Various Office equipment and information assets. 12 Social Services Area Offices Various Office equipment and information assets. 71 Children and Family Centres/Homes Various Office equipment and information assets. 46 Branch Libraries Various Office equipment and information assets. 26 Homes for Older People Various Office equipment and information assets. 24 Day Care Services Various Office equipment and information assets 6 Visitor Centres Various Office equipment Home & Mobile workers Various Laptops, Paper information assets and Digital information assets on laptops. Breakdown of Council business activities and end-points: Supports 423 schools with 8,000 teachers teaching 103,000 children. Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 9 PUBLIC 1.8 Run 54 children’s centres and support 137 day nurseries, 157 pre-schools, 137 out of school clubs, 2 creches, 26 holiday scheme and 697 childminders providing early years support. Run 7 Youth Resource Centres and 16 mobile youth units. Support 415 foster carers, run 9 children’s homes, 7 family support centres and 1 residential respite care home looking after more than 600 vulnerable children. Help more than 25,832 vulnerable and older people to live at home through directly provided services, housing-related support and services through the independent and voluntary sector. Support 3,223 people in residential care. Assist 1,409 people to arrange their own services through Direct Payments. Maintain 3,100 miles of roads, 1,063 bridges, 3,216 miles of public rights of way ad over 88,000 street columns which have more than 92,000 street lights. Operate a gritting route that covers 1,500 miles, 50% of our roads each year. Run 46 branch libraries, 12 mobile libraries, 1 museum, the records office and issue approximately 4.5 million items each year. Manage 5 country parks, 6 visitor centres, own 10 nature reserves and provide positive contributions at 352 local sites. Dispose and recycle more than 400,000 tonnes of waste each year. Manage a network of 468 miles of multi user trails/greenways. Provide 270 school crossing patrols. Have 1,200 businesses that are members on our Trusted Trader scheme, with feedback from over 16,000 consumers using the scheme each year. Provide trading standards advice to 5,816 businesses and members of the public each year. Manage over a million transactions to Call Derbyshire annually and have over 100,000 visitors to our website each month. Respond to approximately 400 emergency planning incidents each year. Information Security Objectives Business Objectives are documented in the Corporate Business Plan. In addition to Business Objectives, Information Security Objectives are also set. These are discussed in the Information Governance Group Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference are due for review in due course and this policy will then be updated accordingly. Terms of Reference The Council’s Information Governance Group manage and review the Council’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This shall include identifying opportunities for continuous improvement and the need for change. Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 10 PUBLIC Review, monitor, publicise and ensure the continuous development of effective information security related policies, procedures and guidelines. Ensure information security communications and awareness training is effective. Ensure the Council remains compliant with information security legislation, regulations, best practice and contractual obligations. Ensure the Council’s systems and processes are secure, fit for purpose and the Council is able to work collaboratively with third parties and exchange information with those third parties securely. Role of the Group: To develop the Council’s Information Governance work programme to establish good practice, promote a culture of information security awareness and ensure improvements to existing processes are implemented. 2. To ensure that an appropriate comprehensive Information Governance framework and systems are in place throughout the Council in line with national standards. 3. To inform and review the Council’s management and accountability arrangements for Information Governance. 4. To validate reviews of existing information security policies, procedures and guidelines and develop responses to new threats as they emerge. 5. To develop and maintain an Information Security Management System which conforms to the ISO 27001 standard. 6. To raise concerns, risks and issues associated with information security. 7. To establish and support effective communication to ensure that the Council’s approach to information handling is communicated to all Derbyshire County Council employees, including elected members, partner agencies, contractors and vendors with access to Council systems and made available to the public. 8. To coordinate the activities of employees given data protection, confidentiality, security, information quality, records management and Freedom of Information responsibilities. 9. To offer support, advice and guidance to the Caldicott Function and Data Protection programme within the Council. 10. To monitor the Council’s information handling activities to ensure compliance with law and guidance. 11. To ensure that security awareness training is made available by the Council and is taken up by staff as necessary to support their role. 12. To provide a focal point for the resolution and/or discussion of Information Governance issues. 1. Membership: The membership of the Information Governance Group will be: Strategic Director of Corporate Resources as Chair Director of Transformation One senior representative from each service Department One senior representative from Public Health One senior representative from Legal, Audit, Communications and HR Services Members of the Group will: Version 4.0 Derbyshire County Council ISO27001 Scope 11 PUBLIC Ensure engagement and awareness of the work of the Information Governance Group with Strategic Directors/Directors and senior management team Reflect the views of their department/function and contribute to decision making on action plans, policy developments and service delivery relating to Information Governance Consult with their department/function and contribute views based up on implications for implementation of Information Governance requirements from their departmental/function service delivery perspective Keep departments/functions informed on priorities, developments and decisions Ensure communication mechanisms are in place within their departments/functions to ensure information and actions are cascaded throughout the Council Implement any agreed actions ensuring consistency of approach throughout the Council Influence actions, behaviours and approaches and promote issues regarding Information Governance within their department/function Maintain sensitivity, confidentiality and diplomacy with regard to any proposals Meetings will be held on a monthly basis (Frequency of meetings will be reviewed on an annual basis from January 2012). 1.9 Responsibilities for Information Security Derbyshire County Council specifically reviews Information Security in a dedicated Forum. The following Employees constitute the forum: Strategic Director Corporate Resources (Chair); Director of Transformation; Information Security Manager; Adult Care Performance; Information Children and Younger Adults’; Assistant Director Economy, Transport and Environment (Resources & Improvement); Head of Business Services Health and Communities; Corporate Records Manager; Policy Manager Chief Executives; Business Development Manager Property Services; Service Development Manager Transformation Service; Senior HR Consultant; Solicitor Legal Services; Principal Auditor; Public Health representative All information security related issues and incidents are reported to the Information Governance Group as part of the Agenda and policies and procedures support incident reporting and management. 1.10 Monitoring and Review This document shall be continually monitored and shall be subject to a regular review which shall take place annually, or when a significant change is made. 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