FC water

APES Flashcards water pg 1
About 3.5%
= 40 kg salt per meter3
about 70%
about 3%:
2% in glaciers & ice caps,
1% in lakes, groundwater
“universal solvent,”
high surface tension,
capillary action,
solid form less dense than
liquid (i.e. ice floats),
polar molecule,
high heat storage capacity
Effluent = flows out;
effluent stream is perennial
stream because opening
located below water table.
Influent = flows in;
influent stream is ephemeral,
only flows when water table
is above streambed
Develop new water sources,
Ensure min. water quality
standards, Monitor ground
The layer of rock, dirt or
water supplies to prevent
sand which contains water.
overdrafting, Efficient
An example of groundwater. water distribution, Reduce
use, Reuse gray water,
Recycle water 8
An area of land that forms
the drainage of a stream or
river. e.g. A v-shaped
valley where all run-off
accumulates in one river.
Land that is wet part of the
year. e.g. swamp, bog,
vernal pools, estuaries.
Has certain veg type (e.g.
cattails, reeds)
and soil type
(e.g. anaerobic)
The layer of rock, dirt, and
sand above the water table
that stores water. This zone
may be saturated or not. i.e.
has the potential to store
Used water that has been
partially treated or not.
Mostly used in irrigation.
e.g. shower & laundry water
from homes used to water
roses & trees in the yard.
The top of the aquifer.
Upper level of saturated
zone of porous rock.
1. % salinity of ocean 2. % water on Earth’s surface 3. % freshwater of all water 4. Characteristics
of water 5. Effluent & influent 6. vadose zone 7. aquifer 8. Sustainable water policy
9. Gray water 10. watershed 11. wetlands 12. water table
APES Flashcards water pg 2
Biological oxygen demand
= The oxygen used by
aquatic organisms. eg.
BOD is high when bacteria
digesting organic matter and
fish breathing.
Dissolved oxygen = the
amount of O2 in the water
Mostly H2SO4 but also
HNO3. Coal mine debris
carried by runoff into
streams & lakes lowers pH
which kills or weakens fish
& other aquatic life,
corrodes metal water pipes,
can harm plants when into
groundwater. 16
Hg, Pb, Ni, Cd, As, Se, Cr
are examples. Are added to
water as byproduct of
mining operations &/or
industrial processes. Are
stored in fatty tissues (bioaccumulation), causing longterm damage mostly to
nervous sys & brain 19
An oil tanker traveling thru
narrows in Aleutian Isl,
Alaska, ran aground and
spilled abt 11 mill. gallons
of crude oil. Not the biggest
spill but illustrated problems
of clean-up & sadly, how
many 1000’s animals killed.
Bacterial, virus or other
disease-causing organisms
in the water: typhoid,
cholera, hepatitis, Giardia,
parasitic worms, etc.
From untreated sewage or
animal wastes in water.
Causes diarrhea, vomiting &
stomach aches 14
A material that can
neutralize acids.
e.g. CaCO3 can buffer acid
precip. Can raise pH I lakes
by adding limestone.
Toxic = Harmful, deadly,
Measured w/ LD-1 or LD50, etc.
Toxin measured in ppm,
ppb, etc.
Mostly non-pathogenic
bacteria which live in the
intestines of warm-blooded
animals. A test involving #
of coliform bacteria colonies
is used to estimate quantity
of raw sewage in water.
Mostly sediments from soil
erosion from agriculture.
Reduces photosynthesis
because less light in water.
Sediments can choke filter
feeders such as coral,
mussels & sea urchins.
This river caught on fire!!!
It was so polluted that sparks
from a nearby train ignited
oil-soaked wood which
ignited surface of river
Nitrates & phosphates
mostly as run-off fertilizer
from agriculture or
untreated sewage.
Causes eutrophication w/
lowered DO.
Measure of clarity of water.
Clear water is less turbid.
Qualitative meas of turbidity
w/ Secchi disk.
Quantitative meas as ppm or
BOD & DO 14. pathogenic H2O pollution 15. Toxic 16. Acidic H2O pollution 17. Buffer
Coliform bacteria 19. Heavy metal H2O pollution 20. suspended material H2O pollution
Nutrients H2O pollution 22. Exxon Valdez incident 23. Cuyahoga River incident
APES Flashcards water pg 3
Primary = sediments,
leaves, lg materials removed
by screens, strainers &
settling. Secondary =
organic matter removed by
bacteria w/ added oxygen
Tertiary = adds chemicals
to kill bacteria e.g. Cl or O3
or removes odd pollutant 25
Pesticides, food additives,
Same as Tertiary waste
PCB’s, dioxin, etc
water treatment. Final stage: added to water via runoff
adding chemicals to kill
from agriculture, and
bacteria e.g. Cl or O3 or
byproducts of incineration or
removes odd pollutant
industrial production.
May be carcinogens
Biological = # of coliform
Using fecal-coliform tests:
Heat is released into water
0 colonies / 100 ml = safe
mostly from power
Nutrient = quantity of
drinking water;
generating plants that use
nitrates & phosphates;
water as coolant.
Sediments = turbidity
< 200 colonies / 100 ml =
Decreases D.O.
Chemical = heavy metals,
safe swimming water
Changes habitat for aquatic pesticides, household
ecosystem, preventing fish
effluent e.g. car wash, lawn
treatments 30
At water outfall:
Removal of salt from water.
>d nutrients, >d bacteria,
Benefits: source of fresh
>d BOD, <d DO 
water near ocean
Precipitation – evaporation – Costs: very expensive,
infiltration = runoff
discharges very salty water,
Farther downstream w/
may use fossil fuel which
dilution, stream levels return
contributes to global warm
to normal
Straightening stream
channel, widening & lining
w/ concrete. Benefits:
improves drainage, controls
erosion & spring flooding.
Costs: loss of riparian
habitat, wetlands & breeding
areas for birds, amphibians,
really ugly 34
Benefits: controls flooding,
provides water all year,
generates cheap electricity.
Costs: loss of land, towns
& riparian habitat. Prevents
fish migration upstream.
Eventually dam fills in.
Chgs water temp & ability
for fish to reproduce 35
25. Primary, secondary & tertiary waste water treatment 26. Advanced waste water treatment 27.
Organic compounds H2O pollution 28. Standards for pathogens in water 29. Thermal H2O pollution
30. Types of water quality standards 31. Downstream from wastewater treatment outfall 32. generic
water budget 33. Desalination 34. Channelization 35. Dams