before the examinations - Brynmawr Foundation School

This booklet will hopefully prove informative and helpful to you and
your parents. Please read it carefully and show it to your parents so
that they are aware of the examination regulations and procedures to
follow in the event of any problems occurring. This information is also
available to view on the school website.
If there is anything you do not understand, PLEASE ASK.
If you or you parents have any queries or need help or advice at any
time before, during or after the examinations please contact:
Key Stage Four Manager – Mr G Smith
Leader of Learning – Miss K Griffiths
The examinations officers – Mrs Sharron Williams & Mrs Julia Phillips
The school telephone number is 01495 310527
Please check carefully on the attached individual timetable that
all your subjects have been entered and that the tiers are
 Candidates should particularly check that all personal details
(date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate as these will
appear on certificates and it may be difficult to change them
once certificates are awarded.
 Each candidate has a four-digit candidate number. This is the
number you will enter on examination papers. It will appear on
the front of this booklet and next to your name on the label on
your exam desk. Please remember it.
 A copy of the school’s GCSE timetable 2014 is included at the
back of this booklet, together with an individual timetable
showing your own specific examinations with details of date,
time and duration of exam. Check it carefully. If you think
something is wrong see Mrs Williams/Mrs Phillips in the exam
office immediately (B Floor office).
 Please check that the school has an up-to-date contact number
for you.
 Make sure you have all the correct equipment before your
examinations. Check the regulations in the notice to candidates
and the information in the following pages.
 A copy of the Notice to Candidates, which is issued jointly
by all the Examining Boards, is printed at the back of this
booklet. All candidates must read this carefully and note
that failure to adhere to the examination rules or
regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects.
The school has a legal responsibility to report any breach of
regulations to the Awarding Body.
It is essential that all pupils attend all their examinations. Should a
pupil fail to attend there may be a charge for the cost of the
 Should there be any problems with attendance – parents
should contact the school directly by 8.15am so that every
effort can be made to resolve the issue
 Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and
arriving at school at the correct time and date. Candidates
should arrive 15 minutes prior to the starting time.
 The majority of exams will be held in the Boys Gym, if there are
exceptions you will be informed. Due to the large numbers of
pupils sitting exams this year, we will once again be using the
Church Hall (Somerset Street Brynmawr). Details of exams to be
held at the Church Hall and pupils involved, will be posted on
the exams noticeboard in Reception.
Please check the noticeboard nearer the exam dates for
final details.
 Pupils will start their GCSE Examinations from 12th May
 School transport will run at normal times during the exam
period, candidates are responsible for getting to and from
school at other times.
 Correct full school uniform must be worn by all students for
 All equipment – pens, pencils, and maths instruments should
be brought in a clear pencil case. Pens should be black ink –
no correction pens or tippex are allowed. Calculators should be
brought when needed.
 Please make sure any alarms on watches are turned off.
 Do not attempt to talk with or distract other candidates.
 MOBILE PHONES must not be brought into the examination
room. If a mobile phone is found in your possession during an
examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from you
and a report made to the appropriate exam board. No
exceptions can be made.
 Electronic Gadgets must not be brought into the
examination room. iPods/iPads/MP3 players, electronic
dictionaries, calculators unless required for the paper being
sat, Samsung Galaxy Gear watches and similar watches
 Enter the exam room and locate your seating label. This
will be indicated on the seating plan held by the lead
Invigilator. Under no circumstances must labels be moved
as these are a necessary protocol from the examinations
 No food is allowed in exam rooms, only water is acceptable in
clear plastic bottles with the label removed.
 Please do not draw or write any inappropriate comments on
your exam paper – the exam board may refuse to accept it.
 Listen carefully to instructions read out by the invigilators –
there may be amendments to the exam paper you need to know
 Check you have the correct question paper – check the subject,
paper and tier.
 Read all instructions carefully and number your answers
 Candidates must stay in the exam room for at least one hour
after the published start time of the exam. If you have finished
the paper, use the time to check over your answers. Remember
to cross out any rough work. At the end of the exam hand in all
work, if you have used more than one answer book ask the
invigilator to fasten them together in the correct order.
 Invigilators will collect your papers before you leave the
room. Absolute silence must be maintained – remember
you are under exam conditions until you have left the room.
 You must not take question papers or answer books from the
exam room.
 Please leave the room quietly and show consideration for others
who may be still working.
 If the fire alarm sounds during an exam the invigilator will tell
you what to do. Don’t panic. If you have to leave the room, you
will be asked to leave in silence and in the order you are sitting.
You will need to follow all instructions immediately.
 Students who are entitled to exam dispensations such as
readers/scribes/word prosessors will be notified prior to the
start of the exams via the exams noticeboard in reception as to
where the exam will be held. Pupils with 25% extra time where
possible will sit their exams in the boys gym check the
noticeboard for any amendments. The amount of extra time
allowed for each exam will be displayed on the board in the
exam room.
 Exemplary behaviour and attitude will be expected from all.
Failure to adhere to school rules may result in serious
consequences eg, cancellation of paper
 The school employs external invigilators to supervise exams.
Students are expected to be respectful to them and follow their
instructions at all times.
 Please note that invigilators cannot discuss the paper or explain
the questions.
 Pupils who are disruptive will be removed from the exam room
by members of the Senior Management Team.
 If you experience difficulties during the exam period (illness,
injury or personal problems) please inform school at the earliest
possible point so that we are able to help or advise you.
 Only in exceptional circumstances are candidates allowed
special consideration for absence from any part of the exam. It
is essential that medical or other evidence is obtained on the
day and given to the examinations officer without delay for
application for special consideration to be made.
 Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted
as a satisfactory explanation of absence.
 Results will be available for collection on:
From 9.00am
 If you wish any other person to collect your results or wish
to have your results posted, you must complete the
attached authorisation and give this to Mrs Williams before
the end of the exams.
 Candidates who wish to have their results posted to them
should also leave a stamped, addressed envelope with Mrs
 No results will be given out by telephone.
 If you need post-results advice, careers and senior staff will be
available on results day.