big choices - Derbyshire County Council

It will help us if you use this questionnaire to answer the questions in Chapter 6 of the Big Choices
We suggest you read the whole report, and certainly Chapter 6, before you answer the
Please send the questionnaire, with any other comments you wish to make,
by email to < >
or by post to Development Plans Team (Waste), Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale
Road South, Matlock DE4 3RY.
Please reply by 9th April 2010. We will read and consider all responses; but replying by 9th April will
ensure that your comments do not arrive too late to be used in the next part of our work.
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Big Choice A: What proportions of recycling & composting and other forms of treatment should
the plan aim for?
Option 1 is “Aim for the minimum regional and government targets and those recently achieved for
recycling, composting and recovery of value.”
Option 2 is “Aim for higher levels of recycling & composting and other forms of treatment.”
Please tell us which option you prefer or, if you don’t like these, suggest other options:
Big Choice B: What should be the overall pattern of waste management facilities in the plan
Option 1 is “A few, large facilities, mainly in the Derby and Chesterfield areas, with various transfer
stations serving them.”
Option 2 is “A more diverse pattern, with local areas taking responsibility for their waste.”
Please tell us which option you prefer or, if you don’t like these, suggest other options:
Big Choice C: Should the plan aim for some new facilities to be in rural areas? If so, what types
of facilities?
Option 1 is “Yes. As many types as possible, to minimise impacts on peoples’ homes and workplaces.”
Option 2 is “Yes, but restricted to the types of facility that can comfortably be accommodated amongst
or near farm or other rural buildings.”
Option 3 is “No. The plan should protect the countryside from the impacts of waste developments.”
Please tell us which option you prefer or, if you don’t like these, suggest other options:
Big Choice D: Should the plan try positively to attract waste management firms to Derby and
Derbyshire, for example by providing for the development of specialist technological sites or
resource recovery parks?
Option 1 is “Yes, as much as possible.”
Option 2 is “Yes but not to the extent that it would make Derby and Derbyshire a net importer of waste.”
Option 3 is “No, because any economic benefits would be outweighed by the problems it would bring.”
Please tell us which option you prefer or, if you don’t like these, suggest other options:
Big Choice E: How and where should the plan make the necessary provision to address the local
Option 1 is “Despite the challenges, make the provision locally.”
Option 2 is “Rely on other areas to make the provision.”
Option 3 is “For City and Southern Derbyshire, plan for enough treatment facilities to deal with more
waste than is produced in this part of the plan area.”
Option 4 is “For North-Western Derbyshire, plan for enough landfill provision to take more waste than is
produced in this part of the plan area.”
Please tell us which options you prefer or, if you don’t like these, suggest other options:
Please also state whether you agree with Option 3 or suggest other options:
Please also state whether you agree with Option 4 or suggest other options:
Other Questions
Question 1: Bearing in mind the list in Appendix 3, are there any particular locational considerations
which you think are especially important when planning for waste sites?
Question 2: Do you know of any existing sites which you think should not be allowed to expand? If so,
why should they not be allowed to expand?
Question 3: Do you know of any existing sites which you think should be allowed to expand? If so,
would you like to see the site improved and how?
Question 4: Do you know of any sites or areas which would be suitable for the essential development
described in the Big Choices Report?
Question 5: Do you have other concerns or interests relating to waste development or waste
management? What do you think we should be doing about them?
Please email your replies to < > or write to Development Plans
Team (Waste), Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock DE4 3RY.